Source code for rayoptics.seq.sequential

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2018 Michael J. Hayford
""" Manager class for a sequential optical model

.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford

import itertools
import logging

from anytree import Node

from rayoptics.elem import surface
from . import gap
from . import medium
from rayoptics.raytr import raytrace as rt
from rayoptics.raytr import trace as trace
from rayoptics.raytr import waveabr
from rayoptics.elem import transform as trns
from opticalglass import glassfactory as gfact
from opticalglass import glasserror as ge
from opticalglass import modelglass as mg
from opticalglass import opticalmedium as om

import numpy as np
from math import copysign, sqrt
from rayoptics.util.misc_math import isanumber

[docs]class SequentialModel: """ Manager class for a sequential optical model A sequential optical model is a sequence of surfaces and gaps. The sequential model has this structure :: IfcObj Ifc1 Ifc2 Ifc3 ... Ifci-1 IfcImg \ / \ / \ / \ / GObj G1 G2 Gi-1 where - Ifc is a :class:`~rayoptics.seq.interface.Interface` instance - G is a :class:`` instance There are N interfaces and N-1 gaps. The initial configuration has an object and image Surface and an object gap. The Interface API supports implementation of an optical action, such as refraction, reflection, scatter, diffraction, etc. The Interface may be realized as a physical profile separating the adjacent gaps or an idealized object, such as a thin lens or 2 point HOE. The Gap class maintains a simple separation (z translation) and the medium filling the gap. More complex coordinate transformations are handled through the Interface API. Attributes: opt_model: parent optical model ifcs: list of :class:`~rayoptics.seq.interface.Interface` gaps: list of :class:`` lcl_tfrms: forward transform, interface to interface rndx: a list with refractive indices for all **wvls** z_dir: -1 if gap follows an odd number of reflections, otherwise +1 gbl_tfrms: global coordinates of each interface wrt the 1st interface stop_surface (int): index of stop interface cur_surface (int): insertion index for next interface """ def __init__(self, opt_model, do_init=True, **kwargs): self.opt_model = opt_model self.ifcs = [] self.gaps = [] self.z_dir = [] self.do_apertures = True self.stop_surface = None self.cur_surface = None # derived attributes self.gbl_tfrms = [] self.lcl_tfrms = [] # data for a wavelength vs index vs gap data arrays self.wvlns = [] # sampling wavelengths in nm self.rndx = [] # refractive index vs wv and gap if do_init: self._initialize_arrays() def __json_encode__(self): attrs = dict(vars(self)) del attrs['opt_model'] del attrs['gbl_tfrms'] del attrs['lcl_tfrms'] del attrs['wvlns'] del attrs['rndx'] return attrs def _initialize_arrays(self): """ initialize object and image interfaces and intervening gap """ # add object interface self.ifcs.append(surface.Surface('Obj', interact_mode='dummy')) tfrm = np.identity(3), np.array([0., 0., 0.]) self.gbl_tfrms.append(tfrm) self.lcl_tfrms.append(tfrm) # add object gap self.gaps.append(gap.Gap()) self.z_dir.append(1) self.rndx.append([1.0]) # interfaces are inserted after cur_surface self.cur_surface = 0 # add image interface self.ifcs.append(surface.Surface('Img', interact_mode='dummy')) self.gbl_tfrms.append(tfrm) self.lcl_tfrms.append(tfrm)
[docs] def reset(self): self.__init__(self.opt_model)
[docs] def get_num_surfaces(self): return len(self.ifcs)
[docs] def path(self, wl=None, start=None, stop=None, step=1): """ returns an iterable path tuple for a range in the sequential model Args: wl: wavelength in nm for path, defaults to central wavelength start: start of range stop: first value beyond the end of the range step: increment or stride of range Returns: (**ifcs, gaps, lcl_tfrms, rndx, z_dir**) """ if wl is None: wl = self.central_wavelength() if step < 0: gap_start = start - 1 if start is not None else start else: gap_start = start wl_idx = self.index_for_wavelength(wl) try: rndx = [n[wl_idx] for n in self.rndx[start:stop:step]] except IndexError: self.wvlns = self.opt_model['osp']['wvls'].wavelengths self.rndx = self.calc_ref_indices_for_spectrum(self.wvlns) rndx = [n[wl_idx] for n in self.rndx[start:stop:step]] path = itertools.zip_longest(self.ifcs[start:stop:step], self.gaps[gap_start:stop:step], self.lcl_tfrms[start:stop:step], rndx, self.z_dir[start:stop:step]) return path
