Source code for rayoptics.elem.profiles

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017 Michael J. Hayford
""" Module for different surface profile shapes

.. Created on Tue Aug  1 13:18:57 2017

.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt, copysign, sin, acos
from scipy import optimize

from rayoptics.util.misc_math import normalize
from rayoptics.raytr.traceerror import TraceError, TraceMissedSurfaceError

[docs]def resize_list(lst, new_length, null_item=None): return lst + [null_item for item in range(new_length - len(lst))]
[docs]def intersect_parabola(cv, p, d, z_dir=1.0): ''' Intersect a parabolid, starting from an arbitrary point. Args: cv: vertex curvature p: start point of the ray in the profile's coordinate system d: direction cosine of the ray in the profile's coordinate system z_dir: +1 if propagation positive direction, -1 if otherwise ''' # Intersection with a conic, starting from an arbitrary point. # # For quadratic equation ax**2 + bx + c = 0: # ax2 = 2a # cx2 = 2c ax2 = cv*(1. - d[2]*d[2]) cx2 = cv*(p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1]) - 2.0*p[2] b = cv*(d[0]*p[0] + d[1]*p[1]) - d[2] # Use z_dir to pick correct root s = cx2/(z_dir*sqrt(b*b - ax2*cx2) - b) p1 = p + s*d return s, p1
[docs]class SurfaceProfile: """Base class for surface profiles. """ def __repr__(self): return "{!s}()".format(type(self).__name__)
[docs] def update(self): return self
[docs] def f(self, p): """Returns the value of the profile surface function at point *p*. """ pass
[docs] def df(self, p): "Returns the gradient of the profile surface function at point *p*. " pass
[docs] def normal(self, p): """Returns the unit normal of the profile at point *p*. """ return normalize(self.df(p))
[docs] def sag(self, x, y): """Returns the sagitta (z coordinate) of the surface at x, y. """ pass
[docs] def profile(self, sd, dir=1, steps=6): """Return a 2d polyline approximating the surface profile. Args: sd: semi-diameter of the profile dir: +1 for profile from neg to postive direction, -1 if otherwise steps: number of points to generate """ pass
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): """Apply *scale_factor* to the profile definition. """ pass
[docs] def intersect(self, p0, d, eps, z_dir): ''' Intersect a profile, starting from an arbitrary point. Args: p0: start point of the ray in the profile's coordinate system d: direction cosine of the ray in the profile's coordinate system z_dir: +1 if propagation positive direction, -1 if otherwise eps: numeric tolerance for convergence of any iterative procedure Returns: tuple: distance to intersection point *s1*, intersection point *p* Raises: :exc:`~rayoptics.raytr.traceerror.TraceMissedSurfaceError` ''' return self.intersect_spencer(p0, d, eps, z_dir)
[docs] def intersect_welford(self, p, d, eps, z_dir): ''' Intersect a profile, starting from an arbitrary point. From Welford, Aberrations of Optical Systems (ISBN-10: 0852745648), eqs 4.34 thru 4.41. Args: p0: start point of the ray in the profile's coordinate system d: direction cosine of the ray in the profile's coordinate system z_dir: +1 if propagation positive direction, -1 if otherwise eps: numeric tolerance for convergence of any iterative procedure Returns: tuple: distance to intersection point *s1*, intersection point *p* Raises: :exc:`~rayoptics.raytr.traceerror.TraceMissedSurfaceError` ''' from numpy.linalg import norm p0 = np.array([p[0]+(d[0]/d[2])*p[2], p[1]+(d[1]/d[2])*p[2], 0]) z1 = self.sag(p0[0], p0[1]) p1 = np.array([p0[0], p0[1], z1]) delta = abs(z1) # print("intersect", z1) iter = 0 while delta > eps and iter < 1000: n1 = self.normal(p1) z1p = (d[2]*, (p1 - p0)))/, n1) x2 = (d[0]/d[2])*z1p + p0[0] y2 = (d[1]/d[2])*z1p + p0[1] z2 = self.sag(x2, y2) p2 = np.array([x2, y2, z2]) delta = abs(z2 - p1[2]) # print("intersect", p1[2], z2, delta) p1 = p2 iter += 1 # print('intersect iter =', iter) s1 = norm(p1 - p) return s1, p1
