Source code for rayoptics.parax.diagram

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2019 Michael J. Hayford
.. Created on Wed Oct 16 14:20:49 2019

.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford
import math
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy

from rayoptics.gui.util import bbox_from_poly, fit_data_range
from rayoptics.gui.actions import ReplaceGlassAction

import rayoptics.optical.model_constants as mc
from rayoptics.util.rgb2mpl import rgb2mpl
from rayoptics.util.misc_math import (normalize, distance_sqr_2d,
from rayoptics.util.line_intersection import get_intersect
from rayoptics.util import misc_math
from rayoptics.util import colors

from rayoptics.gui.util import calc_render_color_for_material

from rayoptics.parax import paraxialdesign

# --- color management
dgm_lw = {
    'data': 2,
    'data_hilite': 3,
    'line': 0.5,
    'hilite': 2,
    'guide': 1,
    'edge': 0.5,
    'node': 6,
    'node_hilite': 8,
    'node_edge': 0.75,

[docs]def light_or_dark(is_dark=True): accent = colors.accent_colors(is_dark) fb = colors.foreground_background(is_dark) rgb = { 'node': fb['foreground'], 'edge': fb['foreground'], # 'node': accent['cyan'], # 'edge': accent['cyan'], 'slide': accent['blue'], 'object_image': accent['magenta'], 'stop': accent['magenta'], 'conj_line': accent['orange'], 'shift': fb['foreground'], 'barrel': accent['green'], } return {**rgb, **fb}
[docs]class Diagram(): """ class for paraxial ray rendering/editing """ def __init__(self, opt_model, parax_model, parax_model_key, dgm_type, seq_start=1, do_barrel_constraint=False, barrel_constraint=1.0, label='paraxial', bend_or_gap='bend', do_node_annotation=False, is_dark=True): self.label = label self.opt_model = opt_model self.parax_model = parax_model self.dgm_rgb = light_or_dark(is_dark=is_dark) self.dgm_type = dgm_type self.setup_dgm_type(dgm_type) self.do_barrel_constraint = do_barrel_constraint self.barrel_constraint_radius = barrel_constraint self.do_node_annotation = do_node_annotation self.bend_or_gap = bend_or_gap self.active_layer = parax_model_key
[docs] def setup_dgm_type(self, dgm_type): if dgm_type == 'ht': self.type_sel = elif dgm_type == 'slp': self.type_sel = mc.slp pm = self.parax_model self._apply_data = pm.update_composite_node_fct(self.type_sel)
[docs] def get_label(self): return self.label
[docs] def sync_light_or_dark(self, is_dark): self.dgm_rgb = light_or_dark(is_dark)
[docs] def set_active_layer(self, layer_key): opm = self.opt_model prx = paraxialdesign.update_diagram_for_key(opm, layer_key, self.type_sel) prx_key, prx_model = prx self.active_layer = prx_key self.parax_model = prx_model self._apply_data = prx_model.update_composite_node_fct(self.type_sel) return self
[docs] def update_data(self, fig, **kwargs): parax_model = self.parax_model self.shape = self.render_shape() self.shape_bbox = bbox_from_poly(self.shape) build = kwargs.get('build', if build == 'update': # just a change in node positions - handled above # self.shape = self.render_shape() pass else: # number of nodes have changed, rebuild everything num_nodes = len(parax_model.sys) if self.dgm_type == 'slp': num_nodes -= 1 self.node_list = [] for i in range(num_nodes): self.node_list.append(DiagramNode(self, i)) self.edge_list = [] for i in range(num_nodes-1): self.edge_list.append(DiagramEdge(self, i)) self.object_shift = ConjugateLine(self, 'object_image') if self.opt_model.seq_model.stop_surface is None: # stop shift conjugate line is only editable for floating stop self.stop_shift = ConjugateLine(self, 'stop') if self.do_barrel_constraint: self.barrel_constraint = BarrelConstraint(self) if self.do_node_annotation: pass self.node_bbox = fig.update_patches(self.node_list) self.edge_bbox = fig.update_patches(self.edge_list) self.object_shift_bbox = fig.update_patches([self.object_shift]) if self.opt_model.seq_model.stop_surface is None: self.stop_shift_bbox = fig.update_patches([self.stop_shift]) if self.do_barrel_constraint: self.barrel_bbox = fig.update_patches([self.barrel_constraint]) return self.shape_bbox