[docs] def reverse_path(self, wl=None, start=None, stop=None, step=-1): """ returns an iterable path tuple for a range in the sequential model Args: wl: wavelength in nm for path, defaults to central wavelength start: start of range stop: first value beyond the end of the range step: increment or stride of range Returns: (**ifcs, gaps, lcl_tfrms, rndx, z_dir**) """ if wl is None: wl = self.central_wavelength() if step < 0: if start is not None: gap_start = start - 1 rndx_start = start - 1 else: gap_start = start rndx_start = -1 else: gap_start = start tfrms = self.compute_local_transforms(step=-1) wl_idx = self.index_for_wavelength(wl) rndx = [n[wl_idx] for n in self.rndx[rndx_start:stop:step]] z_dir = [-z_dir for z_dir in self.z_dir[start:stop:step]] path = itertools.zip_longest(self.ifcs[start:stop:step], self.gaps[gap_start:stop:step], tfrms, rndx, z_dir) return path
[docs] def calc_ref_indices_for_spectrum(self, wvls): """ returns a list with refractive indices for all **wvls** Args: wvls: list of wavelengths in nm """ indices = [] for g in self.gaps: ri = [] mat = g.medium for w in wvls: rndx = mat.rindex(w) ri.append(rndx) indices.append(ri) return indices
[docs] def central_wavelength(self): """ returns the central wavelength in nm of the model's ``WvlSpec`` """ spectral_region = self.opt_model['optical_spec'].spectral_region return spectral_region.central_wvl
[docs] def index_for_wavelength(self, wvl): """ returns index into rndx array for wavelength `wvl` in nm """ spectral_region = self.opt_model['optical_spec'].spectral_region self.wvlns = spectral_region.wavelengths return self.wvlns.index(wvl)
[docs] def central_rndx(self, i): """ returns the central refractive index of the model's ``WvlSpec`` """ spectral_region = self.opt_model['optical_spec'].spectral_region central_wvl = spectral_region.reference_wvl return self.rndx[i][central_wvl]
[docs] def get_surface_and_gap(self, srf=None): if srf is None: srf = self.cur_surface s = self.ifcs[srf] if srf == len(self.gaps): g = None else: g = self.gaps[srf] return s, g
[docs] def set_cur_surface(self, s): self.cur_surface = s
[docs] def set_stop(self): """ sets the stop surface to the current surface """ self.stop_surface = self.cur_surface return self.stop_surface
def __iadd__(self, node): if isinstance(node, gap.Gap): self.gaps.append(node) else: self.ifcs.insert(len(self.ifcs)-1, node) return self
[docs] def insert(self, ifc, gap, z_dir=1, prev=False): """ insert surf and gap at the cur_gap edge of the sequential model graph """ if self.stop_surface is not None: num_ifcs = len(self.ifcs) if num_ifcs > 2: if self.stop_surface > self.cur_surface and \ self.stop_surface < num_ifcs - 2: self.stop_surface += 1 idx = self.cur_surface = (0 if self.cur_surface is None else self.cur_surface+1) self.ifcs.insert(idx, ifc) if gap is not None: idx_g = idx-1 if prev else idx self.gaps.insert(idx_g, gap) z_dir = 1 if z_dir is None else z_dir new_z_dir = z_dir*self.z_dir[idx_g-1] if idx > 1 else z_dir self.z_dir.insert(idx_g, new_z_dir) else: gap = self.gaps[idx] tfrm = np.identity(3), np.array([0., 0., 0.]) self.gbl_tfrms.insert(idx, tfrm) self.lcl_tfrms.insert(idx, tfrm) wvls = self.opt_model.optical_spec.spectral_region.wavelengths rindex = [gap.medium.rindex(w) for w in wvls] self.rndx.insert(idx, rindex) if ifc.interact_mode == 'reflect': self.update_reflections(start=idx)
