Source code for rayoptics.raytr.trace

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2018 Michael J. Hayford
""" Supports model ray tracing in terms of relative aperture and field.

.. Created on Mon Sep 17 23:10:59 2018

.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford

import itertools
import warnings
import math
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy.optimize import newton, fsolve
import pandas as pd

from . import raytrace as rt
from . import RayPkg, RaySeg
from .waveabr import (wave_abr_full_calc, calculate_reference_sphere, 
from rayoptics.optical import model_constants as mc
from .traceerror import TraceError, TraceMissedSurfaceError, TraceTIRError

[docs]def ray_pkg(ray_pkg): """ return a |Series| containing a ray package (RayPkg) """ return pd.Series(ray_pkg, index=['ray', 'op', 'wvl'])
[docs]def ray_df(ray): """ return a |DataFrame| containing ray data """ r = pd.DataFrame(ray, columns=['inc_pt', 'after_dir', 'after_dst', 'normal']) r.index.names = ['intrfc'] return r
[docs]def list_ray(ray_obj, tfrms=None, start=0): """ pretty print a ray either in local or global coordinates """ if isinstance(ray_obj, tuple): ray = ray_obj[0] else: ray = ray_obj colHeader = " X Y Z L" \ " M N Len" print(colHeader) colFormats = "{:3d}: {:12.5f} {:12.5f} {:12.5g} {:12.6f} {:12.6f} " \ "{:12.6f} {:12.5g}" for i, r in enumerate(ray[start:], start=start): if tfrms is None: print(colFormats.format(i, r[mc.p][0], r[mc.p][1], r[mc.p][2], r[mc.d][0], r[mc.d][1], r[mc.d][2], r[mc.dst])) else: rot, trns = tfrms[i] p =[mc.p]) + trns d =[mc.d]) print(colFormats.format(i, p[0], p[1], p[2], d[0], d[1], d[2], r[mc.dst]))
[docs]def trace_safe(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl, output_filter, rayerr_filter, **kwargs): """Wrapper for trace_base that handles exceptions. Args: opt_model: :class:`~.OpticalModel` instance pupil: 2d vector of relative pupil coordinates fld: :class:`~.Field` point for wave aberration calculation wvl: wavelength of ray (nm) output_filter: - if None, append entire ray - if 'last', append the last ray segment only - else treat as callable and append the return value rayerr_filter: - if None, on ray error append nothing - if 'summary', append the exception without ray data - if 'full', append the exception with ray data up to error - else append nothing Returns: ray_result: see discussion of filters, above. """ use_named_tuples = kwargs.get('use_named_tuples', False) ray_result = None try: ray_pkg = trace_base(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl, **kwargs) except TraceError as rayerr: if rayerr_filter is None: pass elif rayerr_filter == 'full': ray, op_delta, wvl = rayerr.ray_pkg ray = [RaySeg(*rs) for rs in ray] rayerr.ray_pkg = RayPkg(ray, op_delta, wvl) ray_result = rayerr elif rayerr_filter == 'summary': rayerr.ray_pkg = None ray_result = rayerr else: pass else: if use_named_tuples: ray, op_delta, wvl = ray_pkg ray = [RaySeg(*rs) for rs in ray] ray_pkg = RayPkg(ray, op_delta, wvl) if output_filter is None: ray_result = ray_pkg elif output_filter == 'last': ray, op_delta, wvl = ray_pkg final_seg_pkg = (ray[-1], op_delta, wvl) ray_result = final_seg_pkg else: ray_result = output_filter(ray_pkg) return ray_result
[docs]def retrieve_ray(ray_result): """ Retrieve the ray (the list of ray segs) from ray_result. This function handles the normal case where the ray traces successfully and the case of a ray failure, which returns a TraceError instance. """ px, py, ray_item = ray_result if isinstance(ray_item, TraceError): return ray_item.ray_pkg else: return ray_item
