Source code for rayoptics.parax.paraxialdesign

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2018 Michael J. Hayford
""" First order paraxial design space

.. Created on Sat Mar 31 21:14:42 2018

.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford

import numpy as np

import rayoptics.optical.model_constants as mc
import rayoptics.parax.firstorder as fo
from import Gap
from rayoptics.elem.surface import Surface

from rayoptics.util.line_intersection import get_intersect
from numpy.linalg import norm

[docs]def bbox_from_poly(poly): minx, miny = np.min(poly, axis=0) maxx, maxy = np.max(poly, axis=0) return np.array([[minx, miny], [maxx, maxy]])
[docs]class ParaxialModel(): def __init__(self, opt_model, opt_inv=1.0, seq_mapping=None, **kwargs): self.opt_model = opt_model self.seq_model = opt_model.seq_model self.seq_mapping = seq_mapping self.layers = {'ifcs': self} if seq_mapping is None else None self.sys = [] = [] = [] self.opt_inv = opt_inv def __json_encode__(self): attrs = dict(vars(self)) del attrs['opt_model'] del attrs['seq_model'] del attrs['layers'] return attrs
[docs] def sync_to_restore(self, opt_model): self.opt_model = opt_model self.seq_model = opt_model.seq_model if not hasattr(self, 'seq_mapping'): self.seq_mapping = None if not hasattr(self, 'layers'): self.layers = {'ifcs': self}
[docs] def update_model(self, **kwargs): src_model = kwargs.get('src_model', None) num_ifcs = len(self.seq_model.ifcs) if (num_ifcs > 2 and (len(self.sys) != num_ifcs or src_model is not self)): self.build_lens()
[docs] def sync_to_seq(self, seq_model): self.build_lens()
[docs] def build_lens(self): # rebuild the `sys` description from the seq_model path self.sys = sys = self.seq_path_to_paraxial_lens(self.seq_model.path()) # precalculate the reduced forms of the paraxial axial and chief rays parax_data = self.opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'] if parax_data is not None: ax_ray, pr_ray, fod = parax_data self.opt_inv = fod.opt_inv = [] = [] for i in range(0, len(sys)): n = sys[i][mc.indx][ax_ray[i][], n*ax_ray[i][mc.slp]])[pr_ray[i][], n*pr_ray[i][mc.slp]])
[docs] def init_from_nodes(self, nodes, type_sel, rndx_and_imode=None): """Construct a diagram using `nodes`, a list of diagram vertices. """ max_nodes = len(nodes[]) = [[0., 0.] for i in range(max_nodes)] = [[0., 0.] for i in range(max_nodes)] self.sys = [[0., 0., 1., 'transmit'] for i in range(max_nodes)] if rndx_and_imode is None: rndx_and_imode = [(1., 'transmit') for i in range(max_nodes)] for i, vni in enumerate(zip(nodes[type_sel], rndx_and_imode)): vertex, ni = vni[i][type_sel] = vertex[1][i][type_sel] = vertex[0] self.sys[i] = [0.0, 0.0, *ni] self.nodes_to_parax(nodes, type_sel) self.sys[0][mc.rmd] = 'dummy' self.sys[-1][mc.rmd] = 'dummy' return self
[docs] def parax_to_nodes(self, type_sel): """ render the paraxial model into a node list """ nodes = [[x[type_sel], y[type_sel]] for x, y in zip(,] nodes = np.array(nodes) return nodes
[docs] def nodes_to_parax(self, nodes, type_sel): """ Update the parax model from the node list, `nodes`. """ if type_sel == for i, node in enumerate(nodes[type_sel]): self.apply_ht_dgm_data(i, node) elif type_sel == mc.slp: ht_nodes = nodes[][0][] = ht_nodes[0][0][0][] = ht_nodes[0][1] for i, node in enumerate(nodes[type_sel]): self.apply_slope_dgm_data(i, node)[-1][] = ht_nodes[-1][0][-1][] = ht_nodes[-1][1] self.sys[-2][mc.tau] = (ht_nodes[-2][1]*ht_nodes[-1][0] - ht_nodes[-1][1]*ht_nodes[-2][0])/self.opt_inv return self
[docs] def get_pt(self, idx, return[idx][type_sel],[idx][type_sel]