[docs] def remove(self, *args, prev=False): """Remove surf and gap at cur_surface or an input index argument. To avoid invalid sequence states, both an interface and a gap must be removed at the same time. The ``prev`` argument, if True, removes the gap preceding the interface. The default behavior is to remove the following gap. """ if len(args) == 0: idx = self.cur_surface else: idx = args[0] num_ifcs = len(self.ifcs) # don't allow object or image interfaces to be removed if prev: if idx == 0 or idx == 1 or idx == num_ifcs: raise IndexError else: if idx == 0 or idx == -1 or idx == num_ifcs: raise IndexError if self.ifcs[idx].interact_mode == 'reflect': self.update_reflections(start=idx) # decrement stop surface as needed if self.stop_surface is not None: if num_ifcs > 2: if self.stop_surface > idx and self.stop_surface > 1: self.stop_surface -= 1 # remove the associated nodes pt = self.opt_model['part_tree'] pt.trim_node(self.ifcs[idx]) # interface related attribute lists del self.ifcs[idx] del self.gbl_tfrms[idx] del self.lcl_tfrms[idx] # gap node and related attribute lists idx = idx-1 if prev else idx pt.trim_node(self.gaps[idx]) del self.gaps[idx] del self.z_dir[idx] del self.rndx[idx]
[docs] def remove_node(self, e_node): part_tree = self.opt_model.part_tree ifcs = [ for n in part_tree.nodes_with_tag(tag='#ifc', root=e_node)] for ifc in ifcs: idx = self.ifcs.index(ifc) if (self.stop_surface is not None and idx <= self.stop_surface and idx > 1): self.stop_surface -= 1 del self.ifcs[idx] del self.gaps[idx] del self.z_dir[idx] del self.rndx[idx] del self.lcl_tfrms[idx] del self.gbl_tfrms[idx]
[docs] def add_surface(self, surf_data, **kwargs): """ add a surface where `surf_data` is a list that contains: [curvature, thickness, refractive_index, v-number, semi-diameter] The `curvature` entry is interpreted as radius if `radius_mode` is **True** The `thickness` is the signed thickness The `refractive_index, v-number` entry can have several forms: - **refractive_index, v-number** (numeric) - **refractive_index** only -> constant index model - **glass_name, catalog_name** as 1 or 2 strings - an instance with a `rindex` attribute - **air**, str -> om.Air - blank -> defaults to om.Air - **'REFL'** -> set interact_mode to 'reflect' The `semi-diameter` entry is optional. It may also be entered using the `sd` keyword argument. """ radius_mode = self.opt_model.radius_mode mat = None if len(surf_data) > 2: if not isanumber(surf_data[2]): if (isinstance(surf_data[2], str) and surf_data[2].upper() == 'REFL'): mat = self.gaps[self.cur_surface].medium s, g, z_dir, rn, tfrm = create_surface_and_gap(surf_data, prev_medium=mat, radius_mode=radius_mode, **kwargs) self.insert(s, g, z_dir=z_dir) root_node = self.opt_model['part_tree'].root_node idx = self.cur_surface Node(f'i{idx}', id=s, tag='#ifc', parent=root_node) if gap is not None: Node(f'g{idx}', id=(g, self.z_dir[idx]), tag='#gap', parent=root_node)
[docs] def sync_to_restore(self, opt_model): self.opt_model = opt_model if hasattr(self, 'optical_spec'): opt_model.optical_spec = self.optical_spec delattr(self, 'optical_spec') init_z_dir = False if not hasattr(self, 'z_dir'): self.z_dir = [] init_z_dir = True z_dir_work = 1 for sg in itertools.zip_longest(self.ifcs, self.gaps): ifc, g = sg if hasattr(ifc, 'sync_to_restore'): ifc.sync_to_restore(opt_model) if g: if hasattr(g, 'sync_to_restore'): g.sync_to_restore(self) if init_z_dir: if ifc.interact_mode == 'reflect': z_dir_work = -z_dir_work self.z_dir.append(z_dir_work) self.ifcs[0].interact_mode = 'dummy' self.ifcs[-1].interact_mode = 'dummy' if not hasattr(self, 'do_apertures'): self.do_apertures = True
[docs] def update_model(self, **kwargs): # delta n across each surface interface must be set to some # reasonable default value. use the index at the central wavelength spectral_region = self.opt_model['optical_spec'].spectral_region ref_wl = spectral_region.reference_wvl self.wvlns = spectral_region.wavelengths self.rndx = self.calc_ref_indices_for_spectrum(self.wvlns) n_before = self.rndx[0][ref_wl] z_dir_before = self.z_dir[0] seq = itertools.zip_longest(self.ifcs, self.gaps) for i, sg in enumerate(seq): ifc, g = sg z_dir_after = copysign(1, z_dir_before) if ifc.interact_mode == 'reflect': z_dir_after = -z_dir_after # leave rndx data unsigned, track change of sign using z_dir if g is not None: n_after = self.rndx[i][ref_wl] if z_dir_after < 0: n_after = -n_after ifc.delta_n = n_after - n_before n_before = n_after z_dir_before = z_dir_after self.z_dir[i] = z_dir_after # call update() on the surface interface ifc.update() self.gbl_tfrms = self.compute_global_coords() self.lcl_tfrms = self.compute_local_transforms()