[docs] def intersect_spencer(self, p0, d, eps, z_dir): ''' Intersect a profile, starting from an arbitrary point. From Spencer and Murty, `General Ray-Tracing Procedure <>`_ Args: p0: start point of the ray in the profile's coordinate system d: direction cosine of the ray in the profile's coordinate system z_dir: +1 if propagation positive direction, -1 if otherwise eps: numeric tolerance for convergence of any iterative procedure Returns: tuple: distance to intersection point *s1*, intersection point *p* Raises: :exc:`~rayoptics.raytr.traceerror.TraceMissedSurfaceError` ''' p = p0 s1 = -self.f(p)/, self.df(p)) delta = abs(s1) # print("intersect", s1) iter = 0 while delta > eps and iter < 1000: p = p0 + s1*d s2 = s1 - self.f(p)/, self.df(p)) delta = abs(s2 - s1) # print("intersect", s1, s2, delta) s1 = s2 iter += 1 # print('intersect iter =', iter) return s1, p
[docs] def intersect_scipy(self, p0, d, eps, z_dir): ''' Intersect a profile, starting from an arbitrary point. Args: p0: start point of the ray in the profile's coordinate system d: direction cosine of the ray in the profile's coordinate system z_dir: +1 if propagation positive direction, -1 if otherwise eps: numeric tolerance for convergence of any iterative procedure Returns: tuple: distance to intersection point *s1*, intersection point *p* Raises: :exc:`~rayoptics.raytr.traceerror.TraceMissedSurfaceError` ''' def gen_f(profile, p0, d, z_dir): def func(s): p = p0 + s*d f = profile.f(p) df =, self.df(p)) return f, df return func conic = mutate_profile(self, 'Conic') s1, p1 = conic.intersect(p0, d, eps, z_dir) f = gen_f(self, p0, d, z_dir) sol = optimize.root_scalar(f, x0=s1, fprime=True, method='newton', xtol=eps, maxiter=1000) s = sol.root p1 = p0 + s*d # print('intersect iter =', sol.function_calls, sol.converged, sol.flag) return s, p1
[docs]class Spherical(SurfaceProfile): """ Spherical surface profile parameterized by curvature. """
[docs] def __init__(self, c=0.0, r=None): """ initialize a Spherical profile. Args: c: curvature r: radius of curvature. If zero, taken as planar. If r is specified, it overrides any input for c (curvature). """ if r is not None: self.r = r else: = c
@property def r(self): if != 0.0: return 1.0/ else: return 0.0 @r.setter def r(self, radius): if radius != 0.0: = 1.0/radius else: = 0.0 def __str__(self): return type(self).__name__ + " " + str( def __repr__(self): return "{!s}(c={})".format(type(self).__name__,
[docs] def listobj_str(self): o_str = f"profile: {type(self).__name__}\n" o_str += f"c={}, r={self.r}\n" return o_str
[docs] def copyFrom(self, other): dispatch[type(self), type(other)](self, other)
[docs] def copyDataFrom(self, other): =
[docs] def mutate(self, new_profile): Spherical.copyDataFrom(new_profile, self)
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): /= scale_factor
[docs] def flip(self): =
[docs] def intersect_tangent_plane(self, p, d, eps, z_dir): # Welford's intersection with a sphere, starting from the tangent plane # transfer p to tangent plane of surface s0 = -p[2]/d[2] p0 = np.array([p[0] + s0*d[0], p[1] + s0*d[1], 0.]) # Welford's 4.8, 4.9 and 4.12 F =*(p0[0]*p0[0] + p0[1]*p0[1]) G = d[2] -*(d[0]*p0[0] + d[1]*p0[1]) try: s1 = F/(G + sqrt(G*G - F* except ValueError: raise TraceMissedSurfaceError s = s0 + s1 p1 = p + s*d return s, p1
