Source code for rayoptics.parax.thirdorder

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2018 Michael J. Hayford
"""thirder order aberration calculation

.. Created on Fri Jul  6 07:24:40 2018

.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from rayoptics.optical.model_constants import ht, slp, aoi

[docs]def compute_third_order(opt_model): """ Compute Seidel aberration coefficents. """ seq_model = opt_model.seq_model n_before = seq_model.central_rndx(0) parax_data = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'] ax_ray, pr_ray, fod = parax_data opt_inv = fod.opt_inv opt_inv_sqr = opt_inv*opt_inv third_order = {} # Transfer from object p = 0 pd_index = ['S-I', 'S-II', 'S-III', 'S-IV', 'S-V'] for c in range(1, len(ax_ray)-1): n_after = seq_model.central_rndx(c) n_after = n_after if seq_model.z_dir[c] > 0 else -n_after cv = seq_model.ifcs[c].profile_cv A = n_after * ax_ray[c][aoi] Abar = n_after * pr_ray[c][aoi] P = cv*(1./n_after - 1./n_before) delta_slp = ax_ray[c][slp]/n_after - ax_ray[p][slp]/n_before SIi = -A**2 * ax_ray[c][ht] * delta_slp SIIi = -A*Abar * ax_ray[c][ht] * delta_slp SIIIi = -Abar**2 * ax_ray[c][ht] * delta_slp SIVi = -opt_inv_sqr * P delta_n_sqr = 1./n_after**2 - 1./n_before**2 SVi = -Abar*(Abar * Abar * delta_n_sqr * ax_ray[c][ht] - (opt_inv + Abar * ax_ray[c][ht])*pr_ray[c][ht]*P) scoef = pd.Series([SIi, SIIi, SIIIi, SIVi, SVi], index=pd_index) col = str(c) third_order[col] = scoef # handle case of aspheric profile if hasattr(seq_model.ifcs[c], 'profile'): to_asp = aspheric_seidel_contribution(seq_model, parax_data, c, n_before, n_after) if to_asp: ascoef = pd.Series(to_asp, index=pd_index) third_order[col+'.asp'] = ascoef p = c n_before = n_after third_order_df = pd.DataFrame(third_order, index=pd_index) third_order_df['sum'] = third_order_df.sum(axis='columns') return third_order_df.T
[docs]def calc_4th_order_aspheric_term(p): G = 0. if type(p).__name__ == 'Conic': cv = cc = G = cc*cv**3/8.0 elif type(p).__name__ == 'EvenPolynomial': cv = cc = G = cc*cv**3/8.0 + p.coef4 return G
[docs]def aspheric_seidel_contribution(seq_model, parax_data, i, n_before, n_after): def delta_E(z, y, u, n): return -z/(n*y*(y + z*u)) ax_ray, pr_ray, fod = parax_data if pr_ray[i][slp] == 0: e = pr_ray[i][ht]/ax_ray[i][ht] else: z = -pr_ray[i][ht]/pr_ray[i][slp] e = fod.opt_inv*delta_E(z, ax_ray[i][ht], ax_ray[i][slp], n_after) G = calc_4th_order_aspheric_term(seq_model.ifcs[i].profile) if G == 0.0: return None delta_n = n_after - n_before SI_star = 8.0*G*delta_n*ax_ray[i][ht]**4 SII_star = SI_star*e SIII_star = SI_star*e**2 SV_star = SI_star*e**3 return [SI_star, SII_star, SIII_star, 0., SV_star]
[docs]def seidel_to_wavefront(seidel, central_wvl): """ Convert Seidel coefficients to wavefront aberrations """ pd_index = ['W040', 'W131', 'W222', 'W220', 'W311'] SI, SII, SIII, SIV, SV = seidel W040 = 0.125*SI/central_wvl W131 = 0.5*SII/central_wvl W222 = 0.5*SIII/central_wvl W220 = 0.25*(SIV + SIII)/central_wvl W311 = 0.5*SV/central_wvl return pd.Series([W040, W131, W222, W220, W311], index=pd_index)
[docs]def seidel_to_transverse_aberration(seidel, ref_index, slope): """ Convert Seidel coefficients to transverse ray aberrations """ pd_index = ['TSA', 'TCO', 'TAS', 'SAS', 'PTB', 'DST'] SI, SII, SIII, SIV, SV = seidel cnvrt = 1.0/(2.0*ref_index*slope) # TSA = transverse spherical aberration TSA = cnvrt*SI # TCO = tangential coma TCO = cnvrt*3.0*SII # TAS = tangential astigmatism TAS = cnvrt*(3.0*SIII + SIV) # SAS = sagittal astigmatism SAS = cnvrt*(SIII + SIV) # PTB = Petzval blur PTB = cnvrt*SIV # DST = distortion DST = cnvrt*SV return pd.Series([TSA, TCO, TAS, SAS, PTB, DST], index=pd_index)
[docs]def seidel_to_field_curv(seidel, ref_index, opt_inv): """ Convert Seidel coefficients to astigmatic and Petzval curvatures """ pd_index = ['TCV', 'SCV', 'PCV'] SI, SII, SIII, SIV, SV = seidel cnvrt = ref_index/opt_inv**2 # TCV = curvature of the tangential image surface TCV = cnvrt*(3.0*SIII + SIV) # SCV = curvature of the sagittal image surface SCV = cnvrt*(SIII + SIV) # PCV = curvature of the Petzval surface PCV = cnvrt*SIV return pd.Series([TCV, SCV, PCV], index=pd_index)