#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2018 Michael J. Hayford
""" Supports model ray tracing in terms of relative aperture and field.
.. Created on Mon Sep 17 23:10:59 2018
.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford
import itertools
import warnings
import math
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy.optimize import newton, fsolve
import pandas as pd
from . import raytrace as rt
from . import RayPkg, RaySeg
from .waveabr import (wave_abr_full_calc, calculate_reference_sphere,
from rayoptics.optical import model_constants as mc
from .traceerror import TraceError, TraceMissedSurfaceError, TraceTIRError
from rayoptics.util.misc_math import normalize
def ray_pkg(ray_pkg):
""" return a |Series| containing a ray package (RayPkg) """
return pd.Series(ray_pkg, index=['ray', 'op', 'wvl'])
def ray_df(ray):
""" return a |DataFrame| containing ray data """
r = pd.DataFrame(ray, columns=['inc_pt', 'after_dir',
'after_dst', 'normal'])
r.index.names = ['intrfc']
return r
def list_ray(ray_obj, tfrms=None, start=0):
""" pretty print a ray either in local or global coordinates
The input ray_obj can be either the return from trace_ray(), i.e.
a (ray_pkg, ray_err) tuple or a ray_pkg, i.e. (`ray`, opl, wvl)
or a `ray` alone.
if isinstance(ray_obj, tuple):
if len(ray_obj) == 2:
ray_obj = ray_obj[0]
ray = ray_obj[0]
ray = ray_obj
colHeader = " X Y Z L" \
" M N Len"
colFormats = "{:3d}: {:12.5f} {:12.5f} {:12.5g} {:12.6f} {:12.6f} " \
"{:12.6f} {:12.5g}"
for i, r in enumerate(ray[start:], start=start):
if tfrms is None:
r[mc.p][0], r[mc.p][1], r[mc.p][2],
r[mc.d][0], r[mc.d][1], r[mc.d][2],
rot, trns = tfrms[i]
p = rot.dot(r[mc.p]) + trns
d = rot.dot(r[mc.d])
print(colFormats.format(i, p[0], p[1], p[2], d[0], d[1], d[2],
def list_in_out_dir(path, ray):
""" list the incident and exiting ray direction cosines. """
lcl_tfrms = [path_seg[mc.Tfrm] for path_seg in path]
print(" in_dir | out_dir")
before_dir = ray[0][1]
print(f"{0:2d}: |"
f"{before_dir[0]:10.6f} {before_dir[1]:10.6f} {before_dir[2]:10.6f}")
for i, rst in enumerate(zip(ray[1:], lcl_tfrms), start=1):
seg, tfrm = rst
after_dir = seg[1]
rt, t = tfrm
b4_dir = rt.dot(before_dir)
print(f"{i:2d}: {b4_dir[0]:10.6f} {b4_dir[1]:10.6f} {b4_dir[2]:10.6f} |"
f"{after_dir[0]:10.6f} {after_dir[1]:10.6f} {after_dir[2]:10.6f}")
before_dir = after_dir
rt, t = lcl_tfrms[-1]
b4_dir = rt.dot(before_dir)
print(f"{i+1:2d}: {b4_dir[0]:10.6f} {b4_dir[1]:10.6f} {b4_dir[2]:10.6f} |")
def trace_ray(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl,
output_filter=None, rayerr_filter=None,
""" Trace a single ray via pupil, field and wavelength specs.
This function traces a single ray at a given wavelength, pupil and field specification.
Ray failures (miss surface, TIR) and aperture clipping are handled via RayError exceptions. If a failure occurs, a second item is returned (if *rayerr_filter* is set to 'summary' or 'full') that contains information about the failure. Apertures are tested using the :meth:`~.seq.interface.Interface.point_inside` API when *check_apertures* is True.
The pupil coordinates by default are normalized to the vignetted pupil extent. Alternatively, the pupil coordinates can be taken as actual coordinates on the pupil plane (and similarly for ray direction) using the **pupil_type** keyword argument.
