Source code for rayoptics.gui.appmanager

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2018 Michael J. Hayford
""" Lightweight manager class to connect a model+actions to windows

.. Created on Fri Aug 17 11:35:01 2018

.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford
import logging

from collections import namedtuple

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ModelInfo = namedtuple('ModelInfo', ['model', 'fct', 'args', 'kwargs'])
ModelInfo.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, (), {})
ModelInfo.model.__doc__ = "object associated with view update function"
ModelInfo.fct.__doc__ = "view update function, can be None"
ModelInfo.args.__doc__ = "list of fct arguments"
ModelInfo.kwargs.__doc__ = "list of fct keyword arguments"

""" package of a model and a update function with args and kwargs

        model: object associated with view update function
        fct: view update function, can be None
        args: list of fct arguments
        kwargs: list of fct keyword arguments

        ``model`` is required; ``fct``, ``args`` and ``kwargs`` are optional

[docs]class AppManager: """ Lightweight model/view manager class Lightweight manager class to manage connections between a model and a ui view. The main function of AppManager is refresh_gui(). This is called after a user input to the gui to update the model and call a refresh function for each ui view of that model. Attributes: model: the model of the currently active/frontmost ui view model is expected to respond to: - update_model() - name() gui_parent: the top level gui manager (optional) gui_parent is expected to implement: - refresh_app_ui() view_dict: keys are ui views, values are ModelInfo tuples view is expected to implement: - windowTitle() - only for debug logging """ def __init__(self, model, gui_parent=None): self.model = self._tag_model(model) self.gui_parent = gui_parent self.view_dict = {} self.figures = [] def _tag_model(self, model): if model is not None: if not hasattr(model, 'app_manager'): model.app_manager = self
[docs] def set_model(self, model): self._tag_model(model) self.model = model
[docs] def add_view(self, view, gui_hook, model_info): """ Add a new view and model tuple into dictionary Args: view: the ui view, used as a key gui_hook: instance of the GUI component to be refreshed model_info: instance of the ModelInfo tuple Returns: returns the input view """ self._tag_model(model_info.model) self.view_dict[view] = gui_hook, model_info return view
[docs] def add_figure(self, fig): """ Add a new figure to be updated at refresh_gui. Args: fig: the ui figure Returns: returns the input figure """ self.figures.append(fig) return fig
[docs] def delete_view(self, view): """ removes view from the view dictionary Args: view: view being closed by user """ logger.debug(f'AppManager.delete_view: {view.windowTitle()}') self.view_dict.pop(view, None)
[docs] def close_model(self, view_close_fct=None): """ close all ui views associated with the active model Args: view_close_fct: optional fct called on each closing view, with the view as an argument. This function, if used, should call delete_view itself. """ cur_model = self.model view_items = list(self.view_dict.items()) for view, info in view_items: mi = info[1] if mi.model == cur_model: if view_close_fct is None: self.delete_view(view) else: view_close_fct(view) if cur_model is not None: delattr(cur_model, 'app_manager') self.model = None
[docs] def refresh_gui(self, **kwargs): """ update the active model and refresh its dependent ui views """ if self.model is not None: self.model.update_model(**kwargs) self.refresh_views(**kwargs) self.refresh_figures(**kwargs)
[docs] def refresh_views(self, **kwargs): """ refresh the dependent ui views of the active model """ if self.gui_parent is not None: self.gui_parent.refresh_app_ui() # traverse a copy of the view dict. this way we can delete any errant # views we might find. we don't seem to be trapping closing a window # via a close box under pyqt5 for view, info in dict(self.view_dict).items(): mi = info[1] if mi.model == self.model: if mi.fct is not None: try: mi.fct(*mi.args, **mi.kwargs) except RuntimeError: del self.view_dict[view]
[docs] def refresh_figures(self, **kwargs): """ refresh the dependent ui views of the active model """ # traverse a copy of the view dict. this way we can delete any errant # views we might find. we don't seem to be trapping closing a window # via a close box under pyqt5 for fig in self.figures: fig.refresh(**kwargs)
[docs] def on_view_activated(self, view): """ Makes the model associated with input view the active model Args: view: view becoming the active view """ if view is not None: try: info = self.view_dict[view] except KeyError: logger.debug('view "%s" not in view_dict', view.windowTitle()) else: mi = info[1] model = mi.model if model: logger.debug("on_view_activated: %s, %s" % (, view.windowTitle())) if model and model != self.model: self.model = model self.refresh_views() logger.debug("switch model to",
[docs] def sync_light_or_dark(self, is_dark): """ Tells views to update to a light or dark color scheme """ for view, _ in dict(self.view_dict).items(): try: view.sync_light_or_dark(is_dark) except AttributeError: pass