Source code for rayoptics.elem.surface

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2017 Michael J. Hayford
""" Module for optical surface related classes

        Container of profile, extent, position and orientation information of
        the surface

        Maintains data and actions to support 4 types of position and
        orientation changes.

        - DEC: pos and orientation applied prior to surface
        - REV: pos and orientation applied following surface in reverse
        - DAR: pos and orientation applied prior to surface and then returned to initial frame
        - BEN: used for fold mirrors, orientation applied before and after surface

        - Circular
        - Rectangular
        - Elliptical

.. Created on Sat Sep 16 09:22:05 2017

.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford

from enum import Enum, auto
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np

from rayoptics.seq import interface
from . import profiles
import transforms3d as t3d
from rayoptics.optical.model_enums import get_decenter_for_type
from rayoptics.raytr.traceerror import TraceError

[docs]class InteractionMode(Enum): """ enum for different interact_mode specifications Retained to restore old files .. deprecated:: 0.4.5 """ Transmit = auto() #: propagate in transmission at this interface Reflect = auto() #: propagate in reflection at this interface
[docs]class Surface(interface.Interface): """ Container of profile, extent, position and orientation. Attributes: label: optional label profile: :class:`~.elem.profiles.SurfaceProfile` clear_apertures: list of :class:`Aperture` edge_apertures: list of :class:`Aperture` """ def __init__(self, lbl='', profile=None, clear_apertures=None, edge_apertures=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.label = lbl if profile: self.profile = profile else: self.profile = profiles.Spherical() self.clear_apertures = clear_apertures if clear_apertures else [] self.edge_apertures = edge_apertures if edge_apertures else [] def __repr__(self): if len(self.label) > 0: return "{!s}(lbl={!r}, profile={!r}, interact_mode='{!s}')" \ .format(type(self).__name__, self.label, self.profile, self.interact_mode) else: return "{!s}(profile={!r}, interact_mode='{!s}')" \ .format(type(self).__name__, self.profile, self.interact_mode)
[docs] def interface_type(self): return type(self.profile).__name__
[docs] def listobj_str(self): o_str = f"{self.label}: " if self.label != "" else "" o_str += f"{self.interact_mode}\n" if self.profile is not None: o_str += self.profile.listobj_str() if hasattr(self, 'phase_element') and self.phase_element is not None: o_str += self.phase_element.listobj_str() if hasattr(self, 'decenter') and self.decenter is not None: o_str += self.decenter.listobj_str() o_str += f"surface_od={self.surface_od()}\n" for ca in self.clear_apertures: o_str += ca.listobj_str() for ea in self.edge_apertures: o_str += ea.listobj_str() return o_str
def __json_encode__(self): attrs = dict(vars(self)) del attrs['profile'] attrs['profile_id'] = str(id(self.profile)) return attrs
[docs] def update(self): super().update() self.profile.update()
[docs] def sync_to_restore(self, opt_model): super().sync_to_restore(opt_model) if not hasattr(self, 'profile'): self.profile = opt_model.profile_dict[self.profile_id] delattr(self, 'profile_id') for ca in self.clear_apertures: ca.sync_to_restore(opt_model) for ea in self.edge_apertures: ea.sync_to_restore(opt_model)
@property def profile_cv(self): return @profile_cv.setter def profile_cv(self, cv): = cv @property def optical_power(self): return self.delta_n * @optical_power.setter def optical_power(self, pwr): = pwr/self.delta_n if self.delta_n != 0.0 else 0.0
[docs] def set_optical_power(self, pwr, n_before, n_after): self.delta_n = n_after - n_before self.optical_power = pwr