[docs] def set_pt(self, idx, pt,[idx][type_sel] = pt[0][idx][type_sel] = pt[1]
[docs] def get_gap_for_node(self, node_idx, dgm_type): if self.seq_mapping is None: # just return the node in the seq_model gap_idx = node_idx else: # use the node_defs to map to the seq_model node_defs, map_to_ifcs = self.seq_mapping kernel = node_defs[node_idx] if len(kernel) == 1: gap_idx = kernel[0] elif len(kernel) == 2: prev_gap_idx, after_gap_idx = kernel gap_idx = prev_gap_idx if dgm_type == 'ht' else after_gap_idx elif len(kernel) == 3: idx, prev_gap_idx, after_gap_idx = kernel gap_idx = idx if idx != after_gap_idx else after_gap_idx return self.seq_model.gaps[gap_idx], self.seq_model.z_dir[gap_idx]
# --- add/delete points from diagram
[docs] def add_node(self, node, new_vertex, type_sel, interact_mode): """ Add a node in the paraxial data structures """ ns = self.seq_model.get_num_surfaces() if node >= ns - 1: node = ns - 2 n = self.sys[node][mc.indx] new_node = node + 1 self.sys.insert(new_node, [0.0, 0.0, n, interact_mode]) ax_node = [0.0, 0.0] ax_node[type_sel] = new_vertex[1], ax_node) pr_node = [0.0, 0.0] pr_node[type_sel] = new_vertex[0], pr_node) if type_sel == self.apply_ht_dgm_data(new_node, new_vertex=new_vertex) elif type_sel == mc.slp: self.apply_slope_dgm_data(new_node, new_vertex=new_vertex) if interact_mode == 'reflect': for i in range(new_node, len(self.sys)): self.sys[i][mc.indx] = -self.sys[i][mc.indx] return new_node
[docs] def assign_object_to_node(self, node, factory, **inputs): """ create a new element from `factory` and replace `node` with it """ # extract optical properties of node n = self.sys[node][mc.indx] power = self.sys[node][mc.pwr] thi = n*self.sys[node][mc.tau] sd = abs([node][]) + abs([node][]) # create an element with the node's properties seq, ele, e_node = descriptor = factory(power=power, sd=sd) n_before = self.sys[node-1][mc.indx] thi_before = n_before*self.sys[node-1][mc.tau] self.seq_model.gaps[node-1].thi = thi_before # insert the path sequence and elements into the # sequential and element models kwargs = {'idx': node-1, 't': thi, **inputs} self.opt_model.insert_ifc_gp_ele(*descriptor, **kwargs) path_stop = node + len(seq) inserted_seq = list(self.seq_model.path(start=node-1, stop=path_stop)) sys_seq = self.seq_path_to_paraxial_lens(inserted_seq[1:]) pp_info = self.compute_principle_points(inserted_seq) self.replace_node_with_seq(node, sys_seq, pp_info) self.compute_signed_rindx() return descriptor, kwargs
[docs] def compute_signed_rindx(self): """Reset the state of the refractive index array. This method resets the signs of the refractive indices so that they are negative following an odd number of reflections, but positive otherwise. """ flip = 1 for ss in self.sys: ss[mc.indx] = abs(ss[mc.indx]) if ss[mc.rmd] == 'reflect': flip = -flip if flip < 0: ss[mc.indx] = -ss[mc.indx]
[docs] def replace_node_with_seq(self, node, sys_seq, pp_info): """ replaces the data at node with sys_seq """ sys = self.sys ax = pr = if len(sys_seq) == 1: sys[node] = sys_seq[0] else: opt_inv = self.opt_inv efl, pp1, ppk, ffl, bfl = pp_info[2] sys[node-1][mc.tau] -= pp1/sys[node-1][mc.indx] # sys_seq[-1][tau] = sys[node][tau] - ppk/sys_seq[-1][indx] p0 = [ax[node][], pr[node][]] pn = [ax[node+1][], pr[node+1][]] slp0 = [ax[node][mc.slp], pr[node][mc.slp]] for n, ss in enumerate(sys_seq[:-1], start=node): sys.insert(n, ss) ax_ht = ax[n-1][] + sys[n-1][mc.tau]*ax[n-1][mc.slp] ax_slp = ax[n-1][mc.slp] - ax_ht*sys[n][mc.pwr] ax.insert(n, [ax_ht, ax_slp]) pr_ht = pr[n-1][] + sys[n-1][mc.tau]*pr[n-1][mc.slp] pr_slp = pr[n-1][mc.slp] - pr_ht*sys[n][mc.pwr] pr.insert(n, [pr_ht, pr_slp]) # replace the original node data ax[n+1][mc.slp] = slp0[0] pr[n+1][mc.slp] = slp0[1] sys[n+1][mc.pwr] = (ax[n][mc.slp]*pr[n+1][mc.slp] - ax[n+1][mc.slp]*pr[n][mc.slp])/opt_inv # sys_seq[-1][pwr] p1 = [ax[n][], pr[n][]] p2 = [ax[n][]+ax[n][mc.slp], pr[n][]+pr[n][mc.slp]] p2int = np.array(get_intersect(p1, p2, p0, pn)) ax[n+1][] = p2int[0] pr[n+1][] = p2int[1] sys[n][mc.tau] = ( (ax[n][]*pr[n+1][] - ax[n+1][]*pr[n][])/opt_inv) sys[n+1][mc.tau] = (p2int[0]*pn[1] - pn[0]*p2int[1])/opt_inv
[docs] def get_object_for_node(self, node): ''' basic 1:1 relationship between seq and parax model sequences ''' ifc = self.seq_model.ifcs[node] e_node = self.opt_model.part_tree.parent_node(ifc) args = [[ifc, None, None, 1, 1]], [], e_node kwargs = {'idx': node} return args, kwargs
[docs] def delete_node(self, surf): """ delete the node at position surf """ del self.sys[surf] del[surf] del[surf]
# --- edit diagram points
[docs] def apply_ht_dgm_data(self, surf, new_vertex=None): """ This routine calculates all data dependent on the input height coordinates (y,ybar) at surface surf. """ sys = self.sys ax_ray = pr_ray = opt_inv = self.opt_inv ht = tau = mc.tau slp = mc.slp pwr = mc.pwr if new_vertex is not None: pr_ray[surf][] = new_vertex[0] ax_ray[surf][] = new_vertex[1] nsm1 = len(sys) - 1 if surf == 0: surf += 1 p = surf - 1 c = surf sys[p][tau] = ((ax_ray[p][ht]*pr_ray[c][ht] - ax_ray[c][ht]*pr_ray[p][ht]) / opt_inv) ax_ray[p][slp] = (ax_ray[c][ht] - ax_ray[p][ht])/sys[p][tau] pr_ray[p][slp] = (pr_ray[c][ht] - pr_ray[p][ht])/sys[p][tau] if (surf > 1): p2 = surf - 2 sys[p][pwr] = ((ax_ray[p2][slp]*pr_ray[p][slp] - ax_ray[p][slp]*pr_ray[p2][slp]) / opt_inv) if (surf < nsm1): s = surf + 1 sys[c][tau] = (ax_ray[c][ht]*pr_ray[s][ht] - ax_ray[s][ht]*pr_ray[c][ht])/opt_inv ax_ray[c][slp] = (ax_ray[s][ht] - ax_ray[c][ht])/sys[c][tau] pr_ray[c][slp] = (pr_ray[s][ht] - pr_ray[c][ht])/sys[c][tau] sys[c][pwr] = (ax_ray[p][slp]*pr_ray[c][slp] - ax_ray[c][slp]*pr_ray[p][slp])/opt_inv if s < nsm1: sys[s][pwr] = (ax_ray[c][slp]*pr_ray[s][slp] - ax_ray[s][slp]*pr_ray[c][slp])/opt_inv else: ax_ray[c][slp] = ax_ray[p][slp] pr_ray[c][slp] = pr_ray[p][slp] sys[c][pwr] = 0 sys[c][tau] = 0
[docs] def apply_slope_dgm_data(self, surf, new_vertex=None): """ This routine calculates all data dependent on the input slope coordinates (nu,nubar) at surface surf. """ sys = self.sys ax_ray = pr_ray = opt_inv = self.opt_inv ht = tau = mc.tau slp = mc.slp pwr = mc.pwr if new_vertex is not None: pr_ray[surf][slp] = new_vertex[0] ax_ray[surf][slp] = new_vertex[1] nsm1 = len(sys) - 1 if nsm1 == 0: p = 0 c = 1 ax_ray[c][ht] = ax_ray[p][slp]*sys[p][tau] + ax_ray[p][ht] pr_ray[c][ht] = pr_ray[p][slp]*sys[p][tau] + pr_ray[p][ht] elif (surf < nsm1): if (surf == 0): surf += 1 p = surf - 1 c = surf sys[c][pwr] = (ax_ray[p][slp]*pr_ray[c][slp] - ax_ray[c][slp]*pr_ray[p][slp])/opt_inv ax_ray[c][ht] = (ax_ray[p][slp] - ax_ray[c][slp])/sys[c][pwr] pr_ray[c][ht] = (pr_ray[p][slp] - pr_ray[c][slp])/sys[c][pwr] sys[p][tau] = (ax_ray[p][ht]*pr_ray[c][ht] - ax_ray[c][ht]*pr_ray[p][ht])/opt_inv s = surf + 1 ax_ray[s][ht] = ax_ray[c][slp]*sys[c][tau] + ax_ray[c][ht] pr_ray[s][ht] = pr_ray[c][slp]*sys[c][tau] + pr_ray[c][ht]
