Source code for rayoptics.raytr.analyses

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2020 Michael J. Hayford
"""Aberration calculations for (fld, wvl, foc), including focus and image shift

    This module refactors some existing ray trace and aberration calculations
    in other modules to be expressed for a single field point and wavelength.
    The ability to apply focus and image shifts to an already acquired data set
    is provided for use interactively and in other performance critical areas.

    The following classes are implemented in this module:

        - :class:`~.Ray`: trace a single ray
        - :class:`~.RayFan`: trace a fan of rays in either the x or y meridian
        - :class:`~.RayList`: trace a list of rays from an object point
        - :class:`~.RayGrid`: trace a rectilinear grid of rays

    All but the `Ray` class are supported by a group of functions to trace the
    rays, accumulate the data (trace_*), and refocus (focus_*) the data. A
    all-in-one function (eval_*) to trace and apply focus is supplied also.
    These are used in the update_data methods of the classes to generate the
    ray data.

    This module also has functions to calculate chief ray and reference sphere
    information as well as functions for calculating the monochromatic PSF of
    the model.

.. Created on Sat Feb 22 22:01:56 2020

.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fftshift, fft2

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

import rayoptics.optical.model_constants as mc

from rayoptics.raytr import sampler
from rayoptics.raytr import trace
from rayoptics.raytr import traceerror as terr
from rayoptics.raytr import waveabr