[docs] def apply_data(self, node, vertex): self._apply_data(node, vertex) self.opt_model.parax_model.paraxial_lens_to_seq_model()
[docs] def assign_object_to_node(self, node, factory, **kwargs): parax_model = self.parax_model inputs = parax_model.assign_object_to_node(node, factory, **kwargs) return inputs
[docs] def register_commands(self, *args, **inputs): fig = inputs.pop('figure') self.command_inputs = dict(inputs) def do_command_action(event, target, event_key): nonlocal fig if target is not None: shape, handle = target.artist.shape try: # print(type(shape).__name__, shape.node, handle, event_key) handle_action_obj = shape.actions[handle] if isinstance(handle_action_obj, dict): handle_action_obj[event_key](fig, event) else: handle_action_obj.actions[event_key](fig, event) except KeyError: pass fig.do_action = do_command_action
[docs] def register_add_replace_element(self, *args, **inputs): fig = inputs.pop('figure') self.command_inputs = dict(inputs) action_obj = AddReplaceElementAction(self, **inputs) def do_command_action(event, target, event_key): nonlocal fig shape, handle = target.artist.shape if isinstance(shape, DiagramNode) or \ isinstance(shape, DiagramEdge): try: action_obj.actions[event_key](fig, event, shape) except KeyError: pass fig.do_action = do_command_action
[docs] def render_shape(self): """ render the diagram into a shape list """ parax_model = self.parax_model shape = [] for x, y in zip(, shape.append([x[self.type_sel], y[self.type_sel]]) shape = np.array(shape) return shape
[docs] def update_diagram_from_shape(self, shape): ''' use the shape list to update the paraxial model ''' parax_model = self.parax_model for x, y, shp in zip(,, shape): x[self.type_sel] = shp[0] y[self.type_sel] = shp[1]
[docs] def fit_axis_limits(self): ''' define diagram axis limits as the extent of the shape polygon ''' x_min, x_max = fit_data_range([x[0] for x in self.shape]) y_min, y_max = fit_data_range([x[1] for x in self.shape]) return np.array([[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]])
[docs]def compute_slide_line(shape, node, imode): """ compute a constraint line to keep the overall length of the airspaces surrounding `node` constant """ def distance_sqr(pt): return pt[0]**2 + pt[1]**2 num_nodes = len(shape) if node > 0 and node < num_nodes-1: pt0 = shape[node-1] pt1 = shape[node] pt2 = shape[node+1] if imode == 'transmit': # if transmitting, constrain movement of node to a line parallel # to the line between the previous and next nodes. origin2line = misc_math.perpendicular_from_origin(pt0, pt2) pt2line = misc_math.perpendicular_to_line(pt1, pt0, pt2) scale_factor = (origin2line - pt2line)/origin2line new_pt0 = scale_factor*pt0 new_pt2 = scale_factor*pt2 return new_pt0, new_pt2 elif imode == 'reflect': # if reflecting, constrain movement to a radial line from the # origin through the selected node origin = np.array([0., 0.]) dist_pt0 = distance_sqr(pt0) dist_pt1 = distance_sqr(pt1) dist_pt2 = distance_sqr(pt2) # figure out how long a line to draw dist = dist_pt0 if dist_pt0 > dist_pt1 else dist_pt1 dist = dist_pt2 if dist_pt2 > dist else dist scale_factor = math.sqrt(dist/dist_pt1) new_pt1 = scale_factor*pt1 return origin, new_pt1 return None