[docs] def process_seq_mapping(self, nodes): """The composite `nodes` are mapped and applied to the ifcs layer. """ node_defs, map_to_ifcs = self.seq_mapping nodes_ifcs = [] for i, kernel in enumerate(map_to_ifcs): idx, nidx, t1, t2 = kernel if t1 == 0: new_node = t2*np.array(nodes[nidx]) else: l1_pt1 = np.array(nodes[nidx]) l1_pt2 = np.array(nodes[nidx+1]) new_intersection_pt = t1*(l1_pt2 - l1_pt1) + l1_pt1 new_node = t2*new_intersection_pt nodes_ifcs.append(new_node) # print(f'nodes_ifcs {nodes_ifcs}') seq_nodes = [nodes_ifcs, []] self.opt_model['parax_model'].nodes_to_parax(seq_nodes,
[docs] def update_composite_node_fct(self, type_sel): """ returns the appropriate 'apply' fct for the `type_sel`. """ if type_sel == def apply_ht_data(node, new_vertex): self.apply_ht_dgm_data(node, new_vertex) if self.seq_mapping is not None: ht_nodes = self.parax_to_nodes( self.process_seq_mapping(ht_nodes) return apply_ht_data elif type_sel == mc.slp: def apply_slp_data(node, new_vertex): # editing only allowed for interface layer currently self.apply_slope_dgm_data(node, new_vertex) if self.seq_mapping is not None: ht_nodes = self.parax_to_nodes( self.process_seq_mapping(ht_nodes) return apply_slp_data
[docs] def update_rindex(self, surf): """Update the refractive index using the `gap` at *surf*.""" gap = self.seq_model.gaps[surf] wvl = self.seq_model.central_wavelength() self.sys[surf][mc.indx] = gap.medium.rindex(wvl)
# ParaxTrace() - This routine performs a paraxial raytrace from object # (surface 0) to image. The last operation is a # transfer to the image surface.
[docs] def paraxial_trace(self): """ regenerate paraxial axial and chief rays from power and reduced distance """ sys = self.sys ax_ray = pr_ray = ht = tau = mc.tau slp = mc.slp pwr = mc.pwr nsm1 = len(sys) - 1 # Transfer from object c = 0 s = 1 ax_ray[s][ht] = ax_ray[c][ht] + sys[c][tau]*ax_ray[c][slp] pr_ray[s][ht] = pr_ray[c][ht] + sys[c][tau]*pr_ray[c][slp] for i in range(1, len(sys)): p = c c = s # Refraction ax_ray[c][slp] = ax_ray[p][slp] - ax_ray[c][ht]*sys[c][pwr] pr_ray[c][slp] = pr_ray[p][slp] - pr_ray[c][ht]*sys[c][pwr] # Transfer if (i < nsm1): s += 1 ax_ray[s][ht] = ax_ray[c][ht] + sys[c][tau]*ax_ray[c][slp] pr_ray[s][ht] = pr_ray[c][ht] + sys[c][tau]*pr_ray[c][slp]
# --- list output
[docs] def list_model(self): """ list the paraxial axial and chief rays, and power, reduced distance """ sys = self.sys ax_ray = pr_ray = header_str = ( " ax_ht pr_ht ax_slp pr_slp" " power tau index type") print(header_str) for i, aps in enumerate(zip(ax_ray, pr_ray, sys)): ax, pr, sy = aps print(f"{i:2}: {ax[]:12.6g} {pr[]:12.6g} " f"{ax[mc.slp]:12.6g} {pr[mc.slp]:12.6g} " f"{sy[mc.pwr]:13.7g} {sy[mc.tau]:12.6g} " f"{sy[mc.indx]:12.5f} {sy[mc.rmd]}")
[docs] def list_lens(self): """ list the paraxial axial and chief rays, and power, reduced distance """ sys = self.sys ax_ray = pr_ray = ht = tau = mc.tau slp = mc.slp pwr = mc.pwr indx = mc.indx rmd = mc.rmd print(" ax_ray_ht ax_ray_slp") for i in range(0, len(ax_ray)): print("{:2}: {:12.6g} {:12.6g}".format(i, ax_ray[i][ht], ax_ray[i][slp])) print("\n pr_ray_ht pr_ray_slp") for i in range(0, len(pr_ray)): print("{:2}: {:12.6g} {:12.6g}".format(i, pr_ray[i][ht], pr_ray[i][slp])) print("\n power tau index type") for i in range(0, len(sys)): print("{:2}: {:13.7g} {:12.5g} {:12.5f} {}".format( i, sys[i][pwr], sys[i][tau], sys[i][indx], sys[i][rmd]))
[docs] def list_sys_seq(self): print(" c t medium mode") fmt = "{:2}: {:12.7g} {:#12.6g} {:12.5f} {:>10s}" sys = self.sys n_before = sys[0][mc.indx] for i, sg in enumerate(self.sys): n_after = sys[i][mc.indx] thi = n_after*sys[i][mc.tau] delta_n = n_after - n_before cv = sys[i][mc.pwr] if delta_n == 0 else sys[i][mc.pwr]/delta_n print(fmt.format(i, cv, thi, n_after, sys[i][mc.rmd])) n_before = n_after