[docs] def intersect(self, p, d, eps, z_dir): ''' Intersection with a sphere, starting from an arbitrary point. ''' # return super().intersect(p, d, eps, z_dir) # Substitute expressions equivalent to Welford's 4.8 and 4.9 # For quadratic equation ax**2 + bx + c = 0: # ax2 = 2a # cx2 = 2c ax2 = cx2 = * - 2*p[2] b = * - d[2] try: # Use z_dir to pick correct root s = cx2/(z_dir*sqrt(b*b - ax2*cx2) - b) except ValueError: raise TraceMissedSurfaceError p1 = p + s*d return s, p1
[docs] def f(self, p): return p[2] - 0.5**(, p))
[docs] def df(self, p): return np.array( [*p[0],*p[1],*p[2]])
[docs] def sag(self, x, y): if != 0.0: r = 1/ try: adj = sqrt(r*r - x*x - y*y) except ValueError: raise TraceMissedSurfaceError(self, (x, y)) else: return r*(1 - abs(adj/r)) else: return 0
[docs] def profile(self, sd, dir=1, steps=6): '''Generate a profile curve for the segment sd. ''' prf = [] if len(sd) == 1: sd_start = -sd[0] sd_end = sd[0] else: sd_start = sd[0] sd_end = sd[1] if != 0.0: cv = r = 1/cv # calculate distance from CofC to profile point at the sd limit adj_start = copysign(sqrt(r*r - sd_start*sd_start), cv) adj_end = copysign(sqrt(r*r - sd_end*sd_end), cv) # get direction vectors from CofC to limiting profile points dir1 = normalize(np.array([adj_start, sd_start])) dir2 = normalize(np.array([adj_end, sd_end])) # calculate the angle between direction vectors. # the cross product gives the correct sign for the total angle if dir > 0: total_sin = np.cross(dir1, dir2) else: total_sin = np.cross(dir2, dir1) # using the dot prod gives the correct magnitude between 0 and pi total_cos =, dir2) total_ang_c = acos(total_cos) # use the sign of the sine to get the correct direction # for the angle total_ang = total_ang_c if total_sin > 0 else -total_ang_c # calculate the increment and sin/cos da = total_ang/(2*steps) sa = sin(da) ca = sqrt(1.0 - sa*sa) # calculate the starting sin/cos if dir > 0: sab = sb = sd_start*cv cab = cb = abs(adj_start*cv) else: sab = sb = sd_end*cv cab = cb = abs(adj_end*cv) # generate the points using the double angle trig formula for i in range(2*steps): prf.append([r*(1-cab), r*sab]) # print(i, r*(1-cab), r*sab) sab = sa*cb + sb*ca cab = ca*cb - sa*sb sb = sab cb = cab prf.append([r*(1-cab), r*sab]) # print(2*steps, r*(1-cab), r*sab) else: prf.append([0, dir*sd_start]) prf.append([0, dir*sd_end]) return prf
[docs]class Conic(SurfaceProfile): """ Conic surface profile parameterized by curvature and conic constant. Conics produced for conic constant values: + cc > 0.0: oblate spheroid + cc = 0.0: sphere + cc < 0.0 and > -1.0: ellipsoid + cc = -1.0: paraboloid + cc < -1.0: hyperboloid """
[docs] def __init__(self, c=0.0, cc=0.0, r=None, ec=None): """ initialize a Conic profile. Args: c: curvature r: radius of curvature. If zero, taken as planar. If r is specified, it overrides any input for c (curvature). cc: conic constant ec: conic asphere (= cc + 1). If ec is specified, it overrides any input for the conic constant (cc). """ if r is not None: self.r = r else: = c if ec is not None: = ec else: = cc
@property def r(self): if != 0.0: return 1.0/ else: return 0.0 @r.setter def r(self, radius): if radius != 0.0: = 1.0/radius else: = 0.0 @property def ec(self): return + 1.0 @ec.setter def ec(self, ec): = ec - 1.0 def __str__(self): return type(self).__name__ + " " + str( + " " + \ str( def __repr__(self): return "{!s}(c={}, cc={})".format(type(self).__name__,,
[docs] def listobj_str(self): o_str = f"profile: {type(self).__name__}\n" o_str += f"c={}, r={self.r} conic cnst={}\n" return o_str
[docs] def copyFrom(self, other): dispatch[type(self), type(other)](self, other)
[docs] def copyDataFrom(self, other): = =
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): /= scale_factor
[docs] def flip(self): =