[docs]def constrain_to_line_action(pt0, pt2): def constrain_to_line(input_pt): """ constrain the input point to the line pt0 to pt2 """ output_pt = misc_math.projected_point_on_line(input_pt, pt0, pt2) return output_pt return constrain_to_line
[docs]class DiagramNode(): def __init__(self, diagram, idx): self.diagram = diagram self.node = idx self.select_pt = None self.move_direction = None self.handles = {} self.actions = self.handle_actions()
[docs] def update_shape(self, view): diagram = self.diagram # set alpha to 25% -> #40 bkgrnd_rbga = diagram.dgm_rgb['background1'] + '40' opt_model = diagram.opt_model shape = diagram.shape dgm_rgb = diagram.dgm_rgb if self.diagram.dgm_type == 'ht': hilite_kwargs = { 'color': dgm_rgb['node'], 'markersize': dgm_lw['node_hilite'], } self.handles['shape'] = (shape[self.node], 'vertex', {'linestyle': '', 'linewidth': dgm_lw['data'], 'marker': 'o', 'markersize': dgm_lw['node'], 'pickradius': 6, 'color': dgm_rgb['node'], 'hilite': dgm_rgb['hilite'], 'zorder': 3.}) # define the "constant spacing" or "slide" constraint if view.enable_slide: sys = self.diagram.parax_model.sys slide_pts = compute_slide_line(shape, self.node, sys[self.node][mc.rmd]) if slide_pts is not None: seg = [*slide_pts] hilite_kwargs = { 'color': dgm_rgb['slide'], 'linewidth': dgm_lw['guide'], 'linestyle': '-' } self.handles['slide'] = (seg, 'polyline', {'linestyle': '--', 'linewidth': dgm_lw['guide'], 'pickradius': 6, 'color': dgm_rgb['slide'], 'hilite': hilite_kwargs, 'zorder': 2.5}) elif self.diagram.dgm_type == 'slp': hilite_kwargs = { 'color': dgm_rgb['node'], 'markersize': dgm_lw['node_hilite'], } gap, z_dir = diagram.parax_model.get_gap_for_node(self.node, 'slp') e_node = opt_model.part_tree.parent_node((gap, z_dir), '#element#airgap') e = if e_node else None marker_color = bkgrnd_rbga if e and '#airgap' not in e_node.tag: marker_color = calc_render_color_for_material(gap.medium) marker_color = rgb2mpl(marker_color) self.handles['shape'] = (shape[self.node], 'vertex', {'linestyle': '', 'linewidth': dgm_lw['data'], 'marker': 'o', 'markersize': dgm_lw['node'], 'markeredgewidth': dgm_lw['node_edge'], 'markeredgecolor': dgm_rgb['node'], 'pickradius': 6, 'markerfacecolor': marker_color, 'hilite': dgm_rgb['hilite'], 'zorder': 3.}) return view.create_patches(self.handles)
[docs] def get_label(self): return 'node' + str(self.node)
[docs] def handle_actions(self): actions = {} wedge_constraint = True if self.diagram.dgm_type == 'ht' else False actions['shape'] = EditNodeAction(self, constrain_to_wedge=wedge_constraint) slide_filter = None sys = self.diagram.parax_model.sys slide_pts = compute_slide_line(self.diagram.shape, self.node, sys[self.node][mc.rmd]) if slide_pts is not None: slide_filter = constrain_to_line_action(*slide_pts) actions['slide'] = EditNodeAction(self, filter=slide_filter, constrain_to_wedge=wedge_constraint) return actions
[docs]class DiagramEdge(): def __init__(self, diagram, idx): self.diagram = diagram self.node = idx self.select_pt = None self.move_direction = None self.handles = {} self.actions = self.handle_actions()
[docs] def update_shape(self, view): shape = self.diagram.shape dgm_rgb = self.diagram.dgm_rgb edge_poly = shape[self.node:self.node+2] self.handles['shape'] = (edge_poly, 'polyline', {'pickradius': 6, 'linewidth': dgm_lw['data'], 'hilite_linewidth': dgm_lw['data_hilite'], 'color': dgm_rgb['edge'], 'hilite': dgm_rgb['hilite'], 'zorder': 2.}) area_poly = [[0, 0]] area_poly.extend(edge_poly) fill_color = self.render_color() self.handles['area'] = (area_poly, 'polygon', {'fill_color': fill_color, 'zorder': 1.}) return view.create_patches(self.handles)