[docs] def first_order_data(self): """List out the first order imaging properties of the model.""" self.opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod.list_first_order_data()
# --- convert to/from sequential model
[docs] def seq_path_to_paraxial_lens(self, path): """ returns lists of power, reduced thickness, signed index and refract mode """ sys = [] for i, sg in enumerate(path): ifc, gap, _, rndx, z_dir = sg imode = ifc.interact_mode power = ifc.optical_power if gap: n_after = rndx if z_dir > 0 else -rndx tau = gap.thi/n_after sys.append([power, tau, n_after, imode]) else: sys.append([power, 0.0, sys[-1][mc.indx], imode]) return sys
[docs] def paraxial_lens_to_seq_model(self): """ Applies a paraxial lens spec (power, reduced distance) to the model """ sys = self.sys ax_ray = n_before = sys[0][mc.indx] slp_before =[0][mc.slp] for i, sg in enumerate(self.seq_model.path()): ifc, gap, _, _, _ = sg if gap: n_after = sys[i][mc.indx] slp_after = ax_ray[i][mc.slp] gap.thi = n_after*sys[i][mc.tau] ifc.set_optical_power(sys[i][mc.pwr], n_before, n_after) ifc.from_first_order(slp_before, slp_after, ax_ray[i][]) n_before = n_after slp_before = slp_after
# --- power and thickness solves
[docs] def pwr_slope_solve(self, ray, surf, slp_new): p = ray[surf-1] c = ray[surf] pwr = (p[mc.slp] - slp_new)/c[] return pwr
[docs] def pwr_ht_solve(self, ray, surf, ht_new): sys = self.sys p = ray[surf-1] c = ray[surf] slp_new = (ht_new - c[])/sys[surf][mc.tau] pwr = (p[mc.slp] - slp_new)/ht_new return pwr
[docs] def thi_ht_solve(self, ray, surf, ht_new): c = ray[surf] thi = (ht_new - c[])/c[mc.slp] return thi
# --- calculations
[docs] def compute_principle_points(self, seq): """ Returns paraxial p and q rays, plus partial first order data. Args: seq: a sequence containing interfaces and gaps to be traced. for each iteration, the sequence should return a list containing: **Intfc, Gap, Trfm, Index, Z_Dir** Returns: (p_ray, q_ray, (efl, pp1, ppk, ffl, bfl)) - p_ray: [ht, slp, aoi], [1, 0, -] - q_ray: [ht, slp, aoi], [0, 1, -] - efl: effective focal length - pp1: distance of front principle plane from 1st interface - ppk: distance of rear principle plane from last interface - ffl: front focal length - bfl: back focal length """ n_0 = seq[0][mc.Indx] z_dir_before = seq[0][mc.Zdir] n_k = seq[-1][mc.Indx] z_dir_k = seq[-1][mc.Zdir] path = [[Surface(), Gap(), None, n_0, z_dir_before]] path.extend(seq[1:]) pp_info = fo.compute_principle_points(iter(path), n_0=z_dir_before*n_0, n_k=z_dir_k*n_k) return pp_info
[docs] def apply_conjugate_shift(self, nodes, k, mat, line_type): sys = self.sys ax = pr = # apply the shear transformation to the original shape sheared_nodes = np.matmul(nodes, mat) # for an object shift, object and image distances change, # calculate them before revising the ray slope values if line_type == 'object_image': conj_line = np.array([0., 0.]), np.array([1., k]) # update object distance and object y and ybar sheared_obj = get_intersect(nodes[0], nodes[1], *conj_line) pr[0][], ax[0][] = sheared_obj[0], 0. sys[0][mc.tau] = ((-sheared_nodes[1][1]*sheared_obj[0]) / self.opt_inv) # update image distance and image y and ybar sheared_img = get_intersect(nodes[-2], nodes[-1], *conj_line) pr[-1][], ax[-1][] = sheared_img[0], 0. sys[-2][mc.tau] = ((sheared_nodes[-2][1]*sheared_img[0]) / self.opt_inv) else: # pupil shift, update object values here pr[0][], ax[0][] = sheared_nodes[0] # update slope values for i, sheared_node in enumerate(sheared_nodes[1:], start=1): pr[i][], ax[i][] = sheared_node pr[i-1][mc.slp] = ( (pr[i][] - pr[i-1][]) / sys[i-1][mc.tau]) ax[i-1][mc.slp] = ( (ax[i][] - ax[i-1][]) / sys[i-1][mc.tau]) pr[-1][mc.slp] = pr[-2][mc.slp] ax[-1][mc.slp] = ax[-2][mc.slp] if self.seq_mapping is not None: self.process_seq_mapping(sheared_nodes) self.opt_model['parax_model'].paraxial_lens_to_seq_model()