[docs] def intersect_tangent_plane(self, p, d, eps, z_dir): # Welford's intersection with a conic, starting from the tangent plane # transfer p to tangent plane of surface s0 = -p[2]/d[2] p0 = np.array([p[0] + s0*d[0], p[1] + s0*d[1], 0.]) # Welford's 4.8, 4.9 and 4.28 ax2 =*(1. +*d[2]*d[2]) F =*(p0[0]*p0[0] + p0[1]*p0[1]) G = d[2] -*(d[0]*p0[0] + d[1]*p0[1]) try: s1 = F/(G + z_dir*sqrt(G*G - F*ax2)) except ValueError: raise TraceMissedSurfaceError s = s0 + s1 p1 = p + s*d return s, p1
[docs] def intersect(self, p, d, eps, z_dir): ''' Intersection with a conic, starting from an arbitrary point.''' # For quadratic equation ax**2 + bx + c = 0: # ax2 = 2a # cx2 = 2c ax2 =*(1. +*d[2]*d[2]) cx2 =*(p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] +*p[2]*p[2]) - 2.0*p[2] b =*(d[0]*p[0] + d[1]*p[1] +*d[2]*p[2]) - d[2] try: # Use z_dir to pick correct root s = cx2/(z_dir*sqrt(b*b - ax2*cx2) - b) except ValueError: raise TraceMissedSurfaceError p1 = p + s*d return s, p1
[docs] def f(self, p): return p[2] - 0.5**(p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] + (*p[2]*p[2])
[docs] def df(self, p): return np.array( [*p[0],*p[1], 1.0-(**p[2]])
[docs] def sag(self, x, y): r2 = x*x + y*y try: z =*r2/(1. + sqrt(1. - (***r2)) except ValueError: raise TraceMissedSurfaceError return z
[docs] def profile(self, sd, dir=1, steps=6): prf = [] if len(sd) == 1: sd_lwr = -sd[0] sd_upr = sd[0] else: sd_lwr = sd[0] sd_upr = sd[1] if != 0.0: delta = dir*(sd_upr-sd_lwr)/(2*steps) y = sd_lwr if dir > 0 else sd_upr z = self.sag(0., y) prf.append([z, y]) for i in range(2*steps): y += delta z = self.sag(0., y) prf.append([z, y]) # print(i, z, y) else: prf.append([0, dir*sd_lwr]) prf.append([0, dir*sd_upr]) return prf
[docs]def append_pt_to_2d_profile(surface_profile, y, poly_profile): """ calc surface sag at y and append to poly if ok, else return None """ try: z = surface_profile.sag(0, y) except TraceError: return None else: poly_profile.append([z, y]) return z
[docs]def aspheric_profile(surface_profile, sd, dir=1, steps=21): if steps < 21: steps = 21 prf = [] if len(sd) == 1: sd_lwr = -sd[0] sd_upr = sd[0] else: sd_lwr = sd[0] sd_upr = sd[1] if surface_profile.max_nonzero_coef > 0 or != 0.0: delta = dir*(sd_upr-sd_lwr)/(2*steps) y = sd_lwr if dir > 0 else sd_upr append_pt_to_2d_profile(surface_profile, y, prf) for i in range(2*steps): y += delta append_pt_to_2d_profile(surface_profile, y, prf) else: prf.append([0, dir*sd_lwr]) prf.append([0, dir*sd_upr]) return prf
[docs]class EvenPolynomial(SurfaceProfile): """ Even Polynomial asphere up to 20th order, on base conic. """
[docs] def __init__(self, c=0.0, cc=0.0, r=None, ec=None, coefs=None): """ initialize a EvenPolynomial profile. Args: c: curvature r: radius of curvature. If zero, taken as planar. If r is specified, it overrides any input for c (curvature). cc: conic constant ec: conic asphere (= cc + 1). If ec is specified, it overrides any input for the conic constant (cc). coefs: a list of even power coefficents, starting with the quadratic term, and not exceeding the 20th order term. """ if r is not None: self.r = r else: = c if ec is not None: = ec else: = cc if coefs is not None: self.coefs = coefs else: self.coefs = [] self.max_nonzero_coef = 0 self.coef2 = 0.0 self.coef4 = 0.0 self.coef6 = 0.0 self.coef8 = 0.0 self.coef10 = 0.0 self.coef12 = 0.0 self.coef14 = 0.0 self.coef16 = 0.0 self.coef18 = 0.0 self.coef20 = 0.0
@property def r(self): if != 0.0: return 1.0/ else: return 0.0 @r.setter def r(self, radius): if radius != 0.0: = 1.0/radius else: = 0.0 @property def ec(self): return + 1.0 @ec.setter def ec(self, ec): = ec - 1.0 def __str__(self): return type(self).__name__ + " " + str( + " " + \ str( def __repr__(self): return (type(self).__name__ + '(c=' + repr( + ', cc=' + repr( + ', coefs=' + repr(self.coefs) + ')')