# --- Single ray
[docs]class Ray(): """A ray at the given field and wavelength. Attributes: opt_model: :class:`~.OpticalModel` instance p: relative 2d pupil coordinates f: index into :class:`~.FieldSpec` or a :class:`~.Field` instance wl: wavelength (nm) to trace the ray, or central wavelength if None foc: focus shift to apply to the results image_pt_2d: base image point. if None, the chief ray is used image_delta: image offset to apply to image_pt_2d srf_save: 'single': save the ray data for surface srf_indx 'all': save all of the surface by surface ray data srf_indx: for single surface retention, the surface index to save """ def __init__(self, opt_model, p, f=0, wl=None, foc=None, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None, srf_indx=-1, srf_save='single', output_filter=None, rayerr_filter=None, color=None): self.opt_model = opt_model osp = opt_model.optical_spec self.pupil = p self.fld = osp['fov'].fields[f] if isinstance(f, int) else f self.wvl = osp['wvls'].central_wvl if wl is None else wl self.foc = osp['focus'].focus_shift if foc is None else foc self.image_pt_2d = image_pt_2d self.image_delta = image_delta self.output_filter = output_filter self.rayerr_filter = rayerr_filter self.color = color self.srf_save = srf_save self.srf_indx = srf_indx self.update_data()
[docs] def update_data(self, **kwargs): """Trace the ray and calculate transverse aberrations. """ ref_sphere, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords( self.opt_model, self.fld, self.wvl, self.foc, image_pt=self.image_pt_2d, image_delta=self.image_delta ) build = kwargs.pop('build', 'rebuild') if build == 'rebuild': ray_pkg = trace.trace_safe( self.opt_model, self.pupil, self.fld, self.wvl, self.output_filter, self.rayerr_filter, use_named_tuples=True, **kwargs) self.ray_seg = ray_pkg[0][self.srf_indx] if self.srf_save == 'all': self.ray_pkg = ray_pkg ray_seg = self.ray_seg dist = self.foc / ray_seg[mc.d][2] defocused_pt = ray_seg[mc.p] + dist*ray_seg[mc.d] reference_image_pt = ref_sphere[0] self.t_abr = defocused_pt[:2] - reference_image_pt[:2] return self
# --- Fan of rays
[docs]class RayFan(): """A fan of rays across the pupil at the given field and wavelength. Attributes: opt_model: :class:`~.OpticalModel` instance f: index into :class:`~.FieldSpec` or a :class:`~.Field` instance wl: wavelength (nm) to trace the fan, or central wavelength if None foc: focus shift to apply to the results image_pt_2d: base image point. if None, the chief ray is used image_delta: image offset to apply to image_pt_2d num_rays: number of samples along the fan xyfan: 'x' or 'y', specifies the axis the fan is sampled on """ def __init__(self, opt_model, f=0, wl=None, foc=None, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None, num_rays=21, xyfan='y', output_filter=None, rayerr_filter=None, color=None, **kwargs): self.opt_model = opt_model osp = opt_model.optical_spec self.fld = osp.field_of_view.fields[f] if isinstance(f, int) else f self.wvl = osp.spectral_region.central_wvl if wl is None else wl self.foc = osp.defocus.focus_shift if foc is None else foc self.image_pt_2d = image_pt_2d self.image_delta = image_delta self.num_rays = num_rays if xyfan == 'x': self.xyfan = 0 elif xyfan == 'y': self.xyfan = 1 else: self.xyfan = int(xyfan) self.color = color self.output_filter = output_filter self.rayerr_filter = rayerr_filter self.update_data() def __json_encode__(self): attrs = dict(vars(self)) del attrs['opt_model'] del attrs['fan_pkg'] return attrs
[docs] def update_data(self, **kwargs): """Set the fan attribute to a list of (pupil coords), dx, dy, opd.""" build = kwargs.get('build', 'rebuild') if build == 'rebuild': self.fan_pkg = trace_fan( self.opt_model, self.fld, self.wvl, self.foc, self.xyfan, image_pt_2d=self.image_pt_2d, image_delta=self.image_delta, num_rays=self.num_rays, output_filter=self.output_filter, rayerr_filter=self.rayerr_filter) = focus_fan(self.opt_model, self.fan_pkg, self.fld, self.wvl, self.foc, image_pt_2d=self.image_pt_2d, image_delta=self.image_delta) return self
[docs]def select_plot_data(fan, xyfan, data_type): """Given a fan of data, select the sample points and the resulting data.""" f_x = [] f_y = [] for p, val in fan: f_x.append(p[xyfan]) f_y.append(val[data_type]) f_x = np.array(f_x) f_y = np.array(f_y) return f_x, f_y
[docs]def smooth_plot_data(f_x, f_y, num_points=100): """Interpolate fan data points and return a smoothed version.""" interpolator = interp1d(f_x, f_y, kind='cubic', assume_sorted=True) x_sample = np.linspace(f_x.min(), f_x.max(), num_points) y_fit = interpolator(x_sample) return x_sample, y_fit
