Source code for rayoptics.mpl.axisarrayfigure

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2018 Michael J. Hayford

.. Created on Fri Apr  13 10:43:19 2018

.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford

from enum import Enum, auto

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

import numpy as np

from rayoptics.mpl.styledfigure import StyledFigure

from rayoptics.raytr.waveabr import wave_abr_full_calc
import rayoptics.optical.model_constants as mc

[docs] class Fit(Enum): All = auto() All_Same = auto() User_Scale = auto()
[docs] def clip_to_range(rgb_list, lower, upper): rgbc_list = [] for rgb in rgb_list: rgbc = [] for i, clr in enumerate(rgb): rgbc.append(clr) if clr < lower: rgbc[i] = lower if upper < clr: rgbc[i] = upper rgbc_list.append(rgbc) return rgbc
[docs] class AxisArrayFigure(StyledFigure): def __init__(self, opt_model, num_rays=21, scale_type=Fit.All, user_scale_value=0.1, num_rows=1, num_cols=1, eval_fct=None, **kwargs): self.opt_model = opt_model self.num_rays = num_rays self.user_scale_value = user_scale_value self.scale_type = scale_type super().__init__(**kwargs) self.eval_fct = eval_fct self.num_rows = num_rows self.num_cols = num_cols self.update_data(**kwargs)
[docs] def init_axis(self, ax): ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlim(-1., 1.) ax.axvline(0, c=self._rgb['foreground'], lw=1) ax.axhline(0, c=self._rgb['foreground'], lw=1)
[docs] def construct_plot_array(self, m, n): arr = [] k = 1 for i in reversed(range(m)): row = [] for j in reversed(range(n)): ax = self.add_subplot(m, n, k) self.init_axis(ax) # title = "["+str(i)+"],["+str(j)+"]" # print("title, id(ax):", title, id(ax)) # ax.set_title(title) row.append(ax) k += 1 arr.append(row) return arr
[docs] def wvl_to_sys_units(self, wvl): return self.opt_model.nm_to_sys_units(wvl)
[docs] def refresh(self, **kwargs): self.update_data(**kwargs) self.plot() return self
[docs] def update_data(self, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def plot(self): pass
[docs] class RayFanFigure(AxisArrayFigure): def __init__(self, opt_model, data_type, override_style=True, do_smoothing=True, **kwargs): self.max_value_all = 0.0 self.override_style = override_style self.do_smoothing = do_smoothing seq_model = opt_model.seq_model osp = opt_model.optical_spec central_wvl = osp.spectral_region.central_wvl convert_to_waves = 1/opt_model.nm_to_sys_units(central_wvl) def ray_abr(p, xy, ray_pkg, fld, wvl, foc): if ray_pkg[mc.ray] is not None: image_pt = fld.ref_sphere[0] ray = ray_pkg[mc.ray] dist = foc / ray[-1][mc.d][2] defocused_pt = ray[-1][mc.p] + dist*ray[-1][mc.d] t_abr = defocused_pt - image_pt return t_abr[xy] else: return None def opd(p, xy, ray_pkg, fld, wvl, foc): if ray_pkg[mc.ray] is not None: fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod opd = wave_abr_full_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, fld.chief_ray, fld.ref_sphere) return convert_to_waves*opd else: return None def eval_abr_fan(i, j): fld, wvl, foc = osp.lookup_fld_wvl_focus(i) return seq_model.trace_fan(ray_abr, i, j, num_rays=self.num_rays) def eval_opd_fan(i, j): fld, wvl, foc = osp.lookup_fld_wvl_focus(i) return seq_model.trace_fan(opd, i, j, num_rays=self.num_rays) if data_type == 'Ray': eval_fan = eval_abr_fan elif data_type == 'OPD': eval_fan = eval_opd_fan num_flds = len(osp.field_of_view.fields) super().__init__(opt_model, eval_fct=eval_fan, num_rows=num_flds, num_cols=2, **kwargs)