[docs]def trace(seq_model, pt0, dir0, wvl, **kwargs): """ returns (ray, ray_opl, wvl) Args: seq_model: the :class:`~.SequentialModel` to be traced pt0: starting coordinate at object interface dir0: starting direction cosines following object interface wvl: ray trace wavelength in nm **kwargs: keyword arguments Returns: (**ray**, **op_delta**, **wvl**) - **ray** is a list for each interface in **path_pkg** of these elements: [pt, after_dir, after_dst, normal] - pt: the intersection point of the ray - after_dir: the ray direction cosine following the interface - after_dst: after_dst: the geometric distance to the next interface - normal: the surface normal at the intersection point - **op_delta** - optical path wrt equally inclined chords to the optical axis - **wvl** - wavelength (in nm) that the ray was traced in """ return rt.trace(seq_model, pt0, dir0, wvl, **kwargs)
[docs]def trace_base(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl, apply_vignetting=True, **kwargs): """Trace ray specified by relative aperture and field point. Args: opt_model: instance of :class:`~.OpticalModel` to trace pupil: relative pupil coordinates of ray fld: instance of :class:`~.Field` wvl: ray trace wavelength in nm **kwargs: keyword arguments Returns: (**ray**, **op_delta**, **wvl**) - **ray** is a list for each interface in **path_pkg** of these elements: [pt, after_dir, after_dst, normal] - pt: the intersection point of the ray - after_dir: the ray direction cosine following the interface - after_dst: after_dst: the geometric distance to the next interface - normal: the surface normal at the intersection point - **op_delta** - optical path wrt equally inclined chords to the optical axis - **wvl** - wavelength (in nm) that the ray was traced in """ vig_pupil = fld.apply_vignetting(pupil) if apply_vignetting else pupil osp = opt_model.optical_spec fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod eprad = fod.enp_radius aim_pt = np.array([0., 0.]) if hasattr(fld, 'aim_pt') and fld.aim_pt is not None: aim_pt = fld.aim_pt pt1 = np.array([eprad*vig_pupil[0]+aim_pt[0], eprad*vig_pupil[1]+aim_pt[1], fod.obj_dist+fod.enp_dist]) pt0 = osp.obj_coords(fld) dir0 = pt1 - pt0 length = norm(dir0) dir0 = dir0/length sm = opt_model.seq_model # To handle virtual object distances, always propagate from # the object in a positive Z direction. if dir0[2] * sm.z_dir[0] < 0: dir0 = -dir0 return rt.trace(sm, pt0, dir0, wvl, **kwargs)
[docs]def iterate_ray(opt_model, ifcx, xy_target, fld, wvl, **kwargs): """ iterates a ray to xy_target on interface ifcx, returns aim points on the paraxial entrance pupil plane If idcx is None, i.e. a floating stop surface, returns xy_target. If the iteration fails, a TraceError will be raised """ def y_stop_coordinate(y1, *args): seq_model, ifcx, pt0, dist, wvl, y_target = args pt1 = np.array([0., y1, dist]) dir0 = pt1 - pt0 length = norm(dir0) dir0 = dir0/length if dir0[2] * seq_model.z_dir[0] < 0: dir0 = -dir0 try: ray, _, _ = rt.trace(seq_model, pt0, dir0, wvl) except TraceMissedSurfaceError as ray_miss: ray = ray_miss.ray_pkg if <= ifcx: raise ray_miss except TraceTIRError as ray_tir: ray = ray_tir.ray_pkg if < ifcx: raise ray_tir y_ray = ray[ifcx][mc.p][1] # print(y1, y_ray) return y_ray - y_target def surface_coordinate(coord, *args): seq_model, ifcx, pt0, dist, wvl, target = args pt1 = np.array([coord[0], coord[1], dist]) dir0 = pt1 - pt0 length = norm(dir0) dir0 = dir0/length