The amount of output that is returned can range from the entire ray (default) to the image segment only or even the return from a user-supplied filtering function.
opt_model: :class:`~.OpticalModel` instance
pupil: 2d vector of relative pupil coordinates
fld: :class:`~.Field` point for wave aberration calculation
wvl: wavelength of ray (nm)
check_apertures: if True, do point_inside() test on inc_pt
apply_vignetting: if True, apply the `fld` vignetting factors to **pupil**
pupil_type: ::
- 'rel pupil': relative pupil coordinates
- 'aim pt': aim point on pupil plane
- 'aim dir': aim direction in object space
use_named_tuples: if True, returns data as RayPkg and RaySeg.
output_filter: ::
- if None, append entire ray
- if 'last', append the last ray segment only
- else treat as callable and append the return value
rayerr_filter: ::
- if None, on ray error append nothing
- if 'summary', append the exception without ray data
- if 'full', append the exception with ray data up to error
- else append nothing
eps: accuracy tolerance for surface intersection calculation
tuple: ray_pkg, trace_error | None
unt = kwargs.pop('use_named_tuples', True)
ray_result = trace_safe(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl,
output_filter, rayerr_filter,
use_named_tuples=unt, **kwargs)
ray_pkg, ray_err = retrieve_ray(ray_result)
return ray_pkg, ray_err
def trace_safe(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl,
output_filter, rayerr_filter, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper for trace_base that handles exceptions.
opt_model: :class:`~.OpticalModel` instance
pupil: 2d vector of relative pupil coordinates
fld: :class:`~.Field` point for wave aberration calculation
wvl: wavelength of ray (nm)
output_filter: ::
- if None, append entire ray
- if 'last', append the last ray segment only
- else treat as callable and append the return value
rayerr_filter: ::
- if None, on ray error append nothing
- if 'summary', append the exception without ray data
- if 'full', append the exception with ray data up to error
- else append nothing
ray_result: see discussion of filters, above.
use_named_tuples = kwargs.get('use_named_tuples', False)
ray_result = None
ray_pkg = trace_base(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl,
except TraceError as rayerr:
if rayerr_filter is None:
elif rayerr_filter == 'full':
ray, op_delta, wvl = rayerr.ray_pkg
ray = [RaySeg(*rs) for rs in ray]
rayerr.ray_pkg = RayPkg(ray, op_delta, wvl)
ray_result = rayerr
elif rayerr_filter == 'summary':
rayerr.ray_pkg = None
ray_result = rayerr
if use_named_tuples:
ray, op_delta, wvl = ray_pkg
ray = [RaySeg(*rs) for rs in ray]
ray_pkg = RayPkg(ray, op_delta, wvl)
if output_filter is None:
ray_result = ray_pkg
elif output_filter == 'last':
ray, op_delta, wvl = ray_pkg
final_seg_pkg = (ray[-1], op_delta, wvl)
ray_result = final_seg_pkg
ray_result = output_filter(ray_pkg)
return ray_result
def retrieve_ray(ray_result):
""" Retrieve the ray (the list of ray segs) from ray_result.
This function handles the normal case where the ray traces successfully
and the case of a ray failure, which returns a TraceError instance.
Returns a ray_pkg and the trace error or None, if traced successfully
if isinstance(ray_result, TraceError):
return ray_result.ray_pkg, ray_result
return ray_result, None
def trace(seq_model, pt0, dir0, wvl, **kwargs):
""" returns (ray, ray_opl, wvl)
seq_model: the :class:`~.SequentialModel` to be traced
pt0: starting coordinate at object interface
dir0: starting direction cosines following object interface
wvl: ray trace wavelength in nm
**kwargs: keyword arguments
(**ray**, **op_delta**, **wvl**)
- **ray** is a list for each interface in **path_pkg** of these
elements: [pt, after_dir, after_dst, normal]
- pt: the intersection point of the ray
- after_dir: the ray direction cosine following the interface
- after_dst: after_dst: the geometric distance to the next
- normal: the surface normal at the intersection point
- **op_delta** - optical path wrt equally inclined chords to the
optical axis
- **wvl** - wavelength (in nm) that the ray was traced in
return rt.trace(seq_model, pt0, dir0, wvl, **kwargs)
def trace_base(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl,
apply_vignetting=True, pupil_type='rel pupil',
"""Trace ray specified by relative aperture and field point.