[docs] def render_color(self): diagram = self.diagram opt_model = diagram.opt_model # set alpha to 25% -> #40 bkgrnd_rbga = diagram.dgm_rgb['background1'] + '40' if diagram.dgm_type == 'ht': gap, z_dir = diagram.parax_model.get_gap_for_node(self.node, 'ht') e_node = opt_model.part_tree.parent_node((gap, z_dir), '#element#airgap') e = if e_node else None if e: if '#airgap' in e_node.tag: return bkgrnd_rbga else: return calc_render_color_for_material(gap.medium) else: # single surface element, like mirror or thinlens, use airgap return bkgrnd_rbga elif diagram.dgm_type == 'slp': return bkgrnd_rbga
[docs] def get_label(self): return 'edge' + str(self.node)
[docs] def handle_actions(self): actions = {} actions['shape'] = EditLensAction(self) actions['area'] = EditAreaAction(self) return actions
# --- Editing actions
[docs]class BarrelConstraint(): def __init__(self, diagram): self.diagram = diagram self.handles = {} self.actions = self.handle_actions()
[docs] def update_shape(self, view): dgm_rgb = self.diagram.dgm_rgb barrel_radius = self.diagram.barrel_constraint_radius diamond = [] diamond.append([0., barrel_radius]) diamond.append([barrel_radius, 0.]) diamond.append([0., -barrel_radius]) diamond.append([-barrel_radius, 0.]) diamond.append([0., barrel_radius]) diamond = np.array(diamond) self.handles['shape'] = (diamond, 'polyline', {'color': dgm_rgb['barrel'], 'linewidth': dgm_lw['guide'], 'zorder': 1.}) square = [] square.append([ barrel_radius, barrel_radius]) square.append([-barrel_radius, barrel_radius]) square.append([-barrel_radius, -barrel_radius]) square.append([ barrel_radius, -barrel_radius]) square.append([ barrel_radius, barrel_radius]) square = np.array(square) self.handles['square'] = (square, 'polyline', {'color': dgm_rgb['barrel'], 'linewidth': dgm_lw['guide'], 'zorder': 1.}) return view.create_patches(self.handles)
[docs] def get_label(self): return 'barrel constraint'
[docs] def handle_actions(self): actions = {} return actions
[docs]class ConjugateLine(): def __init__(self, diagram, line_type): self.diagram = diagram self.line_type = line_type self.sys_orig = [] self.shape_orig = [] self.handles = {} self.actions = self.handle_actions()
[docs] def update_shape(self, view): dgm_rgb = self.diagram.dgm_rgb shape_bbox = self.diagram.shape_bbox line = [] if self.line_type == 'stop': ht = shape_bbox[1][1] - shape_bbox[0][1] line.append([0., -2*ht]) line.append([0., 2*ht]) color = dgm_rgb['stop'] elif self.line_type == 'object_image': wid = shape_bbox[1][0] - shape_bbox[0][0] line.append([-2*wid, 0.]) line.append([2*wid, 0.]) color = dgm_rgb['object_image'] self.handles['shape'] = (line, 'polyline', {'color': dgm_rgb['foreground'], 'hilite': color, 'zorder': 1.}) if len(self.shape_orig) > 0: conj_line = [] if self.line_type == 'stop': lwr, upr = ht = upr - lwr conj_line.append([-self.k*ht, -ht]) conj_line.append([self.k*ht, ht]) elif self.line_type == 'object_image': lwr, upr = wid = upr - lwr conj_line.append([-wid, -self.k*wid]) conj_line.append([wid, self.k*wid]) self.handles['conj_line'] = (conj_line, 'polyline', {'color': dgm_rgb['conj_line'], 'linewidth': dgm_lw['guide'], 'zorder': 1.}) self.handles['shift'] = (self.shape_orig, 'polyline', {'color': dgm_rgb['shift'], 'linewidth': 1.5, 'zorder': 1.}) return view.create_patches(self.handles)
[docs] def get_label(self): if self.line_type == 'stop': return 'stop shift line' elif self.line_type == 'object_image': return 'object shift line' else: return ''