[docs] def paraxial_vignetting(self, rel_fov=1): """Calculate the vignetting factors using paraxial optics. """ sm = self.seq_model min_vly = 1, None min_vuy = 1, None for i, ifc in enumerate(sm.ifcs[:-1]): if[i][] != 0: max_ap = ifc.surface_od() y =[i][] ybar = rel_fov *[i][] ratio = (max_ap - abs(ybar))/abs(y) if ratio > 0: if ybar < 0: if ratio < min_vly[0]: min_vly = ratio, i elif ybar > 0: if ratio < min_vuy[0]: min_vuy = ratio, i else: # ybar == 0 if ratio < min_vly[0]: min_vly = ratio, i if ratio < min_vuy[0]: min_vuy = ratio, i # print(f'{i:2d}: {ratio:8.3f} {ybar:8.3f} {y:8.3f} {max_ap:8.3f}') # print("min_vly:", min_vly, "min_vuy:", min_vuy) return min_vly, min_vuy
[docs]def create_diagram_for_key(opm, key, type_sel): seq_mapping, nodes = generate_mapping_for_key(opm, key, type_sel) prx_model = build_from_yybar(opm, nodes, type_sel, seq_mapping) return key, prx_model
[docs]def update_diagram_for_key(opm, key, type_sel): seq_mapping, nodes = generate_mapping_for_key(opm, key, type_sel) if key in opm['parax_model'].layers: prx_model = opm['parax_model'].layers[key] prx_model.seq_mapping = seq_mapping rndx_and_imode = None if key == 'ifcs': rndx_and_imode = opm['seq_model'].get_rndx_and_imode() prx_model.init_from_nodes(nodes, type_sel, rndx_and_imode=rndx_and_imode) else: prx_model = build_from_yybar(opm, nodes, type_sel, seq_mapping) opm['parax_model'].layers[key] = prx_model return key, prx_model
[docs]def generate_mapping_for_key(opm, key, type_sel): """ generate all of the mappings, ht and slp, for *key*. """ # generate the node_defs for key pt = opm['part_tree'] if key == 'eles': air_nodes = pt.nodes_with_tag('#airgap') air_gap_list = [ for n in air_nodes] node_defs = air_gaps_to_node_defs(air_gap_list) elif key == 'asm': air_gap_list = [ for n in pt.root_node.children if '#airgap' in n.tag] node_defs = air_gaps_to_node_defs(air_gap_list) elif key == 'sys': num_nodes = len(opm['seq_model'].ifcs) node_defs = [(0,), (0, num_nodes-2), (num_nodes-1,)] elif key == 'ifcs': nodes = [opm['parax_model'].parax_to_nodes(, opm['parax_model'].parax_to_nodes(mc.slp)] return None, nodes # print(f'{key}:\nnode_defs_orig {node_defs}') node_defs, ht_nodes = get_valid_ht_nodes(opm['parax_model'], node_defs) # print(f'node_defs {node_defs}\nnodes {nodes}') map_to_ifcs = gen_ifcs_node_mapping(opm['parax_model'], node_defs, ht_nodes) # print(f'map_to_ifcs {map_to_ifcs}\n') slp_nodes = slp_nodes_from_node_defs(opm['parax_model'], node_defs) seq_mapping = (node_defs, map_to_ifcs) nodes = [ht_nodes, slp_nodes] return seq_mapping, nodes
[docs]def air_gaps_to_node_defs(air_gap_list): """ generate the node defs for composite layers, based on airgaps. """ prev_gap_idx = 0 node_defs = [(prev_gap_idx,)] for gap_idx in air_gap_list[1:]: if gap_idx - prev_gap_idx < 2: node_defs.append((gap_idx,)) else: node_defs.append((prev_gap_idx, gap_idx)) prev_gap_idx = gap_idx node_defs.append((gap_idx+1,)) return node_defs