[docs] def listobj_str(self): o_str = f"profile: {type(self).__name__}\n" o_str += f"c={}, r={self.r} conic cnst={}\n" o_str += f"coefficients: {self.coefs}\n" return o_str
[docs] def copyFrom(self, other): dispatch[type(self), type(other)](self, other)
[docs] def copyDataFrom(self, other): = = self.coef2 = other.coef2 self.coef4 = other.coef4 self.coef6 = other.coef6 self.coef8 = other.coef8 self.coef10 = other.coef10 self.coef12 = other.coef12 self.coef14 = other.coef14 self.coef16 = other.coef16 self.coef18 = other.coef18 self.coef20 = other.coef20
[docs] def gen_coef_list(self): if len(self.coefs) == 0: self.coefs = [] self.coefs.append(self.coef2) self.coefs.append(self.coef4) self.coefs.append(self.coef6) self.coefs.append(self.coef8) self.coefs.append(self.coef10) self.coefs.append(self.coef12) self.coefs.append(self.coef14) self.coefs.append(self.coef16) self.coefs.append(self.coef18) self.coefs.append(self.coef20) self.max_nonzero_coef = -1 for i, c in enumerate(self.coefs): if c != 0.0: self.max_nonzero_coef = i self.max_nonzero_coef += 1
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): /= scale_factor sf_sqr = scale_factor**2 self.coef2 *= sf_sqr self.coef4 *= sf_sqr**2 self.coef6 *= sf_sqr**3 self.coef8 *= sf_sqr**4 self.coef10 *= sf_sqr**5 self.coef12 *= sf_sqr**6 self.coef14 *= sf_sqr**7 self.coef16 *= sf_sqr**8 self.coef18 *= sf_sqr**9 self.coef20 *= sf_sqr**10
[docs] def flip(self): = for i, c in enumerate(self.coefs): self.coefs[i] = -c
[docs] def update(self): self.gen_coef_list() return self
[docs] def sag(self, x, y): r2 = x*x + y*y try: # sphere + conic contribution z =*r2/(1. + sqrt(1. - (***r2)) except ValueError: raise TraceMissedSurfaceError # polynomial asphere contribution z_asp = 0.0 r_pow = r2 for i in range(self.max_nonzero_coef): z_asp += self.coefs[i]*r_pow r_pow *= r2 z_tot = z + z_asp return z_tot
[docs] def f(self, p): return p[2] - self.sag(p[0], p[1])
[docs] def df(self, p): # sphere + conic contribution r2 = p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] e = -***r2) # polynomial asphere contribution r_pow = 1 e_asp = 0.0 c_coef = 2.0 for i in range(self.max_nonzero_coef): e_asp += c_coef*self.coefs[i]*r_pow c_coef += 2.0 r_pow *= r2 e_tot = e + e_asp return np.array([-e_tot*p[0], -e_tot*p[1], 1.0])
[docs] def profile(self, sd, dir=1, steps=21): return aspheric_profile(self, sd, dir, steps)
[docs]class RadialPolynomial(SurfaceProfile): """ Radial Polynomial asphere, on base conic. Conics produced for conic asphere values: ec > 1.0: oblate spheroid ec = 1.0: sphere ec > 0.0 and < 1.0: ellipsoid ec = 0.0: paraboloid ec < 0.0: hyperboloid """ initial_size = 10
[docs] def __init__(self, c=0.0, cc=None, r=None, ec=1.0, coefs=None): """ initialize a RadialPolynomial profile. Args: c: curvature r: radius of curvature. If zero, taken as planar. If r is specified, it overrides any input for c (curvature). ec: conic asphere. cc: conic constant (= ec - 1). If cc is specified, it overrides any input for the conic asphere (ec). coefs: a list of radial coefficents, starting with the constant term, (and not exceeding the 10th order term). """ if r is not None: self.r = r else: = c if cc is not None: = cc else: = ec if coefs: self.coefs = coefs else: self.coefs = [0. for i in range(self.initial_size)] self.max_nonzero_coef = 0 self.coef1 = 0.0 self.coef2 = 0.0 self.coef3 = 0.0 self.coef4 = 0.0 self.coef5 = 0.0 self.coef6 = 0.0 self.coef7 = 0.0 self.coef8 = 0.0 self.coef9 = 0.0 self.coef10 = 0.0
@property def r(self): if != 0.0: return 1.0/ else: return 0.0 @r.setter def r(self, radius): if radius != 0.0: = 1.0/radius else: = 0.0 @property def cc(self): return - 1.0 @cc.setter def cc(self, cc): = cc + 1.0 # @property