`pupil_type` controls how `pupil` data is interpreted when calculating the starting ray coordinates.
opt_model: instance of :class:`~.OpticalModel` to trace
pupil: aperture coordinates of ray
fld: instance of :class:`~.Field`
wvl: ray trace wavelength in nm
apply_vignetting: if True, apply the `fld` vignetting factors to **pupil**
pupil_type: ::
- 'rel pupil': relative pupil coordinates
- 'aim pt': aim point on pupil plane
- 'aim dir': aim direction in object space
**kwargs: keyword arguments
(**ray**, **op_delta**, **wvl**)
- **ray** is a list for each interface in **path_pkg** of these
elements: [pt, after_dir, after_dst, normal]
- pt: the intersection point of the ray
- after_dir: the ray direction cosine following the interface
- after_dst: after_dst: the geometric distance to the next
- normal: the surface normal at the intersection point
- **op_delta** - optical path wrt equally inclined chords to the
optical axis
- **wvl** - wavelength (in nm) that the ray was traced in
if pupil_type == 'rel pupil':
pupil_coords = fld.apply_vignetting(pupil) if apply_vignetting else pupil
pupil_coords = pupil
pt0, dir0 = opt_model['optical_spec'].ray_start_from_osp(pupil_coords, fld,
return rt.trace(opt_model['seq_model'], pt0, dir0, wvl, **kwargs)
def iterate_ray(opt_model, ifcx, xy_target, fld, wvl, **kwargs):
""" iterates a ray to xy_target on interface ifcx, returns aim points on
the paraxial entrance pupil plane
If idcx is None, i.e. a floating stop surface, returns xy_target.
If the iteration fails, a TraceError will be raised
ray_pkg = None
def y_stop_coordinate(y1, *args):
nonlocal ray_pkg
seq_model, ifcx, pt0, dist, wvl, y_target = args
pt1 = np.array([0., y1, dist])
dir0 = normalize(pt1 - pt0)
# handle case where entrance pupil is behind the object (issue #120)
if dir0[2] * seq_model.z_dir[0] < 0:
dir0 = -dir0
ray, _, _ = ray_pkg = rt.trace(seq_model, pt0, dir0, wvl)
except TraceError as ray_error:
ray, _, _ = ray_pkg = ray_error.ray_pkg
if ray_error.surf < ifcx:
raise ray_error
y_ray = ray[ifcx][mc.p][1]
# print(y1, y_ray)
return y_ray - y_target
def surface_coordinate(coord, *args):
nonlocal ray_pkg
seq_model, ifcx, pt0, dist, wvl, target = args
pt1 = np.array([coord[0], coord[1], dist])
dir0 = normalize(pt1 - pt0)
if dir0[2] * seq_model.z_dir[0] < 0:
dir0 = -dir0
ray, _, _ = ray_pkg = rt.trace(seq_model, pt0, dir0, wvl)
except TraceError as ray_error:
ray, _, _ = ray_pkg = ray_error.ray_pkg
if ray_error.surf < ifcx:
raise ray_error
xy_ray = np.array([ray[ifcx][mc.p][0], ray[ifcx][mc.p][1]])
# print(coord[0], coord[1], xy_ray[0], xy_ray[1])
return xy_ray - target
seq_model = opt_model.seq_model
osp = opt_model.optical_spec
fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod
dist = fod.obj_dist + fod.enp_dist
pt0, d0 = osp.obj_coords(fld)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if ifcx is not None:
if pt0[0] == 0.0 and xy_target[0] == 0.0:
# do 1D iteration if field and target points are zero in x
y_target = xy_target[1]
start_y, results = newton(y_stop_coordinate, 0.,
args=(seq_model, ifcx, pt0,
dist, wvl, y_target),
disp=False, full_output=True)
except RuntimeError as rte:
# if we come here, start_y is a RuntimeResults object
# print(rte)
start_y = results.root
except TraceError:
start_y = 0.0
start_coords = np.array([0., start_y])
# do 2D iteration. epsfcn is a parameter increment,
# make proportional to pupil radius
start_coords = fsolve(surface_coordinate, np.array([0., 0.]),
args=(seq_model, ifcx, pt0, dist,
wvl, xy_target))
except TraceError:
start_coords = np.array([0., 0.])