[docs]def trace_ray_fan(opt_model, fan_rng, fld, wvl, foc, output_filter=None, rayerr_filter=None, **kwargs): """Trace a fan of rays, according to fan_rng. """ start = np.array(fan_rng[0]) stop = fan_rng[1] num = fan_rng[2] step = (stop - start)/(num - 1) fan = [] for r in range(num): pupil = np.array(start) ray_result = trace.trace_safe(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl, output_filter, rayerr_filter, use_named_tuples=True, **kwargs) if ray_result is not None: fan.append([pupil[0], pupil[1], ray_result]) start += step return fan
[docs]def eval_fan(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, xy, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None, num_rays=21, output_filter=None, rayerr_filter=None, **kwargs): """Trace a fan of rays and evaluate dx, dy, & OPD across the fan.""" fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod ref_sphere, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt=image_pt_2d, image_delta=image_delta) fld.chief_ray = cr_pkg fld.ref_sphere = ref_sphere fan_start = np.array([0., 0.]) fan_stop = np.array([0., 0.]) fan_start[xy] = -1.0 fan_stop[xy] = 1.0 fan_def = [fan_start, fan_stop, num_rays] fan = trace_ray_fan(opt_model, fan_def, fld, wvl, foc, output_filter=output_filter, rayerr_filter=rayerr_filter, **kwargs) central_wvl = opt_model.optical_spec.spectral_region.central_wvl convert_to_opd = 1/opt_model.nm_to_sys_units(central_wvl) def rfc(fi): pupil_x, pupil_y, ray_pkg = fi if ray_pkg is not None: image_pt = ref_sphere[0] ray = ray_pkg[mc.ray] dist = foc / ray[-1][mc.d][2] defocused_pt = ray[-1][mc.p] + dist*ray[-1][mc.d] t_abr = defocused_pt - image_pt opdelta = waveabr.wave_abr_full_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, cr_pkg, ref_sphere) opd = convert_to_opd*opdelta return (pupil_x, pupil_y), (t_abr[0], t_abr[1], opd) else: return pupil_x, pupil_y, np.NaN fan_data = [rfc(i) for i in fan] return fan_data
[docs]def trace_fan(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, xy, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None, num_rays=21, output_filter=None, rayerr_filter=None, **kwargs): """Trace a fan of rays and precalculate data for rapid refocus later.""" fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod ref_sphere, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt=image_pt_2d, image_delta=image_delta) fld.chief_ray = cr_pkg fld.ref_sphere = ref_sphere """ xy determines whether x (=0) or y (=1) fan """ fan_start = np.array([0., 0.]) fan_stop = np.array([0., 0.]) fan_start[xy] = -1.0 fan_stop[xy] = 1.0 fan_def = [fan_start, fan_stop, num_rays] fan = trace_ray_fan(opt_model, fan_def, fld, wvl, foc, output_filter=output_filter, rayerr_filter=rayerr_filter, **kwargs) def wpc(fi): pupil_x, pupil_y, ray_pkg = fi if ray_pkg is not None and not isinstance(ray_pkg, terr.TraceError): pre_opd_pkg = waveabr.wave_abr_pre_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, cr_pkg) return pre_opd_pkg else: return None upd_fan = [wpc(i) for i in fan] return fan, upd_fan
[docs]def focus_fan(opt_model, fan_pkg, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None, **kwargs): """Refocus the fan of rays and return the tranverse abr. and OPD.""" fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod fan, upd_fan = fan_pkg ref_sphere, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt=image_pt_2d, image_delta=image_delta) central_wvl = opt_model.optical_spec.spectral_region.central_wvl convert_to_opd = 1/opt_model.nm_to_sys_units(central_wvl) def rfc(fi, fiu): pupil_x, pupil_y, ray_pkg = fi if ray_pkg is not None and not isinstance(ray_pkg, terr.TraceError): image_pt = ref_sphere[0] ray = ray_pkg[mc.ray] dist = foc / ray[-1][mc.d][2] defocused_pt = ray[-1][mc.p] + dist*ray[-1][mc.d] t_abr = defocused_pt - image_pt opdelta = waveabr.wave_abr_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, cr_pkg, fiu, ref_sphere) opd = convert_to_opd*opdelta return (pupil_x, pupil_y), (t_abr[0], t_abr[1], opd) else: return pupil_x, pupil_y, np.NaN fan_data = [rfc(fi, fiu) for fi, fiu in zip(fan, upd_fan)] return fan_data