[docs] def update_data(self, build='rebuild', **kwargs): do_smoothing = kwargs.get('do_smoothing', self.do_smoothing) self.axis_data_array = [] for i in reversed(range(self.num_rows)): row = [] for j in reversed(range(self.num_cols)): x_smooth = [] y_smooth = [] x_data, y_data, max_value, rc = self.eval_fct(i, j) # x_data, y_data, max_value, rc = self.eval_axis_data(i, j) # rc = clip_to_range(rc, 0.0, 1.0) for k in range(len(x_data)): if do_smoothing: interpolator = interp1d(x_data[k], y_data[k], kind='cubic', assume_sorted=True) x_samp = np.linspace(x_data[k].min(), x_data[k].max(), 100) y_fit = interpolator(x_samp) x_smooth.append(x_samp) y_smooth.append(y_fit) else: x_smooth.append(x_data[k]) y_smooth.append(y_data[k]) row.append((x_smooth, y_smooth, max_value, rc)) self.axis_data_array.append(row) return self
[docs] def plot(self): if hasattr(self, 'ax_arr'): self.clf() m = self.num_rows - 1 n = self.num_cols - 1 self.ax_arr = self.construct_plot_array(self.num_rows, self.num_cols) self.max_rho_all = 0.0 self.max_value_all = 0.0 for i in reversed(range(self.num_rows)): for j in reversed(range(self.num_cols)): x_data, y_data, max_value, rc = self.axis_data_array[m-i][n-j] ax = self.ax_arr[m-i][n-j] for k in range(len(x_data)): if self.override_style: ax.plot(x_data[k], y_data[k], c=rc[k]) else: ax.plot(x_data[k], y_data[k]) max_rho_val, max_y_val = max_value if max_rho_val > self.max_rho_all: self.max_rho_all = max_rho_val if max_y_val > self.max_value_all: self.max_value_all = max_y_val rv = self.max_rho_all [[ax.set_xlim(-rv, rv) for ax in r] for r in self.ax_arr] if self.scale_type == Fit.All: pass # print("Fit.All", self.max_value_all) # [[ax.set_ylim(-mv, mv) for ax in r] for r in self.ax_arr] if self.scale_type == Fit.All_Same: mv = self.max_value_all # print("Fit.All_Same", mv) [[ax.set_ylim(-mv, mv) for ax in r] for r in self.ax_arr] if self.scale_type == Fit.User_Scale and self.user_scale_value is not None: us = self.user_scale_value # print("User_Scale", us) [[ax.set_ylim(-us, us) for ax in r] for r in self.ax_arr] self.canvas.draw() return self
[docs] class SpotDiagramFigure(AxisArrayFigure): def __init__(self, opt_model, **kwargs): self.max_value_all = 0.0 seq_model = opt_model.seq_model osp = opt_model.optical_spec def spot(p, wi, ray_pkg, fld, wvl, foc): if ray_pkg is not None: image_pt = fld.ref_sphere[0] ray = ray_pkg[mc.ray] dist = foc / ray[-1][mc.d][2] defocused_pt = ray[-1][mc.p] + dist*ray[-1][mc.d] t_abr = defocused_pt - image_pt return np.array([t_abr[0], t_abr[1]]) else: return None def eval_grid(i, j): fld, wvl, foc = osp.lookup_fld_wvl_focus(i, wl=j) return seq_model.trace_grid(spot, i, num_rays=self.num_rays, form='list', append_if_none=False) num_flds = len(osp.field_of_view.fields) super().__init__(opt_model, eval_fct=eval_grid, num_rows=num_flds, num_cols=1, **kwargs)
[docs] def init_axis(self, ax): ax.grid(True) ax.axvline(0, c=self._rgb['foreground'], lw=1) ax.axhline(0, c=self._rgb['foreground'], lw=1)
[docs] def update_data(self, build='rebuild', **kwargs): self.axis_data_array = [] for i in reversed(range(self.num_rows)): row = [] for j in reversed(range(self.num_cols)): grids, rc = self.eval_fct(i, j) max_val = max([max(np.max(g), -np.min(g)) for g in grids]) row.append((grids, max_val, rc)) self.axis_data_array.append(row) return self