[docs] def edit_conjugate_line_actions(self): dgm = self.diagram pm = dgm.parax_model def calculate_slope(x, y): ''' x=ybar, y=y ''' if self.line_type == 'stop': k = x/y return k, np.array([[1, 0], [-k, 1]]) elif self.line_type == 'object_image': k = y/x return k, np.array([[1, -k], [0, 1]]) else: k = 0 return 0, np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) def apply_data(event_data): self.k, mat = calculate_slope(event_data[0], event_data[1]) pm.apply_conjugate_shift(self.shape_orig, self.k, mat, self.line_type) def on_select(fig, event): self.sys_orig = deepcopy(pm.sys) self.shape_orig = deepcopy(dgm.shape) def on_edit(fig, event): if event.xdata is not None and event.ydata is not None: event_data = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) apply_data(event_data) = 'update' fig.refresh_gui(build='update', src_model=pm) def on_release(fig, event): event_data = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) apply_data(event_data) self.sys_orig = [] self.shape_orig = [] fig.refresh_gui(build='rebuild', src_model=pm) actions = {} actions['press'] = on_select actions['drag'] = on_edit actions['release'] = on_release return actions
[docs] def handle_actions(self): actions = {} actions['shape'] = self.edit_conjugate_line_actions() return actions
[docs]class EditNodeAction(): """ Action to move a diagram node, using an input pt """ def __init__(self, dgm_node, filter=None, constrain_to_wedge=True): diagram = dgm_node.diagram parax_model = diagram.parax_model self.cur_node = None self.pt0 = None self.pt2 = None self.filter = filter self.constrain_to_wedge = constrain_to_wedge def point_on_line(pt1, pt2, t): d = pt2 - pt1 return pt1 + t*d def do_constrain_to_wedge(input_pt): """ keep the input point inside the wedge of adjacent points """ if self.pt0 is not None: x_prod0 = input_pt[0]*self.pt0[1] - self.pt0[0]*input_pt[1] if x_prod0 < 0: # pin to boundary output_pt = projected_point_on_radial_line(input_pt, self.pt0) return output_pt if self.pt2 is not None: x_prod2 = input_pt[0]*self.pt2[1] - self.pt2[0]*input_pt[1] if x_prod2 > 0: # pin to boundary output_pt = projected_point_on_radial_line(input_pt, self.pt2) return output_pt return input_pt def on_select(fig, event): nonlocal diagram # we don't allow points to move onto their adjacent neighbors. Use # a buffer amount when constraining to the wedge buffer_fraction = 0.0025 self.cur_node = dgm_node.node pt1 = diagram.shape[self.cur_node] if self.cur_node == 0: pt2 = diagram.shape[self.cur_node+1] self.pt2 = point_on_line(pt1, pt2, 1-buffer_fraction) self.pt0 = None elif self.cur_node == len(diagram.shape)-1: pt0 = diagram.shape[self.cur_node-1] self.pt0 = point_on_line(pt0, pt1, buffer_fraction) self.pt2 = None else: pt0 = diagram.shape[self.cur_node-1] self.pt0 = point_on_line(pt0, pt1, buffer_fraction) pt2 = diagram.shape[self.cur_node+1] self.pt2 = point_on_line(pt1, pt2, 1-buffer_fraction) def on_edit(fig, event): if event.xdata is not None and event.ydata is not None: event_data = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) if self.filter: event_data = self.filter(event_data) if self.constrain_to_wedge: event_data = do_constrain_to_wedge(event_data) diagram.apply_data(self.cur_node, event_data) = 'update' fig.refresh_gui(build='update', src_model=parax_model) def on_release(fig, event): if event.xdata is not None and event.ydata is not None: event_data = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) if self.filter: event_data = self.filter(event_data) if self.constrain_to_wedge: event_data = do_constrain_to_wedge(event_data) diagram.apply_data(self.cur_node, event_data) = 'rebuild' fig.refresh_gui(build='rebuild', src_model=parax_model) self.cur_node = None self.actions = {} self.actions['drag'] = on_edit self.actions['press'] = on_select self.actions['release'] = on_release