[docs]def get_valid_ht_nodes(parax_model, node_defs_in): """ given the input node defs, replace non-physical thin lenses as needed.""" node_defs = None node_defs_new = node_defs_in nodes_new = ht_nodes_from_node_defs(parax_model, node_defs_new) while node_defs != node_defs_new: node_defs = node_defs_new nodes = nodes_new node_defs_new = scan_nodes(parax_model, node_defs, nodes) nodes_new = ht_nodes_from_node_defs(parax_model, node_defs_new) return node_defs_new, nodes_new
[docs]def ht_nodes_from_node_defs(parax_model, node_defs): """ produce a list of ht nodes given the parax_model and node_defs. `node_defs` is a list of tuples, each with either one or two indices. if there is a single index, it is to a node in `parax_model`. if there are 2 indices, the first is to the gap preceding the element; the second is to the gap following the element (also the last interface of the element). The node is calculated from the intersection of the diagram edges corresponding to these gaps. There is no guarentee that the nodes calculated here represent a physically realizable system, i.e. there may be virtual airspaces. """ nodes = [] for i, kernel in enumerate(node_defs): if len(kernel) == 1: nodes.append(parax_model.get_pt(kernel[0], elif len(kernel) == 2: prev_gap_idx, after_gap_idx = kernel l1_pt1 = parax_model.get_pt(prev_gap_idx) l1_pt2 = parax_model.get_pt(prev_gap_idx+1) l2_pt1 = parax_model.get_pt(after_gap_idx) l2_pt2 = parax_model.get_pt(after_gap_idx+1) new_node = get_intersect(l1_pt1, l1_pt2, l2_pt1, l2_pt2) nodes.append(new_node) elif len(kernel) == 3: idx, prev_gap_idx, after_gap_idx = kernel nodes.append(parax_model.get_pt(idx)) return nodes
[docs]def slp_nodes_from_node_defs(parax_model, node_defs): """ produce a list of slopes given the parax_model and node_defs. `node_defs` is a list of tuples, each with either one or two indices. if there is a single index, it is to a node in `parax_model`. if there are 2 indices, the first is to the gap preceding the element; the second is to the gap following the element (also the last interface of the element). The node is calculated from the intersection of the diagram edges corresponding to these gaps. There is no guarentee that the nodes calculated here represent a physically realizable system, i.e. there may be virtual airspaces. """ nodes = [] for kernel in node_defs[:-1]: if len(kernel) == 1: after_gap_idx = kernel[0] elif len(kernel) == 2: prev_gap_idx, after_gap_idx = kernel elif len(kernel) == 3: idx, prev_gap_idx, after_gap_idx = kernel nodes.append(parax_model.get_pt(after_gap_idx, type_sel=mc.slp)) return nodes
[docs]def scan_nodes(parax_model, node_defs, nodes): """scan node defs for any invalid thin elements Replace the first invalid thin element found with two 3 element tuples, signifying a thick node. The first tuple element is the index to the node in the `parax_model` and the last two elements are the range of indices in the `parax_model` covered by the thick element. Return the updated node_def list. """ new_node_defs = node_defs.copy() xprods = np.cross(nodes[:-1], nodes[1:]) for i, kn in enumerate(zip(node_defs, nodes)): kernel, node = kn if len(kernel) == 2: prev_gap_idx, after_gap_idx = kernel prev = 1 if prev_gap_idx == 0 else prev_gap_idx l1_pt1 = parax_model.get_pt(prev) # l1_pt2 = parax_model.get_pt(prev_gap_idx+1) l2_pt1 = parax_model.get_pt(after_gap_idx) xprod1 = np.cross(l1_pt1, l2_pt1) # xprodt = np.cross(l1_pt2, l2_pt1) # print(f'{i}: {prev}-{after_gap_idx}: ifc: {xprod1}, t: {xprodt}, thin: {xprods[i-1]}') if xprods[i-1] > 0 or (prev_gap_idx != 0 and 2*xprod1 > xprods[i-1]): new_node_defs[i] = (prev_gap_idx+1, prev_gap_idx, after_gap_idx) new_node_defs.insert(i+1, (after_gap_idx, prev_gap_idx, after_gap_idx)) break return new_node_defs