[docs] def plot(self): if hasattr(self, 'ax_arr'): self.clf() m = self.num_rows - 1 n = self.num_cols - 1 self.ax_arr = self.construct_plot_array(self.num_rows, self.num_cols) self.max_value_all = 0.0 for i in reversed(range(self.num_rows)): for j in reversed(range(self.num_cols)): grids, max_value, rc = self.axis_data_array[m-i][n-j] ax = self.ax_arr[m-i][n-j] for k in range(len(rc)): ax.plot(np.transpose(grids[k])[0], np.transpose(grids[k])[1], c=rc[k], linestyle='None', marker='o', markersize=2) ax.set_aspect('equal') if max_value > self.max_value_all: self.max_value_all = max_value if self.scale_type == Fit.All: pass # print("Fit.All", self.max_value_all) # [[ax.set_ylim(-mv, mv) for ax in r] for r in self.ax_arr] if self.scale_type == Fit.All_Same: mv = self.max_value_all # print("Fit.All_Same", mv) [[ax.set_xlim(-mv, mv) for ax in r] for r in self.ax_arr] [[ax.set_ylim(-mv, mv) for ax in r] for r in self.ax_arr] if self.scale_type == Fit.User_Scale and self.user_scale_value is not None: us = self.user_scale_value # print("User_Scale", us) [[ax.set_xlim(-us, us) for ax in r] for r in self.ax_arr] [[ax.set_ylim(-us, us) for ax in r] for r in self.ax_arr] self.tight_layout() self.canvas.draw() return self
[docs] class WavefrontFigure(AxisArrayFigure): def __init__(self, opt_model, **kwargs): self.max_value_all = 0.0 seq_model = opt_model.seq_model osp = opt_model.optical_spec central_wvl = osp.spectral_region.central_wvl convert_to_waves = 1/opt_model.nm_to_sys_units(central_wvl) def wave(p, wi, ray_pkg, fld, wvl, foc): x = p[0] y = p[1] if ray_pkg is not None: fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod opd = wave_abr_full_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, fld.chief_ray, fld.ref_sphere) opd = convert_to_waves*opd else: opd = 0.0 return np.array([x, y, opd]) def eval_grid(i, j): fld, wvl, foc = osp.lookup_fld_wvl_focus(i, wl=j) return seq_model.trace_grid(wave, i, wl=j, num_rays=self.num_rays, form='grid', append_if_none=True) num_flds = len(osp.field_of_view.fields) num_wvls = len(osp.spectral_region.wavelengths) super().__init__(opt_model, eval_fct=eval_grid, num_rows=num_flds, num_cols=num_wvls, **kwargs)
[docs] def init_axis(self, ax): # ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlim(-1., 1.) ax.set_ylim(-1., 1.)
# ax.axvline(0, c='black', lw=1) # ax.axhline(0, c='black', lw=1)
[docs] def update_data(self, build='rebuild', **kwargs): self.axis_data_array = [] self.max_value_all = 0.0 for i in reversed(range(self.num_rows)): row = [] for j in reversed(range(self.num_cols)): grids, rc = self.eval_fct(i, j) g = grids[0] g = np.rollaxis(g, 2) max_value = max(np.max(g[2]), -np.min(g[2])) row.append((g, max_value, rc)) if max_value > self.max_value_all: self.max_value_all = max_value self.axis_data_array.append(row) return self
[docs] def plot(self): if hasattr(self, 'ax_arr'): self.clf() m = self.num_rows - 1 n = self.num_cols - 1 self.ax_arr = self.construct_plot_array(self.num_rows, self.num_cols) for i in reversed(range(self.num_rows)): for j in reversed(range(self.num_cols)): grid, max_value, rc = self.axis_data_array[m-i][n-j] if self.scale_type == Fit.All_Same: max_value = self.max_value_all elif (self.scale_type == Fit.User_Scale and self.user_scale_value is not None): max_value = self.user_scale_value ax = self.ax_arr[m-i][n-j] hmap = ax.contourf(grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], cmap="RdBu_r", vmin=-max_value, vmax=max_value) # hmap = ax.imshow(np.transpose(grid[2]), # cmap="RdBu_r", # vmin=-max_value, # vmax=max_value, # extent=[-1., 1., -1., 1.], # origin='lower') self.colorbar(hmap, ax=ax) ax.set_aspect('equal') self.tight_layout() self.canvas.draw() return self