[docs]class EditLensAction(): """ Action for diagram edge, using an input pt This is a simple wrapper class to choose the correct action, i.e. bending or thickness change, depending on the UI setting. """ def __init__(self, dgm_edge): diagram = dgm_edge.diagram actions = {} actions['gap'] = EditThicknessAction(dgm_edge) actions['bend'] = EditBendingAction(dgm_edge) def create_dispatch_action(event_key): def dispatch_action(fig, event): actions[diagram.bend_or_gap].actions[event_key](fig, event) return dispatch_action self.actions = {} self.actions['press'] = create_dispatch_action('press') self.actions['drag'] = create_dispatch_action('drag') self.actions['release'] = create_dispatch_action('release')
[docs]class EditAreaAction(): """ Action for diagram area, placeholder for now This is a simple wrapper class to choose the correct action, i.e. bending or thickness change, depending on the UI setting. """ def __init__(self, dgm_edge): # actions['power'] = EditPowerAction(dgm_edge) # actions['bend'] = EditBendingAction(dgm_edge) def create_dispatch_action(event_key): def dispatch_action(fig, event): pass # actions[diagram.bend_or_gap].actions[event_key](fig, event) return dispatch_action self.actions = {} self.actions['press'] = create_dispatch_action('press') self.actions['drag'] = create_dispatch_action('drag') self.actions['release'] = create_dispatch_action('release')
[docs]class EditThicknessAction(): """ Action to move a diagram edge, using an input pt The movement is constrained to be parallel to the original edge. By doing this the power and bending of the element remains constant, while the element thickness changes. Movement of the edge is limited to keep the thickness greater than zero and not to interfere with adjacent spaces. """ def __init__(self, dgm_edge): diagram = dgm_edge.diagram parax_model = diagram.parax_model self.node = None self.bundle = None def on_select(fig, event): nonlocal diagram shape = diagram.shape self.node = node = dgm_edge.node if node > 0 and node < (len(shape)-2): # get the virtual vertex of the combined element surfaces vertex = np.array(get_intersect(shape[node-1], shape[node], shape[node+1], shape[node+2])) # get direction cosines for the edge edge = normalize(shape[node+1] - shape[node]) # construct perpendicular to the edge. use this to define a # range for allowed inputs perp_edge = np.array([edge[1], -edge[0]]) self.bundle = vertex, edge, perp_edge # measure distances along the perpendicular thru the vertex # and project the 2 outer nodes and the first vertex of the # edge pp0 =[node-1]-vertex, perp_edge) pp1 =[node]-vertex, perp_edge) pp3 =[node+2]-vertex, perp_edge) # use the first edge vertex to calculate an allowed input range if pp1 > 0: self.pp_lim = 0, min(i for i in (pp0, pp3) if i > 0) else: self.pp_lim = max(i for i in (pp0, pp3) if i < 0), 0 def on_edit(fig, event): buffer = 0.0025 nonlocal diagram shape = diagram.shape node = self.node if node > 0 and node < (len(shape)-2): if event.xdata is not None and event.ydata is not None: inpt = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) vertex, edge, perp_edge = self.bundle # project input pt onto perp_edge ppi = - vertex, perp_edge) # constrain the input point within the range, if needed if ppi < self.pp_lim[0]: inpt = vertex + (1+buffer)*self.pp_lim[0]*perp_edge elif ppi > self.pp_lim[1]: inpt = vertex + (1-buffer)*self.pp_lim[1]*perp_edge # compute new edge vertices from intersection of adjacent # edges and line shifted parallel to the initial edge edge_pt = inpt + edge pt1 = np.array(get_intersect(shape[node-1], vertex, inpt, edge_pt)) diagram.apply_data(self.node, pt1) pt2 = np.array(get_intersect(vertex, shape[node+2], inpt, edge_pt)) diagram.apply_data(self.node+1, pt2) = 'update' fig.refresh_gui(build='update', src_model=parax_model) def on_release(fig, event): if event.xdata is not None and event.ydata is not None: event_data = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) = 'rebuild' fig.refresh_gui(build='rebuild', src_model=parax_model) self.node = None self.bundle = None self.actions = {} self.actions['drag'] = on_edit self.actions['press'] = on_select self.actions['release'] = on_release