# --- List of rays
[docs]class RayList(): """Container class for a list of rays produced from a list or generator Attributes: opt_model: :class:`~.OpticalModel` instance pupil_gen: (fct, args, kwargs), where: - fct: a function returning a generator returning a 2d coordinate - args: passed to fct - kwargs: passed to fct pupil_coords: list of 2d coordinates. If None, filled in by calling pupil_gen. num_rays: number of samples side of grid. Used only if pupil_coords and pupil_gen are None. f: index into :class:`~.FieldSpec` or a :class:`~.Field` instance wl: wavelength (nm) to trace the fan, or central wavelength if None foc: focus shift to apply to the results image_pt_2d: base image point. if None, the chief ray is used image_delta: image offset to apply to image_pt_2d apply_vignetting: whether to apply vignetting factors to pupil coords """ def __init__(self, opt_model, pupil_gen=None, pupil_coords=None, num_rays=21, f=0, wl=None, foc=None, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None, apply_vignetting=True): self.opt_model = opt_model osp = opt_model.optical_spec if pupil_coords is not None and pupil_gen is None: self.pupil_coords = pupil_coords self.pupil_gen = None else: if pupil_gen is not None: self.pupil_gen = pupil_gen else: grid_start = np.array([-1., -1.]) grid_stop = np.array([1., 1.]) grid_def = [grid_start, grid_stop, num_rays] self.pupil_gen = (sampler.csd_grid_ray_generator, (grid_def,), {}) fct, args, kwargs = self.pupil_gen self.pupil_coords = fct(*args, **kwargs) self.fld = osp.field_of_view.fields[f] if isinstance(f, int) else f self.wvl = osp.spectral_region.central_wvl if wl is None else wl self.foc = osp.defocus.focus_shift if foc is None else foc self.image_pt_2d = image_pt_2d self.image_delta = image_delta self.apply_vignetting = apply_vignetting self.update_data() def __json_encode__(self): attrs = dict(vars(self)) del attrs['opt_model'] del attrs['pupil_gen'] del attrs['pupil_coords'] del attrs['ray_list'] return attrs
[docs] def update_data(self, **kwargs): build = kwargs.get('build', 'rebuild') if build == 'rebuild': if self.pupil_gen: fct, args, kwargs = self.pupil_gen self.pupil_coords = fct(*args, **kwargs) self.ray_list = trace_pupil_coords( self.opt_model, self.pupil_coords, self.fld, self.wvl, self.foc, image_pt_2d=self.image_pt_2d, image_delta=self.image_delta, apply_vignetting=self.apply_vignetting) ray_list_data = focus_pupil_coords( self.opt_model, self.ray_list, self.fld, self.wvl, self.foc, image_pt_2d=self.image_pt_2d, image_delta=self.image_delta) self.ray_abr = np.rollaxis(ray_list_data, 1) return self
[docs]def trace_ray_list(opt_model, pupil_coords, fld, wvl, foc, append_if_none=False, output_filter=None, rayerr_filter=None, **kwargs): """Trace a list of rays at fld and wvl and return ray_pkgs in a list.""" ray_list = [] for pupil in pupil_coords: ray_result = trace.trace_safe(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl, output_filter, rayerr_filter, **kwargs) if ray_result is not None: ray_list.append([pupil[0], pupil[1], ray_result]) else: # ray outside pupil or failed if append_if_none: ray_list.append([pupil[0], pupil[1], None]) return ray_list
[docs]def trace_list_of_rays(opt_model, rays, output_filter=None, rayerr_filter=None, **kwargs): """Trace a list of rays (pt, dir, wvl) and return ray_pkgs in a list. Args: opt_model: :class:`~.OpticalModel` instance rays: list of (pt0, dir0, wvl) - pt0: starting point in coords of first interface - dir0: starting direction cosines in coords of first interface - wvl: wavelength in nm output_filter: None, "last", or a callable. See below **kwargs: kwyword args passed to the trace function The output_filter keyword argument controls what ray data is returned to the caller. - if None, returns the entire traced ray - if "last", returns the ray data from the last interface - if a callable, it must take a ray_pkg as an argument and return the desired data or None Returns: A list with an entry for each ray in rays """ ray_list = [] for ray in rays: pt0, dir0, wvl = ray try: ray_pkg = trace.trace(opt_model.seq_model, pt0, dir0, wvl, **kwargs) except terr.TraceError as rayerr: if rayerr_filter is None: pass elif rayerr_filter == 'full': ray_list.append((ray, rayerr)) elif rayerr_filter == 'summary': rayerr.ray_pkg = None ray_list.append((ray, rayerr)) else: pass else: if output_filter is None: ray_list.append(ray_pkg) elif output_filter == 'last': ray, op_delta, wvl = ray_pkg ray_list.append((ray[-1], op_delta, wvl)) else: ray_list.append(output_filter(ray_pkg)) return ray_list