else: # floating stop surface - use entrance pupil for aiming
start_coords = np.array([0., 0.]) + xy_target
return start_coords, ray_pkg
def trace_with_opd(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl, foc, **kwargs):
""" returns (ray, ray_opl, wvl, opd) """
output_filter = kwargs.pop('output_filter', None)
rayerr_filter = kwargs.pop('rayerr_filter', None)
chief_ray_pkg = get_chief_ray_pkg(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc)
image_pt_2d = kwargs.get('image_pt', None)
image_delta = kwargs.get('image_delta', None)
ref_sphere = calculate_reference_sphere(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc,
ray_result = trace_safe(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl,
output_filter, rayerr_filter,
ray_pkg, ray_err = retrieve_ray(ray_result)
fld.chief_ray = chief_ray_pkg
fld.ref_sphere = ref_sphere
fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod
opd = wave_abr_full_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg,
chief_ray_pkg, ref_sphere)
ray, ray_op, wvl = ray_pkg
return ray, ray_op, wvl, opd
def trace_boundary_rays_at_field(opt_model, fld, wvl, use_named_tuples=False):
""" returns a list of RayPkgs for the boundary rays for field fld
rim_rays = []
osp = opt_model.optical_spec
for p in osp.pupil.pupil_rays:
ray, op, wvl = trace_base(opt_model, p, fld, wvl)
except TraceError as ray_error:
ray, op, wvl = ray_error.ray_pkg
if use_named_tuples:
ray = [RaySeg(*rs) for rs in ray]
rim_rays.append(RayPkg(ray, op, wvl))
return rim_rays
def boundary_ray_dict(opt_model, rim_rays):
pupil_rays = {}
for ray, lbl in zip(rim_rays, opt_model.optical_spec.pupil.ray_labels):
pupil_rays[lbl] = ray
return pupil_rays
def trace_boundary_rays(opt_model, **kwargs):
rayset = []
wvl = opt_model.seq_model.central_wavelength()
fov = opt_model.optical_spec.field_of_view
for fi, fld in enumerate(fov.fields):
rim_rays = trace_boundary_rays_at_field(opt_model, fld, wvl, **kwargs)
fld.pupil_rays = boundary_ray_dict(opt_model, rim_rays)
return rayset
def trace_ray_list_at_field(opt_model, ray_list, fld, wvl, foc):
""" returns a list of ray |DataFrame| for the ray_list at field fld """
rayset = []
for p in ray_list:
ray, op, wvl = trace_base(opt_model, p, fld, wvl)
rdf_list = [ray_df(r) for r in rayset]
return rdf_list
def trace_field(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc):
""" returns a |DataFrame| with the boundary rays for field fld """
osp = opt_model.optical_spec
pupil_rays = osp.pupil.pupil_rays
rdf_list = trace_ray_list_at_field(opt_model, pupil_rays, fld, wvl, foc)
rset = pd.concat(rdf_list, keys=osp.pupil.ray_labels,
return rset
def trace_all_fields(opt_model):
""" returns a |DataFrame| with the boundary rays for all fields """
osp = opt_model.optical_spec
fld, wvl, foc = osp.lookup_fld_wvl_focus(0)
fset = []
for f in osp.field_of_view.fields:
rset = trace_field(opt_model, f, wvl, foc)
fdf = pd.concat(fset, keys=osp.field_of_view.index_labels,
return fdf
def trace_chief_ray(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc):
"""Trace a chief ray at fld and wvl.