if dir0[2] * seq_model.z_dir[0] < 0: dir0 = -dir0 ray, _, _ = rt.trace(seq_model, pt0, dir0, wvl) xy_ray = np.array([ray[ifcx][mc.p][0], ray[ifcx][mc.p][1]]) # print(coord[0], coord[1], xy_ray[0], xy_ray[1]) return xy_ray - target seq_model = opt_model.seq_model osp = opt_model.optical_spec fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod dist = fod.obj_dist + fod.enp_dist pt0 = osp.obj_coords(fld) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if ifcx is not None: if pt0[0] == 0.0 and xy_target[0] == 0.0: # do 1D iteration if field and target points are zero in x y_target = xy_target[1] try: start_y, results = newton(y_stop_coordinate, 0., args=(seq_model, ifcx, pt0, dist, wvl, y_target), disp=False, full_output=True) except RuntimeError as rte: # if we come here, start_y is a RuntimeResults object # print(rte) start_y = results.root except TraceError: start_y = 0.0 start_coords = np.array([0., start_y]) else: # do 2D iteration. epsfcn is a parameter increment, # make proportional to pupil radius try: start_coords = fsolve(surface_coordinate, np.array([0., 0.]), epsfcn=0.0001*fod.enp_radius, args=(seq_model, ifcx, pt0, dist, wvl, xy_target)) except TraceError: start_coords = np.array([0., 0.]) else: # floating stop surface - use entrance pupil for aiming start_coords = np.array([0., 0.]) + xy_target return start_coords
[docs]def trace_with_opd(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl, foc, **kwargs): """ returns (ray, ray_opl, wvl, opd) """ chief_ray_pkg = get_chief_ray_pkg(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc) image_pt_2d = kwargs.get('image_pt', None) image_delta = kwargs.get('image_delta', None) ref_sphere = calculate_reference_sphere(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, chief_ray_pkg, image_pt_2d=image_pt_2d, image_delta=image_delta) ray, op, wvl = trace_base(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl, **kwargs) # opl = rt.calc_optical_path(ray, opt_model.seq_model.path()) ray_pkg = ray, op, wvl fld.chief_ray = chief_ray_pkg fld.ref_sphere = ref_sphere fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod opd = wave_abr_full_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, chief_ray_pkg, ref_sphere) ray, ray_op, wvl = ray_pkg return ray, ray_op, wvl, opd
[docs]def trace_boundary_rays_at_field(opt_model, fld, wvl, use_named_tuples=False): """ returns a list of RayPkgs for the boundary rays for field fld """ rim_rays = [] osp = opt_model.optical_spec for p in osp.pupil.pupil_rays: try: ray, op, wvl = trace_base(opt_model, p, fld, wvl) except TraceError as ray_error: ray, op, wvl = ray_error.ray_pkg if use_named_tuples: ray = [RaySeg(*rs) for rs in ray] rim_rays.append(RayPkg(ray, op, wvl)) return rim_rays
[docs]def boundary_ray_dict(opt_model, rim_rays): pupil_rays = {} for ray, lbl in zip(rim_rays, opt_model.optical_spec.pupil.ray_labels): pupil_rays[lbl] = ray return pupil_rays
[docs]def trace_boundary_rays(opt_model, **kwargs): rayset = [] wvl = opt_model.seq_model.central_wavelength() fov = opt_model.optical_spec.field_of_view for fi, fld in enumerate(fov.fields): rim_rays = trace_boundary_rays_at_field(opt_model, fld, wvl, **kwargs) fld.pupil_rays = boundary_ray_dict(opt_model, rim_rays) rayset.append(rim_rays) return rayset
[docs]def trace_ray_list_at_field(opt_model, ray_list, fld, wvl, foc): """ returns a list of ray |DataFrame| for the ray_list at field fld """ rayset = [] for p in ray_list: ray, op, wvl = trace_base(opt_model, p, fld, wvl) rayset.append(ray) rdf_list = [ray_df(r) for r in rayset] return rdf_list