[docs]class EditBendingAction(): """ Action to bend the lens element for diagram edge, using an input pt. The movement is constrained to be along the object ray for the lens if the input point is closer to the leading node of the edge. Otherwise the movement is constrained to be along the image ray. The unconstrained point is solved to keep the element thickness constant and maintain the object-image properties of the lens. """ def __init__(self, dgm_edge): diagram = dgm_edge.diagram pm = diagram.parax_model self.node = None self.bundle = None self.filter = None def cross_prod(pt1, pt2): return pt1[1]*pt2[0] - pt2[1]*pt1[0] def calc_coef_fct(vertex, iNode, dir_inpt, oNode, dir_out): nonlocal pm tau_factor = pm.sys[self.node][mc.tau]*pm.opt_inv constrain_to_line = constrain_to_line_action(vertex, vertex+dir_inpt) def calc_t(inpt): pt = constrain_to_line(inpt) if iNode < oNode: arg1 = pt, vertex arg2 = pt, dir_out else: arg1 = vertex, pt arg2 = dir_out, pt t = (tau_factor - cross_prod(*arg1))/(cross_prod(*arg2)) return (iNode, pt), (oNode, vertex + t*dir_out) return calc_t def on_select(fig, event): nonlocal diagram if event.xdata is None or event.ydata is None: return shape = diagram.shape self.node = node = dgm_edge.node if node > 0 and node < (len(shape)-2): inpt = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) # get the virtual vertex of the combined element surfaces vertex = np.array(get_intersect(shape[node-1], shape[node], shape[node+1], shape[node+2])) edge_dir_01 = normalize(shape[node] - shape[node-1]) edge_dir_23 = normalize(shape[node+2] - shape[node+1]) # which node is closer to the input point? pt1_dist = distance_sqr_2d(shape[node], inpt) pt2_dist = distance_sqr_2d(shape[node+1], inpt) if pt1_dist < pt2_dist: self.filter = calc_coef_fct(vertex, node, edge_dir_01, node+1, edge_dir_23) else: self.filter = calc_coef_fct(vertex, node+1, edge_dir_23, node, edge_dir_01) # get direction cosines for the edge edge = normalize(shape[node+1] - shape[node]) # construct perpendicular to the edge. use this to define a # range for allowed inputs perp_edge = np.array([edge[1], -edge[0]]) self.bundle = (vertex, edge, perp_edge, edge_dir_01, edge_dir_23) def on_edit(fig, event): nonlocal diagram shape = diagram.shape node = self.node if node > 0 and node < (len(shape)-2): if event.xdata is not None and event.ydata is not None: inpt = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) inp, out = self.filter(inpt) diagram.apply_data(inp[0], inp[1]) diagram.apply_data(out[0], out[1]) fig.refresh_gui(build='update', src_model=pm) def on_release(fig, event): if event.xdata is not None and event.ydata is not None: event_data = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) = 'rebuild' fig.refresh_gui(build='rebuild', src_model=pm) self.node = None self.bundle = None self.filter = None self.actions = {} self.actions['drag'] = on_edit self.actions['press'] = on_select self.actions['release'] = on_release