tuple: **chief_ray**, **cr_exp_seg**
- **chief_ray**: RayPkg of chief ray
- **cr_exp_seg**: exp_pt, exp_dir, exp_dst, ifc, b4_pt, b4_dir
fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod
ray_result = trace_safe(opt_model, [0., 0.], fld, wvl,
output_filter=None, rayerr_filter='full')
ray_pkg, ray_err = retrieve_ray(ray_result)
cr = RayPkg(*ray_pkg)
# cr_exp_pt: E upper bar prime: pupil center for pencils from Q
# cr_exp_pt, cr_b4_dir, cr_exp_dist
cr_exp_seg = transfer_to_exit_pupil(opt_model.seq_model.ifcs[-2],
cr.ray[-2][mc.d]), fod.exp_dist)
return cr, cr_exp_seg
def trace_fan(opt_model, fan_rng, fld, wvl, foc, img_filter=None,
output_filter = kwargs.pop('output_filter', None)
rayerr_filter = kwargs.pop('rayerr_filter', None)
start = np.array(fan_rng[0])
stop = fan_rng[1]
num = fan_rng[2]
step = (stop - start)/(num - 1)
fan = []
for r in range(num):
pupil = np.array(start)
ray_result = trace_safe(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl,
output_filter, rayerr_filter,
ray_pkg, ray_err = retrieve_ray(ray_result)
if ray_pkg is not None:
if img_filter:
result = img_filter(pupil, ray_pkg)
fan.append([pupil, result])
fan.append([pupil, ray_pkg])
start += step
return fan
def trace_grid(opt_model, grid_rng, fld, wvl, foc, img_filter=None,
form='grid', append_if_none=True, **kwargs):
output_filter = kwargs.pop('output_filter', None)
rayerr_filter = kwargs.pop('rayerr_filter', None)
start = np.array(grid_rng[0])
stop = grid_rng[1]
num = grid_rng[2]
step = np.array((stop - start)/(num - 1))
grid = []
for i in range(num):
if form == 'list':
working_grid = grid
elif form == 'grid':
grid_row = []
working_grid = grid_row
for j in range(num):
pupil = np.array(start)
ray_result = trace_safe(opt_model, pupil, fld, wvl,
output_filter, rayerr_filter,
check_apertures=True, **kwargs)
ray_pkg, ray_err = retrieve_ray(ray_result)
if ray_pkg is not None:
if img_filter:
result = img_filter(pupil, ray_pkg)
working_grid.append([pupil[0], pupil[1], ray_pkg])
else: # ray outside pupil or failed
if img_filter:
result = img_filter(pupil, None)
if result is not None or append_if_none:
if append_if_none:
working_grid.append([pupil[0], pupil[1], None])
start[1] += step[1]
if form == 'grid':
start[0] += step[0]
start[1] = grid_rng[0][1]
return np.array(grid)
def setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc,
image_pt=None, image_delta=None):
"""Trace chief ray and setup reference sphere for `fld`.
tuple: **ref_sphere**, **chief_ray_pkg**
- **ref_sphere**: image_pt, ref_dir, ref_sphere_radius, lcl_tfrm_last
- **chief_ray_pkg**: chief_ray, cr_exp_seg
chief_ray_pkg = get_chief_ray_pkg(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc)
image_pt_2d = None if image_pt is None else image_pt[:2]
ref_sphere = calculate_reference_sphere(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc,
return ref_sphere, chief_ray_pkg
def aim_chief_ray(opt_model, fld, wvl=None):
""" aim chief ray at center of stop surface and save results on **fld** """
seq_model = opt_model.seq_model
if wvl is None:
wvl = seq_model.central_wavelength()
stop = seq_model.stop_surface
aim_pt, cr_ray = iterate_ray(opt_model, stop, np.array([0., 0.]), fld, wvl)
return aim_pt
def apply_paraxial_vignetting(opt_model):
fov = opt_model.optical_spec.field_of_view
pm = opt_model.parax_model
max_field, jth = fov.max_field()
for j, fld in enumerate(fov.fields):
rel_fov = math.sqrt(fld.x**2 + fld.y**2)
if not fov.is_relative and max_field != 0:
rel_fov = rel_fov/max_field
min_vly, min_vuy = pm.paraxial_vignetting(rel_fov)
if min_vly[1] is not None:
fld.vly = 1 - min_vly[0]
if min_vuy[1] is not None:
fld.vuy = 1 - min_vuy[0]
# print("Field {:2d}: {:8.3f}, ly:{:8.3f} uy:{:8.3f}".format(
# j, rel_fov, fld.vly, fld.vuy))
def get_chief_ray_pkg(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc):
"""Get the chief ray package at **fld**, computing it if necessary.