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): super().apply_scale_factor(scale_factor) self.max_aperture *= scale_factor self.profile.apply_scale_factor(scale_factor) for e in self.edge_apertures: e.apply_scale_factor(scale_factor) for ca in self.clear_apertures: ca.apply_scale_factor(scale_factor)
[docs] def from_first_order(self, nu_before, nu_after, y): pass
[docs] def z_sag(self, pt): return self.profile.sag(0., pt[1])
[docs] def set_z_sag(self, pt): = self.calc_cv_from_zsag(pt)
[docs] def calc_cv_from_zsag(self, pt): x, y = pt cv = 2*x / (x**2 + y**2) return cv
[docs] def flip(self): self.profile.flip()
[docs] def surface_od(self): od = 0 if len(self.edge_apertures) > 0: for e in self.edge_apertures: edg = e.max_dimension() if edg > od: od = edg elif len(self.clear_apertures) > 0: for ca in self.clear_apertures: ap = ca.max_dimension() if ap > od: od = ap else: od = self.max_aperture return od
[docs] def point_inside(self, x, y): is_inside = True if len(self.clear_apertures) > 0: for ca in self.clear_apertures: is_inside = is_inside and ca.point_inside(x, y) if not is_inside: return is_inside else: return super().point_inside(x, y) return is_inside
[docs] def get_y_aperture_extent(self): """ returns [y_min, y_max] for the union of apertures """ od = [1.0e10, -1.0e10] if len(self.edge_apertures) > 0: for e in self.edge_apertures: edg = e.bounding_box() if edg[0][1] < od[0]: od[0] = edg[0][1] if edg[1][1] > od[1]: od[1] = edg[1][1] elif len(self.clear_apertures) > 0: for ca in self.clear_apertures: ap = ca.bounding_box() if ap[0][1] < od[0]: od[0] = ap[0][1] if ap[1][1] > od[1]: od[1] = ap[1][1] else: od = [-self.max_aperture, self.max_aperture] return od
[docs] def full_profile(self, edge_extent, flat_id=None, dir=1, steps=6): if flat_id is None: return self.profile.profile(edge_extent, dir, steps) else: if len(edge_extent) == 1: sd_upr = edge_extent[0] sd_lwr = -edge_extent[0] else: sd_upr = edge_extent[1] sd_lwr = edge_extent[0] if dir < 0: sd_lwr, sd_upr = sd_upr, sd_lwr prf = [] try: sag = self.profile.sag(0, flat_id) except TraceError: sag = None else: prf.append([sag, sd_lwr]) prf += self.profile.profile((flat_id,), dir, steps) if sag is not None: prf.append([sag, sd_upr]) return prf
[docs] def intersect(self, p0, d, eps=1.0e-12, z_dir=1.0): return self.profile.intersect(p0, d, eps, z_dir)
[docs] def normal(self, p): return self.profile.normal(p)
[docs]class DecenterData(): """ Maintains data and actions for position and orientation changes. - 'decenter': pos and orientation applied prior to surface - 'reverse': pos and orientation applied following surface in reverse - 'dec and return': pos and orientation applied prior to surface and then returned to initial frame - 'bend': used for fold mirrors, orientation applied before and after surface """ def __init__(self, dtype, x=0., y=0., alpha=0., beta=0., gamma=0.): self.dtype = dtype # x, y, z vertex decenter self.dec = np.array([x, y, 0.]) # alpha, beta, gamma euler angles self.euler = np.array([alpha, beta, gamma]) # x, y, z rotation point offset self.rot_pt = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) self.rot_mat = None def __json_decode__(self, **attrs): for a_key, a_val in attrs.items(): if a_key == 'dtype': self._dtype = (a_val if isinstance(a_val, str) else get_decenter_for_type(a_val)) else: setattr(self, a_key, a_val) def __repr__(self): return "%r: Decenter: %r, Tilt: %r" % (self.dtype, self.dec, self.euler)
[docs] def listobj_str(self): o_str = f"decenter type: {self.dtype}\n" o_str += f"decenter: {self.dec}\n" o_str += f"euler angles: {self.euler}\n" return o_str
@property def dtype(self): return self._dtype @dtype.setter def dtype(self, value): self._dtype = (value if isinstance(value, str) else get_decenter_for_type(value))
[docs] def update(self): def convertl2r(self): return np.array([-self.euler[0], -self.euler[1], self.euler[2]]) if self.euler.any(): self.rot_mat = t3d.euler.euler2mat(*np.deg2rad(convertl2r(self))) else: self.rot_mat = None