[docs]def trace_field(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc): """ returns a |DataFrame| with the boundary rays for field fld """ osp = opt_model.optical_spec pupil_rays = osp.pupil.pupil_rays rdf_list = trace_ray_list_at_field(opt_model, pupil_rays, fld, wvl, foc) rset = pd.concat(rdf_list, keys=osp.pupil.ray_labels, names=['pupil']) return rset
[docs]def trace_all_fields(opt_model): """ returns a |DataFrame| with the boundary rays for all fields """ osp = opt_model.optical_spec fld, wvl, foc = osp.lookup_fld_wvl_focus(0) fset = [] for f in osp.field_of_view.fields: rset = trace_field(opt_model, f, wvl, foc) fset.append(rset) fdf = pd.concat(fset, keys=osp.field_of_view.index_labels, names=['field']) return fdf
[docs]def trace_chief_ray(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc): """Trace a chief ray for fld and wvl, returning the ray_pkg and exit pupil segment.""" fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod ray, op, wvl = trace_base(opt_model, [0., 0.], fld, wvl) # op = rt.calc_optical_path(ray, opt_model.seq_model.path()) cr = RayPkg(ray, op, wvl) # cr_exp_pt: E upper bar prime: pupil center for pencils from Q # cr_exp_pt, cr_b4_dir, cr_exp_dist cr_exp_seg = transfer_to_exit_pupil(opt_model.seq_model.ifcs[-2], (cr.ray[-2][mc.p], cr.ray[-2][mc.d]), fod.exp_dist) return cr, cr_exp_seg
[docs]def trace_fan(opt_model, fan_rng, fld, wvl, foc, img_filter=None, **kwargs): start = np.array(fan_rng[0]) stop = fan_rng[1] num = fan_rng[2] step = (stop - start)/(num - 1) fan = [] for r in range(num): pupil = np.array(start) ray, op, wvl = trace_base(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl, **kwargs) # opl = rt.calc_optical_path(ray, opt_model.seq_model.path()) ray_pkg = ray, op, wvl if img_filter: result = img_filter(pupil, ray_pkg) fan.append([pupil, result]) else: fan.append([pupil, ray_pkg]) start += step return fan
[docs]def trace_grid(opt_model, grid_rng, fld, wvl, foc, img_filter=None, form='grid', append_if_none=True, **kwargs): output_filter = kwargs.get('output_filter', None) rayerr_filter = kwargs.get('rayerr_filter', None) start = np.array(grid_rng[0]) stop = grid_rng[1] num = grid_rng[2] step = np.array((stop - start)/(num - 1)) grid = [] for i in range(num): if form == 'list': working_grid = grid elif form == 'grid': grid_row = [] working_grid = grid_row for j in range(num): pupil = np.array(start) ray_result = trace_safe(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl, output_filter, rayerr_filter, check_apertures=True, **kwargs) if ray_result is not None: if img_filter: result = img_filter(pupil, ray_result) working_grid.append(result) else: working_grid.append([pupil[0], pupil[1], ray_result]) else: # ray outside pupil or failed if img_filter: result = img_filter(pupil, None) if result is not None or append_if_none: working_grid.append(result) else: if append_if_none: working_grid.append([pupil[0], pupil[1], None]) start[1] += step[1] if form == 'grid': grid.append(grid_row) start[0] += step[0] start[1] = grid_rng[0][1] return np.array(grid)
[docs]def setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt=None, image_delta=None): chief_ray_pkg = get_chief_ray_pkg(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc) image_pt_2d = None if image_pt is None else image_pt[:2] ref_sphere = calculate_reference_sphere(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, chief_ray_pkg, image_pt_2d=image_pt_2d, image_delta=image_delta) return ref_sphere, chief_ray_pkg