opt_model: :class:`~.OpticalModel` instance
fld: :class:`~.Field` point for wave aberration calculation
wvl: wavelength of ray (nm)
foc: defocus amount
tuple: **chief_ray**, **cr_exp_seg**
- **chief_ray**: chief_ray, chief_ray_op, wvl
- **cr_exp_seg**: chief ray exit pupil segment (pt, dir, dist)
- pt: chief ray intersection with exit pupil plane
- dir: direction cosine of the chief ray in exit pupil space
- dist: distance from interface to the exit pupil point
if fld.chief_ray is None:
aim_chief_ray(opt_model, fld, wvl=wvl)
chief_ray_pkg = trace_chief_ray(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc)
elif fld.chief_ray[0][2] != wvl:
chief_ray_pkg = trace_chief_ray(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc)
chief_ray_pkg = fld.chief_ray
return chief_ray_pkg
def refocus(opt_model):
""" Compute a focus shift bringing the axial marginal ray to zero. """
osp = opt_model['optical_spec']
fld = osp['fov'].fields[0] # assumed to be the axial field
wvl = osp['wvls'].central_wvl
ray_result = trace_safe(opt_model, [0., 1.], fld, wvl,
output_filter=None, rayerr_filter='full',
ray_pkg, ray_err = retrieve_ray(ray_result)
df_ray, ray_op, wvl = ray_pkg
defocus = -df_ray[-1].p[1]/(df_ray[-2].d[1]/df_ray[-2].d[2])
return defocus
def trace_astigmatism_coddington_fan(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc):
""" calculate astigmatism by Coddington trace at **fld** """
cr = RayPkg(*trace_base(opt_model, [0., 0.], fld, wvl))
s_dfoc, t_dfoc = trace_coddington_fan(opt_model, cr, foc=foc)
return s_dfoc, t_dfoc
def trace_coddington_fan(opt_model, ray_pkg, foc=None):
""" astigmatism calculation via Coddington trace
.. note:: spherical surfaces only
seq_model = opt_model.seq_model
wl = seq_model.index_for_wavelength(ray_pkg.wvl)
path = itertools.zip_longest(ray_pkg.ray, seq_model.ifcs,
[n[wl] for n in seq_model.rndx],
before_rind = seq_model.rndx[0][wl]
before_dir = None
s_before, t_before = None, None
for r, ifc, after_rind, tfrm, z_dir in path:
after_rind = after_rind if after_rind is not None else before_rind
pt, after_dir, after_dst, normal = r
if before_dir is not None:
normal_len = norm(normal)
cosI_prime = np.dot(after_dir, normal)/normal_len
sinI_prime = math.sqrt(1.0 - cosI_prime**2)
sinI = after_rind*sinI_prime/before_rind
cosI = math.sqrt(1.0 - sinI**2)
obl_power = ifc.optical_power
if obl_power != 0.0:
obl_power *= ((after_rind*cosI_prime - before_rind*cosI) /
(after_rind - before_rind))
# print("pwr, obl_pwr, after_dst:",
# ifc.optical_power/(after_rind - before_rind),
# obl_power, after_dst)
# else:
# print("pwr, obl_pwr, after_dst:",
# ifc.optical_power, obl_power, after_dst)
n_by_s_prime = before_rind/s_before + obl_power
s_prime = after_rind/n_by_s_prime
# print("s, s':", s_before, s_prime)
s_before = s_prime - after_dst
n_cosIp2_by_t_prime = before_rind*cosI**2/t_before + obl_power
t_prime = after_rind*cosI_prime**2/n_cosIp2_by_t_prime
# print("t, t':", t_before, t_prime)
t_before = t_prime - after_dst