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): self.dec *= scale_factor self.rot_pt *= scale_factor
[docs] def tform_before_surf(self): if self.dtype != 'reverse': return self.rot_mat, self.dec else: return None, np.array([0., 0., 0.])
[docs] def tform_after_surf(self): if self.dtype == 'reverse' or self.dtype == 'dec and return': rt = self.rot_mat if self.rot_mat is not None: rt = self.rot_mat.transpose() return rt, -self.dec elif self.dtype == 'bend': return self.rot_mat, np.array([0., 0., 0.]) else: return None, np.array([0., 0., 0.])
[docs]class Aperture(): def __init__(self, x_offset=0.0, y_offset=0.0, rotation=0.0): self.x_offset = x_offset self.y_offset = y_offset self.rotation = rotation
[docs] def sync_to_restore(self, opt_model): if not hasattr(self, 'x_offset'): self.x_offset = 0.0 if not hasattr(self, 'y_offset'): self.y_offset = 0.0 if not hasattr(self, 'rotation'): self.rotation = 0.0
[docs] def listobj_str(self): o_str = "" if self.x_offset != 0. or self.x_offset != 0. or self.rotation != 0.: o_str = (f"x_offset={self.x_offset} y_offset={self.y_offset}" f" rotation={self.rotation}\n") return o_str
[docs] def dimension(self): pass
[docs] def set_dimension(self, x, y): pass
[docs] def max_dimension(self): x, y = self.dimension() return sqrt(x*x + y*y)
[docs] def point_inside(self, x, y): pass
[docs] def bounding_box(self): center = np.array([self.x_offset, self.y_offset]) extent = np.array(self.dimension()) return center-extent, center+extent
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): self.x_offset *= scale_factor self.y_offset *= scale_factor
[docs] def tform(self, x, y): x -= self.x_offset y -= self.y_offset return x, y
[docs]class Circular(Aperture): def __init__(self, radius=1.0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.radius = radius
[docs] def listobj_str(self): o_str = f"ca: radius={self.radius}\n" o_str += super().listobj_str() return o_str
[docs] def dimension(self): return (self.radius, self.radius)
[docs] def set_dimension(self, x, y): self.radius = sqrt(x*x + y*y)
[docs] def max_dimension(self): return self.radius
[docs] def point_inside(self, x, y): x, y = self.tform(x, y) return sqrt(x*x + y*y) <= self.radius
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): super().apply_scale_factor(scale_factor) self.radius *= scale_factor
[docs]class Rectangular(Aperture): def __init__(self, x_half_width=1.0, y_half_width=1.0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.x_half_width = x_half_width self.y_half_width = y_half_width
[docs] def listobj_str(self): o_str = (f"ca: {type(self).__name__}: x_half_width={self.x_half_width}" f" y_half_width={self.y_half_width}\n") o_str += super().listobj_str() return o_str
[docs] def dimension(self): return (self.x_half_width, self.y_half_width)
[docs] def set_dimension(self, x, y): self.x_half_width = abs(x) self.y_half_width = abs(y)
[docs] def point_inside(self, x, y): x, y = self.tform(x, y) return abs(x) <= self.x_half_width and abs(y) <= self.y_half_width
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): super().apply_scale_factor(scale_factor) self.x_half_width *= scale_factor self.y_half_width *= scale_factor
[docs]class Elliptical(Aperture): def __init__(self, x_half_width=1.0, y_half_width=1.0, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.x_half_width = x_half_width self.y_half_width = y_half_width
[docs] def listobj_str(self): o_str = (f"ca: {type(self).__name__}: x_half_width={self.x_half_width}" f" y_half_width={self.y_half_width}\n") o_str += super().listobj_str() return o_str
[docs] def dimension(self): return (self.x_half_width, self.y_half_width)
[docs] def set_dimension(self, x, y): self.x_half_width = abs(x) self.y_half_width = abs(y)
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): super().apply_scale_factor(scale_factor) self.x_half_width *= scale_factor self.y_half_width *= scale_factor