[docs]def build_from_yybar(opm, nodes, type_sel, seq_mapping): prx_model = ParaxialModel(opm, opt_inv=opm['pm'].opt_inv, seq_mapping=seq_mapping) rndx_and_imode = None if seq_mapping is None: rndx_and_imode = opm['seq_model'].get_rndx_and_imode() prx_model.init_from_nodes(nodes, type_sel, rndx_and_imode=rndx_and_imode) return prx_model
[docs]def gen_ifcs_node_mapping(parax_model, node_defs, nodes): """Create mapping between composite diagram and interface based diagram. Each node in the composite diagram is associated with one or a range of nodes in parax_model.layer['ifcs']. `node_defs` and `nodes` define the composite diagram. `node_defs` is a list of tuples, one per composite node, of length 1, 2, or 3. The number of entries is as follows: 1) the composite node maps directly to node idx in the 'ifcs' layer 2) the composite node is generated from the previous and following gap indices 3) the composite node is part of a thick node A **thick** node is what is used when reducing a range of interfaces to a single node requires virtual propagation distances. In this case, the first and last nodes in the range are retained in the composite diagram; interior nodes are scaled according to how the thick edge is stretched. Changes in the composite diagram are propagated to the underlying 'ifcs' layer by applying a 2D stretch to the nodes in the 'ifcs' layer. The 'ifcs' node is parameterized by the calculating the intersection of the composite edge with the vector from the origin through the composite node. The scale factors are: * t1: parametric distance of the intersection point along the composite edge * t2: fractional distance of the composite node to the intersection point The map_to_ifcs list connects the edge in the composite diagram to the 'ifcs' node and the scale factors needed to update the 'ifcs' node position when the composite diagram changes. """ def calc_scale_factors(pt1, pt2, pt_k): new_node = np.array(get_intersect(pt1, pt2, np.array([0., 0.]), pt_k)) t1 = norm(new_node - pt1)/norm(pt2 - pt1) t2 = norm(pt_k)/norm(new_node) return t1, t2 map_to_ifcs = [] for i, kernel in enumerate(node_defs): if len(kernel) == 1: # single node or mirror idx = kernel[0] map_to_ifcs.append((idx, i, 0., 1.)) elif len(kernel) == 2: # thin element group # get the defining vertices from the composite diagram l1_pt1 = np.array(nodes[i-1]) l1_pt2 = np.array(nodes[i]) l2_pt1 = np.array(nodes[i]) l2_pt2 = np.array(nodes[i+1]) prev_gap_idx, after_gap_idx = kernel for k in range(prev_gap_idx+1, after_gap_idx+1): pt_k = np.array(parax_model.get_pt(k, xprod = np.cross(nodes[i], pt_k) if xprod >= 0.0: t1, t2 = calc_scale_factors(l1_pt1, l1_pt2, pt_k) map_to_ifcs.append((k, i-1, t1, t2)) else: t1, t2 = calc_scale_factors(l2_pt1, l2_pt2, pt_k) map_to_ifcs.append((k, i, t1, t2)) elif len(kernel) == 3: # thick element group # A thick element group has 2 adjacent nodes. The first and last nodes # of the thick element correspond to the first and last nodes in the # interface diagram. Interface nodes between these are scaled along # the edge separating the 2 thick nodes. map_to_ifcs.append((idx, i, 0., 1.)) idx, prev_gap_idx, after_gap_idx = kernel if idx != after_gap_idx: # get the defining vertices from the composite diagram thick_pt1 = np.array(nodes[i]) thick_pt2 = np.array(nodes[i+1]) for k in range(idx+1, after_gap_idx): pt_k = np.array(parax_model.get_pt(k, t1, t2 = calc_scale_factors(thick_pt1, thick_pt2, pt_k) map_to_ifcs.append((k, i, t1, t2)) return map_to_ifcs