[docs]def eval_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None, num_rays=21, **kwargs): """Trace a list of rays and return the transverse abr.""" ref_sphere, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt=image_pt_2d, image_delta=image_delta) fld.chief_ray = cr_pkg fld.ref_sphere = ref_sphere grid_start = np.array([-1., -1.]) grid_stop = np.array([1., 1.]) grid_def = [grid_start, grid_stop, num_rays] ray_list = trace_ray_list(opt_model, sampler.grid_ray_generator(grid_def), fld, wvl, foc, check_apertures=True, **kwargs) def rfc(ri): pupil_x, pupil_y, ray_pkg = ri if ray_pkg is not None: image_pt = ref_sphere[0] ray = ray_pkg[mc.ray] dist = foc / ray[-1][mc.d][2] defocused_pt = ray[-1][mc.p] + dist*ray[-1][mc.d] t_abr = defocused_pt - image_pt return t_abr[0], t_abr[1] else: return np.NaN ray_list_data = [rfc(ri) for ri in ray_list] return np.array(ray_list_data)
[docs]def trace_pupil_coords(opt_model, pupil_coords, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None, **kwargs): """Trace a list of rays and return data needed for rapid refocus.""" ref_sphere, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt=image_pt_2d, image_delta=image_delta) fld.chief_ray = cr_pkg fld.ref_sphere = ref_sphere ray_list = trace_ray_list(opt_model, pupil_coords, fld, wvl, foc, check_apertures=True, **kwargs) return ray_list
[docs]def focus_pupil_coords(opt_model, ray_list, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None): """Given pre-traced rays and a ref. sphere, return the transverse abr.""" ref_sphere, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt=image_pt_2d, image_delta=image_delta) def rfc(ri): pupil_x, pupil_y, ray_pkg = ri if ray_pkg is not None: image_pt = ref_sphere[0] ray = ray_pkg[mc.ray] dist = foc / ray[-1][mc.d][2] defocused_pt = ray[-1][mc.p] + dist*ray[-1][mc.d] t_abr = defocused_pt - image_pt return t_abr[0], t_abr[1] else: return np.NaN ray_list_data = [rfc(ri) for ri in ray_list] return np.array(ray_list_data)
# --- Square grid of rays
[docs]class RayGrid(): """Container for a square grid of rays. Attributes: opt_model: :class:`~.OpticalModel` instance f: index into :class:`~.FieldSpec` or a :class:`~.Field` instance wl: wavelength (nm) to trace the fan, or central wavelength if None foc: focus shift to apply to the results image_pt_2d: base image point. if None, the chief ray is used image_delta: image offset to apply to image_pt_2d num_rays: number of samples along the side of the grid """ def __init__(self, opt_model, f=0, wl=None, foc=None, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None, num_rays=21, value_if_none=np.NaN): self.opt_model = opt_model osp = opt_model.optical_spec self.fld = osp.field_of_view.fields[f] if isinstance(f, int) else f self.wvl = osp.spectral_region.central_wvl if wl is None else wl self.foc = osp.defocus.focus_shift if foc is None else foc self.image_pt_2d = image_pt_2d self.image_delta = image_delta self.num_rays = num_rays self.value_if_none = value_if_none self.update_data() def __json_encode__(self): attrs = dict(vars(self)) del attrs['opt_model'] del attrs['grid_pkg'] return attrs
[docs] def update_data(self, **kwargs): build = kwargs.get('build', 'rebuild') if build == 'rebuild': self.grid_pkg = trace_wavefront( self.opt_model, self.fld, self.wvl, self.foc, image_pt_2d=self.image_pt_2d, image_delta=self.image_delta, num_rays=self.num_rays) opd = focus_wavefront(self.opt_model, self.grid_pkg, self.fld, self.wvl, self.foc, image_pt_2d=self.image_pt_2d, image_delta=self.image_delta, value_if_none=self.value_if_none) self.grid = np.rollaxis(opd, 2) return self
[docs]def trace_ray_grid(opt_model, grid_rng, fld, wvl, foc, append_if_none=True, output_filter=None, rayerr_filter=None, **kwargs): """Trace a grid of rays at fld and wvl and return ray_pkgs in 2d list.""" start = np.array(grid_rng[0]) stop = grid_rng[1] num = grid_rng[2] step = np.array((stop - start)/(num - 1)) grid = [] for i in range(num): grid_row = [] for j in range(num): pupil = np.array(start) ray_result = trace.trace_safe(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl, output_filter, rayerr_filter, apply_vignetting=False, **kwargs) if ray_result is not None: grid_row.append([pupil[0], pupil[1], ray_result]) else: # ray outside pupil or failed if append_if_none: grid_row.append([pupil[0], pupil[1], None]) start[1] += step[1] grid.append(grid_row) start[0] += step[0] start[1] = grid_rng[0][1] return grid