[docs]def aim_chief_ray(opt_model, fld, wvl=None): """ aim chief ray at center of stop surface and save results on **fld** """ seq_model = opt_model.seq_model if wvl is None: wvl = seq_model.central_wavelength() stop = seq_model.stop_surface aim_pt = iterate_ray(opt_model, stop, np.array([0., 0.]), fld, wvl) return aim_pt
[docs]def apply_paraxial_vignetting(opt_model): fov = opt_model.optical_spec.field_of_view pm = opt_model.parax_model max_field, jth = fov.max_field() for j, fld in enumerate(fov.fields): rel_fov = math.sqrt(fld.x**2 + fld.y**2) if not fov.is_relative and max_field != 0: rel_fov = rel_fov/max_field min_vly, min_vuy = pm.paraxial_vignetting(rel_fov) if min_vly[1] is not None: fld.vly = 1 - min_vly[0] if min_vuy[1] is not None: fld.vuy = 1 - min_vuy[0]
# print("Field {:2d}: {:8.3f}, ly:{:8.3f} uy:{:8.3f}".format( # j, rel_fov, fld.vly, fld.vuy))
[docs]def get_chief_ray_pkg(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc): """Get the chief ray package at **fld**, computing it if necessary. Args: opt_model: :class:`~.OpticalModel` instance fld: :class:`~.Field` point for wave aberration calculation wvl: wavelength of ray (nm) foc: defocus amount Returns: chief_ray_pkg: tuple of chief_ray, cr_exp_seg - chief_ray: chief_ray, chief_ray_op, wvl - cr_exp_seg: chief ray exit pupil segment (pt, dir, dist) - pt: chief ray intersection with exit pupil plane - dir: direction cosine of the chief ray in exit pupil space - dist: distance from interface to the exit pupil point """ if fld.chief_ray is None: aim_chief_ray(opt_model, fld, wvl=wvl) chief_ray_pkg = trace_chief_ray(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc) elif fld.chief_ray[0][2] != wvl: chief_ray_pkg = trace_chief_ray(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc) else: chief_ray_pkg = fld.chief_ray return chief_ray_pkg
[docs]def refocus(opt_model): """ Compute a focus shift bringing the axial marginal ray to zero. """ osp = opt_model['optical_spec'] fld = osp['fov'].fields[0] # assumed to be the axial field wvl = osp['wvls'].central_wvl df_ray, ray_op, wvl = trace_safe(opt_model, [0., 1.], fld, wvl, output_filter=None, rayerr_filter='full', use_named_tuples=True) defocus = -df_ray[-1].p[1]/(df_ray[-2].d[1]/df_ray[-2].d[2]) return defocus
[docs]def trace_astigmatism_coddington_fan(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc): """ calculate astigmatism by Coddington trace at **fld** """ cr = RayPkg(*trace_base(opt_model, [0., 0.], fld, wvl)) s_dfoc, t_dfoc = trace_coddington_fan(opt_model, cr, foc=foc) return s_dfoc, t_dfoc
[docs]def trace_coddington_fan(opt_model, ray_pkg, foc=None): """ astigmatism calculation via Coddington trace .. note:: spherical surfaces only """ seq_model = opt_model.seq_model wl = seq_model.index_for_wavelength(ray_pkg.wvl) path = itertools.zip_longest(ray_pkg.ray, seq_model.ifcs, [n[wl] for n in seq_model.rndx], seq_model.lcl_tfrms, seq_model.z_dir) before_rind = seq_model.rndx[0][wl] before_dir = None s_before, t_before = None, None for r, ifc, after_rind, tfrm, z_dir in path: after_rind = after_rind if after_rind is not None else before_rind pt, after_dir, after_dst, normal = r if before_dir is not None: normal_len = norm(normal) cosI_prime =, normal)/normal_len sinI_prime = math.sqrt(1.0 - cosI_prime**2) sinI = after_rind*sinI_prime/before_rind cosI = math.sqrt(1.0 - sinI**2) obl_power = ifc.optical_power if obl_power != 0.0: obl_power *= ((after_rind*cosI_prime - before_rind*cosI) / (after_rind - before_rind)) # print("pwr, obl_pwr, after_dst:", # ifc.optical_power/(after_rind - before_rind), # obl_power, after_dst) # else: # print("pwr, obl_pwr, after_dst:", # ifc.optical_power, obl_power, after_dst) n_by_s_prime = before_rind/s_before + obl_power s_prime = after_rind/n_by_s_prime # print("s, s':", s_before, s_prime) s_before = s_prime - after_dst n_cosIp2_by_t_prime = before_rind*cosI**2/t_before + obl_power t_prime = after_rind*cosI_prime**2/n_cosIp2_by_t_prime # print("t, t':", t_before, t_prime) t_before = t_prime - after_dst else: s_before = -after_dst t_before = -after_dst before_rind = after_rind before_dir = after_dir s_dfoc = s_prime*after_dir[2] + pt[2] t_dfoc = t_prime*after_dir[2] + pt[2] if foc is not None: focus_shift = foc s_dfoc -= focus_shift t_dfoc -= focus_shift # print("delta s, t:", s_dfoc, t_dfoc) return s_dfoc, t_dfoc
[docs]def intersect_2_lines(P1, V1, P2, V2): """ intersect 2 non-parallel lines, returning distance from P1 s = ((P2 - P1) x V1).(V1 x V2)/\|(V1 x V2)\|**2 `Weisstein, Eric W. "Line-Line Intersection." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. <>`_ """ Vx = np.cross(V1, V2) s = - P1, V1), Vx)/, Vx) return s
[docs]def trace_astigmatism_curve(opt_model, num_points=21, **kwargs): """ Trace a fan of fields and collect astigmatism data for each field. Args: opt_model: the optical model num_points: the number of FOV sampling points kwargs: keyword args for ray trace Returns: tuple: field point, sagittal and tangential focus shifts """ from rayoptics.raytr.opticalspec import Field s_data = [] t_data = [] field_data = [] osp = opt_model.optical_spec _, wvl, foc = osp.lookup_fld_wvl_focus(0) fld = Field() max_field = osp['fov'].max_field()[0] for f in np.linspace(0., max_field, num=num_points): fld.y = f ref_sphere, cr_pkg = setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc) fld.chief_ray = cr_pkg fld.ref_sphere = ref_sphere s_foc, t_foc = trace_astigmatism(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, **kwargs) s_data.append(s_foc) t_data.append(t_foc) field_data.append(f) return field_data, s_data, t_data
[docs]def trace_astigmatism(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, dx=0.001, dy=0.001): """ calculate astigmatism by tracing close rays about the chief ray at **fld** This function implicitly assumes that the **fld** point is on a plane of symmetry, i.e. the system is rotationally symmetric, bilaterally symmetric, or quad symmetric. No check is done to ensure this. Args: opt_model: the optical model fld: a Field object wvl: wavelength in nm foc: defocus amount dx: delta in pupil coordinates for x/sagittal direction dy: delta in pupil coordinates for y/tangential direction Returns: tuple: sagittal and tangential focus shifts at **fld** """ rlist = [] rlist.append(RayPkg(*trace_base(opt_model, [0., 0.], fld, wvl))) rlist.append(RayPkg(*trace_base(opt_model, [dx, 0.], fld, wvl))) rlist.append(RayPkg(*trace_base(opt_model, [0., dy], fld, wvl))) rlist.append(RayPkg(*trace_base(opt_model, [-dx, 0.], fld, wvl))) rlist.append(RayPkg(*trace_base(opt_model, [0., -dy], fld, wvl))) s = intersect_2_lines(rlist[1].ray[-1][mc.p], rlist[1].ray[-1][mc.d], rlist[3].ray[-1][mc.p], rlist[3].ray[-1][mc.d]) s_foc = s * rlist[1].ray[-1][mc.d][2] t = intersect_2_lines(rlist[2].ray[-1][mc.p], rlist[2].ray[-1][mc.d], rlist[4].ray[-1][mc.p], rlist[4].ray[-1][mc.d]) t_foc = t * rlist[2].ray[-1][mc.d][2] if foc is not None: focus_shift = foc s_foc -= focus_shift t_foc -= focus_shift return s_foc, t_foc