[docs]class AddReplaceElementAction(): ''' insert or replace a node with a chunk from a factory fct The do_command_action fct registered for this operation passes the shape being operated upon; these can be: - DiagramEdge: insert/add the chunk returned by the factory fct - DiagramNode: replace the selected node with the factory fct output Inserting is done by splitting the corresponding gap in two. A new gap and an AirGap element are tacked on to the chunk returned from the factory fct. Replacing is done when a DiagramNode is selected. The gaps surrounding the node are retained, and modified as needed to accomodate the chunk. ''' def __init__(self, diagram, **kwargs): seq_model = diagram.opt_model.seq_model parax_model = diagram.parax_model self.cur_node = None self.init_inputs = None def on_press_add_point(fig, event, shape): # if we don't have factory functions, skip the command if isinstance(shape, DiagramEdge): if 'node_init' in diagram.command_inputs and \ 'factory' in diagram.command_inputs: self.cur_node = shape.node event_data = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) interact = diagram.command_inputs['interact_mode'] parax_model.add_node(self.cur_node, event_data, diagram.type_sel, interact) self.cur_node += 1 # create a node for editing during the drag action # 'node_init' will currently be a thinlens or a mirror node_init = diagram.command_inputs['node_init'] self.init_inputs = diagram.assign_object_to_node( self.cur_node, node_init, insert=True) parax_model.paraxial_lens_to_seq_model() = 'rebuild' fig.refresh_gui(build='rebuild', src_model=parax_model) elif isinstance(shape, DiagramNode): if 'factory' in diagram.command_inputs: # replacing a node with a chunk only requires recording # what chunk corresponds to the current node. There is # no drag action self.cur_node = node = shape.node self.init_inputs = parax_model.get_object_for_node(node) def on_drag_add_point(fig, event, shape): if self.cur_node is not None and isinstance(shape, DiagramEdge): event_data = np.array([event.xdata, event.ydata]) diagram.apply_data(self.cur_node, event_data) = 'update' fig.refresh_gui(build='update', src_model=parax_model) def on_release_add_point(fig, event, shape): if self.cur_node is not None: factory = diagram.command_inputs['factory'] # if factory and node_init fcts are the same, we're done; # always call factory fct for a node if factory != diagram.command_inputs['node_init'] or \ isinstance(shape, DiagramNode): prev_ifc = seq_model.ifcs[self.cur_node] inputs = diagram.assign_object_to_node(self.cur_node, factory) idx = seq_model.ifcs.index(prev_ifc) n_after = parax_model.sys[idx-1][mc.indx] thi = n_after*parax_model.sys[idx-1][mc.tau] seq_model.gaps[idx-1].thi = thi # remove the edit scaffolding or previous node from model seq, eles, e_node = self.init_inputs[0] diagram.opt_model.remove_node(e_node) parax_model.paraxial_lens_to_seq_model() = 'rebuild' fig.refresh_gui(build='rebuild', src_model=parax_model) self.cur_node = None self.actions = {} self.actions['press'] = on_press_add_point self.actions['drag'] = on_drag_add_point self.actions['release'] = on_release_add_point
[docs]class GlassDropAction():
[docs] def dragEnterEvent(self, view, event): def glass_target_filter(artist): shape, handle = artist.shape if handle == 'area' and 'area' in shape.actions: sm = shape.diagram.opt_model.seq_model gap = sm.gaps[shape.node] if != 'air': return False return True view.figure.artist_filter = glass_target_filter
[docs] def dragMoveEvent(self, view, event): x, y = view.mouseEventCoords(event.pos()) view.motion_notify_event(x, y, guiEvent=event)
[docs] def dragLeaveEvent(self, view, event): view.figure.artist_filter = None
[docs] def dropEvent(self, view, event): dropped_it = False fig = view.figure if fig.hilited is not None: target = fig.hilited shape, handle = target.artist.shape if handle == 'area' and 'area' in shape.actions: sm = shape.diagram.opt_model.seq_model gap = sm.gaps[shape.node] action = ReplaceGlassAction(gap, update=False) action(fig, event) pm = shape.diagram.parax_model pm.update_rindex(shape.node) pm.paraxial_lens_to_seq_model() fig.refresh_gui() dropped_it = True view.figure.artist_filter = None return dropped_it