[docs]def eval_wavefront(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None, num_rays=21, value_if_none=np.NaN): """Trace a grid of rays and evaluate the OPD across the wavefront.""" fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod ref_sphere, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt=image_pt_2d, image_delta=image_delta) fld.chief_ray = cr_pkg fld.ref_sphere = ref_sphere vig_bbox = fld.vignetting_bbox(opt_model['osp']['pupil']) vig_grid_def = [vig_bbox[0], vig_bbox[1], num_rays] grid = trace_ray_grid(opt_model, vig_grid_def, fld, wvl, foc, check_apertures=True) central_wvl = opt_model.optical_spec.spectral_region.central_wvl convert_to_opd = 1/opt_model.nm_to_sys_units(central_wvl) def rfc(gij): pupil_x, pupil_y, ray_pkg = gij if ray_pkg is not None: opdelta = waveabr.wave_abr_full_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, cr_pkg, ref_sphere) opd = convert_to_opd*opdelta return pupil_x, pupil_y, opd else: return pupil_x, pupil_y, value_if_none opd_grid = [[rfc(j) for j in i] for i in grid] return np.array(opd_grid)
[docs]def trace_wavefront(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None, num_rays=21): """Trace a grid of rays and pre-calculate data needed for rapid refocus.""" fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod ref_sphere, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt=image_pt_2d, image_delta=image_delta) fld.chief_ray = cr_pkg fld.ref_sphere = ref_sphere vig_bbox = fld.vignetting_bbox(opt_model['osp']['pupil']) vig_grid_def = [vig_bbox[0], vig_bbox[1], num_rays] grid = trace_ray_grid(opt_model, vig_grid_def, fld, wvl, foc, check_apertures=True) def wpc(gij): pupil_x, pupil_y, ray_pkg = gij if ray_pkg is not None: pre_opd_pkg = waveabr.wave_abr_pre_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, cr_pkg) return pre_opd_pkg else: return None upd_grid = [[wpc(j) for j in i] for i in grid] return grid, upd_grid
[docs]def focus_wavefront(opt_model, grid_pkg, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None, value_if_none=np.NaN): """Given pre-traced rays and a ref. sphere, return the ray's OPD.""" fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod grid, upd_grid = grid_pkg ref_sphere, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt=image_pt_2d, image_delta=image_delta) central_wvl = opt_model.optical_spec.spectral_region.central_wvl convert_to_opd = 1/opt_model.nm_to_sys_units(central_wvl) def rfc(gij, uij): pupil_x, pupil_y, ray_pkg = gij if ray_pkg is not None: opdelta = waveabr.wave_abr_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, cr_pkg, uij, ref_sphere) opd = convert_to_opd*opdelta return pupil_x, pupil_y, opd else: return pupil_x, pupil_y, value_if_none refocused_grid = [[rfc(jg, ju) for jg, ju in zip(ig, iu)] for ig, iu in zip(grid, upd_grid)] return np.array(refocused_grid)
# --- PSF calculation
[docs]def psf_sampling(n=None, n_pupil=None, n_airy=None): """Given 2 of 3 parameters, calculate the third. Args: n: The total width of the sampling grid n_pupil: The sampling across the pupil n_airy: The sampling across the central peak of the Airy disk Returns: (n, n_pupil, n_airy) """ npa = n, n_pupil, n_airy i = npa.index(None) if i == 0: n = round((n_pupil * n_airy)/2.44) elif i == 1: n_pupil = round(2.44*n/n_airy) elif i == 2: n_airy = round(2.44*n/n_pupil) return n, n_pupil, n_airy
[docs]def calc_psf_scaling(pupil_grid, ndim, maxdim): """Calculate the input and output grid spacings. Args: pupil_grid: A RayGrid instance ndim: The sampling across the wavefront maxdim: The total width of the sampling grid Returns: delta_x: The linear grid spacing on the entrance pupil delta_xp: The linear grid spacing on the image plane """ opt_model = pupil_grid.opt_model fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod wl = opt_model.nm_to_sys_units(pupil_grid.wvl) fill_factor = ndim/maxdim max_D = 2 * fod.enp_radius / fill_factor delta_x = max_D / maxdim C = wl/fod.exp_radius delta_theta = (fill_factor * C) / 2 ref_sphere_radius = pupil_grid.fld.ref_sphere[2] delta_xp = delta_theta * ref_sphere_radius return delta_x, delta_xp
[docs]def calc_psf(wavefront, ndim, maxdim): """Calculate the point spread function of wavefront W. Args: wavefront: ndim x ndim Numpy array of wavefront errors. No data condition is indicated by nan ndim: The sampling across the wavefront maxdim: The total width of the sampling grid Returns: AP, the PSF of the input wavefront """ maxdim_by_2 = maxdim//2 W = np.zeros([maxdim, maxdim]) nd2 = ndim//2 W[maxdim_by_2-(nd2-1):maxdim_by_2+(nd2+1), maxdim_by_2-(nd2-1):maxdim_by_2+(nd2+1)] = np.nan_to_num(wavefront) phase = np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*W) for i in range(len(phase)): for j in range(len(phase)): if phase[i][j] == 1: phase[i][j] = 0 AP = abs(fftshift(fft2(fftshift(phase))))**2 AP_max = np.nanmax(AP) AP = AP/AP_max return AP
[docs]def update_psf_data(pupil_grid, build='rebuild'): pupil_grid.update_data(build=build) ndim = pupil_grid.num_rays maxdim = pupil_grid.maxdim AP = calc_psf(pupil_grid.grid[2], ndim, maxdim) return AP