[docs] def get_coef(self, exp): return self.coefs[exp]
# @coef.setter
[docs] def set_coef(self, exp, value): try: self.coefs[exp] = value except IndexError: self.coefs = resize_list(self.coefs, exp, null_item=0.0) self.coefs[exp] = value
def __str__(self): return type(self).__name__ + " " + str( + " " + \ str( def __repr__(self): return (type(self).__name__ + '(c=' + repr( + ', ec=' + repr( + ', coefs=' + repr(self.coefs) + ')')
[docs] def listobj_str(self): o_str = f"profile: {type(self).__name__}\n" o_str += f"c={}, r={self.r} conic cnst={}\n" o_str += f"coefficients: {self.coefs}\n" return o_str
[docs] def copyFrom(self, other): dispatch[type(self), type(other)](self, other)
[docs] def copyDataFrom(self, other): = = self.coefs = other.coefs.copy() self.coefs = other.coefs self.coef1 = other.coef1 self.coef2 = other.coef2 self.coef3 = other.coef3 self.coef4 = other.coef4 self.coef5 = other.coef5 self.coef6 = other.coef6 self.coef7 = other.coef7 self.coef8 = other.coef8 self.coef9 = other.coef9 self.coef10 = other.coef10
[docs] def gen_coef_list(self): if len(self.coefs) == 0: self.coefs = [] self.coefs.append(self.coef1) self.coefs.append(self.coef2) self.coefs.append(self.coef3) self.coefs.append(self.coef4) self.coefs.append(self.coef5) self.coefs.append(self.coef6) self.coefs.append(self.coef7) self.coefs.append(self.coef8) self.coefs.append(self.coef9) self.coefs.append(self.coef10) self.max_nonzero_coef = -1 for i, c in enumerate(self.coefs): if c != 0.0: self.max_nonzero_coef = i self.max_nonzero_coef += 1
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): /= scale_factor self.coef1 *= scale_factor self.coef2 *= scale_factor**2 self.coef3 *= scale_factor**3 self.coef4 *= scale_factor**4 self.coef5 *= scale_factor**5 self.coef6 *= scale_factor**6 self.coef7 *= scale_factor**7 self.coef8 *= scale_factor**8 self.coef9 *= scale_factor**9 self.coef10 *= scale_factor**10
[docs] def flip(self): = for i, c in enumerate(self.coefs): self.coefs[i] = -c
[docs] def update(self): self.gen_coef_list() return self
[docs] def sag(self, x, y): r2 = x*x + y*y r = sqrt(r2) try: # sphere + conic contribution z =*r2/(1. + sqrt(1. -***r2)) except ValueError: raise TraceMissedSurfaceError # polynomial asphere contribution z_asp = 0.0 r_pow = r for coef in self.coefs[:self.max_nonzero_coef]: z_asp += coef*r_pow r_pow *= r z_tot = z + z_asp return z_tot
[docs] def f(self, p): return p[2] - self.sag(p[0], p[1])
[docs] def df(self, p): # sphere + conic contribution r2 = p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] r = sqrt(r2) e = -***r2) # polynomial asphere contribution - compute using Horner's Rule e_asp = 0.0 if r == 0.0: r_pow = 1.0 else: # Initialize to 1/r because we multiply by r's components p[0] and # p[1] at the final normalization step. r_pow = 1/r c_coef = 1.0 for coef in self.coefs[:self.max_nonzero_coef]: e_asp += c_coef*coef*r_pow c_coef += 1.0 r_pow *= r e_tot = e + e_asp return np.array([-e_tot*p[0], -e_tot*p[1], 1.0])
[docs] def profile(self, sd, dir=1, steps=21): return aspheric_profile(self, sd, dir, steps)
[docs]class YToroid(SurfaceProfile): """Y Aspheric toroid, up to 20th order, on base conic. """