s_before = -after_dst
t_before = -after_dst
before_rind = after_rind
before_dir = after_dir
s_dfoc = s_prime*after_dir[2] + pt[2]
t_dfoc = t_prime*after_dir[2] + pt[2]
if foc is not None:
focus_shift = foc
s_dfoc -= focus_shift
t_dfoc -= focus_shift
# print("delta s, t:", s_dfoc, t_dfoc)
return s_dfoc, t_dfoc
def intersect_2_lines(P1, V1, P2, V2):
""" intersect 2 non-parallel lines, returning distance from P1
s = ((P2 - P1) x V1).(V1 x V2)/\|(V1 x V2)\|**2
`Weisstein, Eric W. "Line-Line Intersection." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web
Resource. <http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Line-LineIntersection.html>`_
Vx = np.cross(V1, V2)
s = np.dot(np.cross(P2 - P1, V1), Vx)/np.dot(Vx, Vx)
return s
def trace_astigmatism_curve(opt_model, num_points=21, **kwargs):
""" Trace a fan of fields and collect astigmatism data for each field.
opt_model: the optical model
num_points: the number of FOV sampling points
kwargs: keyword args for ray trace
tuple: field point, sagittal and tangential focus shifts
from rayoptics.raytr.opticalspec import Field
s_data = []
t_data = []
field_data = []
osp = opt_model.optical_spec
_, wvl, foc = osp.lookup_fld_wvl_focus(0)
fld = Field()
max_field = osp['fov'].max_field()[0]
for f in np.linspace(0., max_field, num=num_points):
fld.y = f
ref_sphere, cr_pkg = setup_pupil_coords(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc)
fld.chief_ray = cr_pkg
fld.ref_sphere = ref_sphere
s_foc, t_foc = trace_astigmatism(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, **kwargs)
return field_data, s_data, t_data
def trace_astigmatism(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, dx=0.001, dy=0.001):
""" calculate astigmatism by tracing close rays about the chief ray at **fld**
This function implicitly assumes that the **fld** point is on a plane of
symmetry, i.e. the system is rotationally symmetric, bilaterally symmetric,
or quad symmetric. No check is done to ensure this.
opt_model: the optical model
fld: a Field object
wvl: wavelength in nm
foc: defocus amount
dx: delta in pupil coordinates for x/sagittal direction
dy: delta in pupil coordinates for y/tangential direction
tuple: sagittal and tangential focus shifts at **fld**
rlist = []
rlist.append(RayPkg(*trace_base(opt_model, [0., 0.], fld, wvl)))
rlist.append(RayPkg(*trace_base(opt_model, [dx, 0.], fld, wvl)))
rlist.append(RayPkg(*trace_base(opt_model, [0., dy], fld, wvl)))
rlist.append(RayPkg(*trace_base(opt_model, [-dx, 0.], fld, wvl)))
rlist.append(RayPkg(*trace_base(opt_model, [0., -dy], fld, wvl)))
s = intersect_2_lines(rlist[1].ray[-1][mc.p], rlist[1].ray[-1][mc.d],
rlist[3].ray[-1][mc.p], rlist[3].ray[-1][mc.d])
s_foc = s * rlist[1].ray[-1][mc.d][2]
t = intersect_2_lines(rlist[2].ray[-1][mc.p], rlist[2].ray[-1][mc.d],
rlist[4].ray[-1][mc.p], rlist[4].ray[-1][mc.d])
t_foc = t * rlist[2].ray[-1][mc.d][2]
if foc is not None:
focus_shift = foc
s_foc -= focus_shift
t_foc -= focus_shift
return s_foc, t_foc