[docs] def __init__(self, c=0.0, cR=0, cc=0.0, r=None, rR=None, ec=None, coefs=None): """ initialize a EvenPolynomial profile. Args: c: curvature r: radius of curvature. If zero, taken as planar. If r is specified, it overrides any input for c (curvature). cR: toric sweep radius of curvature rR: toric sweep radius cc: conic constant ec: conic asphere (= cc + 1). If ec is specified, it overrides any input for the conic constant (cc). coefs: a list of even power coefficents, starting with the quadratic term, and not exceeding the 20th order term. """ if r is not None: self.r = r else: = c if rR is not None: self.rR = rR else: self.cR = cR if ec is not None: = ec else: = cc if coefs is not None: self.coefs = coefs else: self.coefs = [] self.max_nonzero_coef = 0 self.coef2 = 0.0 self.coef4 = 0.0 self.coef6 = 0.0 self.coef8 = 0.0 self.coef10 = 0.0 self.coef12 = 0.0 self.coef14 = 0.0 self.coef16 = 0.0 self.coef18 = 0.0 self.coef20 = 0.0
@property def r(self): if != 0.0: return 1.0/ else: return 0.0 @r.setter def r(self, radius): if radius != 0.0: = 1.0/radius else: = 0.0 @property def rR(self): if self.cR != 0.0: return 1.0/self.cR else: return 0.0 @rR.setter def rR(self, radius): if radius != 0.0: self.cR = 1.0/radius else: self.cR = 0.0 @property def ec(self): return + 1.0 @ec.setter def ec(self, ec): = ec - 1.0 def __str__(self): return type(self).__name__ + " " + str( + " " + \ str( def __repr__(self): return (type(self).__name__ + '(c=' + repr( + ', cR=' + repr(self.cR) + ', cc=' + repr( + ', coefs=' + repr(self.coefs) + ')')
[docs] def listobj_str(self): o_str = f"profile: {type(self).__name__}\n" o_str += f"sweep radius: rR={self.rR}\n" o_str += (f"sweep profile: c={}," f" r={self.r} conic cnst={}\n") o_str += f"coefficients: {self.coefs}\n" return o_str
[docs] def copyFrom(self, other): dispatch[type(self), type(other)](self, other)
[docs] def copyDataFrom(self, other): = self.cR = other.cR = self.coef2 = other.coef2 self.coef4 = other.coef4 self.coef6 = other.coef6 self.coef8 = other.coef8 self.coef10 = other.coef10 self.coef12 = other.coef12 self.coef14 = other.coef14 self.coef16 = other.coef16 self.coef18 = other.coef18 self.coef20 = other.coef20
[docs] def gen_coef_list(self): if len(self.coefs) == 0: self.coefs = [] self.coefs.append(self.coef2) self.coefs.append(self.coef4) self.coefs.append(self.coef6) self.coefs.append(self.coef8) self.coefs.append(self.coef10) self.coefs.append(self.coef12) self.coefs.append(self.coef14) self.coefs.append(self.coef16) self.coefs.append(self.coef18) self.coefs.append(self.coef20) self.max_nonzero_coef = -1 for i, c in enumerate(self.coefs): if c != 0.0: self.max_nonzero_coef = i self.max_nonzero_coef += 1
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): /= scale_factor self.cR /= scale_factor sf_sqr = scale_factor**2 self.coef2 *= sf_sqr self.coef4 *= sf_sqr**2 self.coef6 *= sf_sqr**3 self.coef8 *= sf_sqr**4 self.coef10 *= sf_sqr**5 self.coef12 *= sf_sqr**6 self.coef14 *= sf_sqr**7 self.coef16 *= sf_sqr**8 self.coef18 *= sf_sqr**9 self.coef20 *= sf_sqr**10
[docs] def flip(self): = self.cR = -self.cR for i, c in enumerate(self.coefs): self.coefs[i] = -c
[docs] def update(self): self.gen_coef_list() return self
[docs] def sag(self, x, y): fY = self.fY(y) if self.cR == 0: return fY else: rRp = self.rR - fY z = rRp - sqrt(rRp*rRp - x*x) z_tot = z + fY return z_tot
[docs] def fY(self, y): y2 = y*y try: # sphere + conic contribution z =*y2/(1. + sqrt(1. - (***y2)) except ValueError: raise TraceMissedSurfaceError # polynomial asphere contribution z_asp = 0.0 y_pow = y2 for i in range(self.max_nonzero_coef): z_asp += self.coefs[i]*y_pow y_pow *= y2 z_tot = z + z_asp return z_tot
[docs] def f(self, p): fY = self.fY(p[1]) return p[2] - fY - self.cR*(p[0]*p[0] + p[2]*p[2] - fY*fY)/2
[docs] def df(self, p): # sphere + conic contribution y2 = p[1]*p[1] e = (*p[1])/sqrt(1. - (***y2) # polynomial asphere contribution e_asp = 0.0 y_pow = 1.0 c_coef = 2.0 for i in range(self.max_nonzero_coef): e_asp += c_coef*self.coefs[i]*y_pow c_coef += 2.0 y_pow *= y2 dfdY = e + e_asp Fx = -self.cR*p[0] Fy = (self.cR*self.fY(p[1]) - 1)*(dfdY) Fz = 1 - self.cR*p[2] return np.array([Fx, Fy, Fz])
[docs] def profile(self, sd, dir=1, steps=21): return aspheric_profile(self, sd, dir, steps)
[docs]class XToroid(YToroid): """X Aspheric toroid, up to 20th order, on base conic. Leverage YToroid"""
[docs] def __init__(self, c=0.0, cR=0, cc=0.0, r=None, rR=None, ec=None, coefs=None): """ initialize a EvenPolynomial profile. Args: c: curvature r: radius of curvature. If zero, taken as planar. If r is specified, it overrides any input for c (curvature). cR: toric sweep radius of curvature rR: toric sweep radius cc: conic constant ec: conic asphere (= cc + 1). If ec is specified, it overrides any input for the conic constant (cc). coefs: a list of even power coefficents, starting with the quadratic term, and not exceeding the 20th order term. """ super().__init__(c, cR, cc, r, rR, ec, coefs)
[docs] def normal(self, p): """Returns the unit normal of the profile at point *p*. """ # note that normal() uses df() which takes care of reordering x & y return super().normal(np.array([p[1], p[0], p[2]]))
[docs] def sag(self, x, y): return super().sag(y, x)
[docs] def f(self, p): return super().f(np.array([p[1], p[0], p[2]]))
[docs] def df(self, p): grad = super().df(np.array([p[1], p[0], p[2]])) return np.array([grad[1], grad[0], grad[2]])
dispatch = { (Spherical, Spherical): Spherical.copyDataFrom, (Spherical, Conic): Spherical.copyDataFrom, (Spherical, EvenPolynomial): Spherical.copyDataFrom, (Spherical, RadialPolynomial): Spherical.copyDataFrom, (Spherical, YToroid): Spherical.copyDataFrom, (Spherical, XToroid): Spherical.copyDataFrom, (Conic, Spherical): Spherical.copyDataFrom, (Conic, Conic): Conic.copyDataFrom, (Conic, EvenPolynomial): Conic.copyDataFrom, (Conic, RadialPolynomial): Conic.copyDataFrom, (Conic, YToroid): Conic.copyDataFrom, (Conic, XToroid): Conic.copyDataFrom, (EvenPolynomial, Spherical): Spherical.copyDataFrom, (EvenPolynomial, Conic): Conic.copyDataFrom, (EvenPolynomial, EvenPolynomial): EvenPolynomial.copyDataFrom, (EvenPolynomial, RadialPolynomial): EvenPolynomial.copyDataFrom, (EvenPolynomial, YToroid): EvenPolynomial.copyDataFrom, (EvenPolynomial, XToroid): EvenPolynomial.copyDataFrom, (RadialPolynomial, Spherical): Spherical.copyDataFrom, (RadialPolynomial, Conic): Conic.copyDataFrom, (RadialPolynomial, EvenPolynomial): EvenPolynomial.copyDataFrom, (RadialPolynomial, RadialPolynomial): RadialPolynomial.copyDataFrom, (RadialPolynomial, YToroid): EvenPolynomial.copyDataFrom, (RadialPolynomial, XToroid): EvenPolynomial.copyDataFrom, (YToroid, Spherical): Spherical.copyDataFrom, (YToroid, Conic): Conic.copyDataFrom, (YToroid, EvenPolynomial): EvenPolynomial.copyDataFrom, (YToroid, RadialPolynomial): EvenPolynomial.copyDataFrom, (YToroid, YToroid): YToroid.copyDataFrom, (YToroid, XToroid): XToroid.copyDataFrom, (XToroid, Spherical): Spherical.copyDataFrom, (XToroid, Conic): Conic.copyDataFrom, (XToroid, EvenPolynomial): EvenPolynomial.copyDataFrom, (XToroid, RadialPolynomial): EvenPolynomial.copyDataFrom, (XToroid, YToroid): YToroid.copyDataFrom, (XToroid, XToroid): XToroid.copyDataFrom, }
[docs]def mutate_profile(old_profile, new_profile_type): new_profile = eval(new_profile_type+'()') new_profile.copyFrom(old_profile) return new_profile
[docs]def test(): s1 = Spherical(0.0) s2 = Spherical(0.1) dir0 = np.array([0., 0., 1.]) v1 = normalize(np.array([1., 1., 1.])) p0 = np.array([0., 0., -1.]) p1 = np.array([0., 1., -1.]) p0s1 = s1.intersect(p0, dir0) print(p0s1) p1s1 = s1.intersect(p1, dir0) print(p1s1) p0s2 = s2.intersect(p0, dir0) print(p0s2) p1s2 = s2.intersect(p1, dir0) print(p1s2) dir_p1s2 = s2.normal(p1s2[1]) print(dir_p1s2) print("pass")
if __name__ == "__main__": test()