[docs] def update_optical_properties(self, **kwargs): if self.do_apertures: if len(self.ifcs) > 2: self.set_clear_apertures()
[docs] def apply_scale_factor(self, scale_factor): for i, sg in enumerate(self.path()): ifc, g, lcl_tfrm, rndx, z_dir = sg ifc.apply_scale_factor(scale_factor) if g: g.apply_scale_factor(scale_factor) self.gbl_tfrms = self.compute_global_coords() self.lcl_tfrms = self.compute_local_transforms()
[docs] def flip(self, idx1: int, idx2: int) -> None: """Flip interfaces and gaps from *idx1* thru *idx2*.""" def partial_reverse(list_, idx1: int, idx2: int): for i in range(0, int((idx2 - idx1)/2)+1): a, b = idx1+i, idx2-i if a < b: (list_[a], list_[b]) = (list_[b], list_[a]) if idx2 < idx1: idx1, idx2 = idx2, idx1 partial_reverse(self.ifcs, idx1, idx2) partial_reverse(self.gaps, idx1, idx2-1) for ifc in self.ifcs[idx1:idx2+1]: ifc.flip() if self.stop_surface is not None: # if the stop surface is in the flip range, flip it too stop_idx = self.stop_surface if stop_idx >= idx1 and stop_idx <= idx2: self.stop_surface = idx2 - (stop_idx - idx1) self.update_model()
[docs] def set_from_specsheet(self, specsheet): if 'parax_data' not in self.opt_model['analysis_results']: return if self.opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'] is None: return if len(specsheet.imager_inputs) == 2: fod = self.opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod f_old = fod.efl f_new = specsheet.imager.f scale_factor = f_new/f_old if scale_factor != 1.0: self.apply_scale_factor(scale_factor) if specsheet.conjugate_type == 'finite': self.gaps[0].thi = scale_factor*fod.pp1 - specsheet.imager.s self.gaps[-1].thi = specsheet.imager.sp - scale_factor*fod.ppk elif specsheet.conjugate_type == 'infinite': self.gaps[-1].thi = specsheet.imager.sp - scale_factor*fod.ppk
[docs] def insert_surface_and_gap(self): s = surface.Surface() g = gap.Gap() self.insert(s, g) return s, g
[docs] def update_reflections(self, start): """ update interfaces and gaps following insertion of a mirror """ for i, sg in enumerate(self.path(start=start), start=start): ifc, g, lcl_tfrm, rndx, z_dir = sg if i > start: ifc.apply_scale_factor(-1) if g: g.apply_scale_factor(-1) self.z_dir[i] = -z_dir
[docs] def get_rndx_and_imode(self): """ get list of signed refractive index and interact mode for sequence. """ central_wvl = self.opt_model['osp']['wvls'].reference_wvl rndx_and_imode = [] for i in range(len(self.rndx)): rndx = self.rndx[i][central_wvl] n = rndx if self.z_dir[i] > 0 else -rndx imode = self.ifcs[i].interact_mode rndx_and_imode += [(n, imode)] rndx_and_imode += [(n, imode)] return rndx_and_imode
[docs] def surface_label_list(self): """ list of surface labels or surface number, if no label """ labels = [] for i, s in enumerate(self.ifcs): if len(s.label) == 0: if i == self.stop_surface: labels.append('Stop') else: labels.append(str(i)) else: labels.append(s.label) return labels
[docs] def list_model(self, path=None): cvr = 'r' if self.opt_model.radius_mode else 'c' print(" {} t medium mode zdr" " sd".format(cvr)) labels = self.surface_label_list() path = self.path() if path is None else path prev_z_dir = 1 for i, sg in enumerate(path): ifc, gap, _, _, z_dir = sg s = self.list_surface_and_gap(ifc, gp=gap) if gap is not None: s.append(z_dir) else: s.append(prev_z_dir) fmt = "{0:>5s}: {1:12.6f} {2:#12.6g} {3:>9s} {4:>10s} {6:2n}" if s[4] is not None: # if the sd is not None... fmt += " {5:#10.5g}" print(fmt.format(labels[i], *s)) prev_z_dir = z_dir
[docs] def list_model_old(self): cvr = 'r' if self.opt_model.radius_mode else 'c' print(" {} t medium mode sd" .format(cvr)) for i, sg in enumerate(self.path()): ifc, g, _, _, _ = sg s = self.list_surface_and_gap(ifc, gp=g) fmt = "{0:2n}: {1:12.6f} {2:#12.6g} {3:>9s} {>10s}" if s[4] is not None: # if the sd is not None... fmt += " {5:#10.5g}" print(fmt.format(i, *s))
[docs] def list_gaps(self): for i, gp in enumerate(self.gaps): print(i, gp)
[docs] def list_surfaces(self): for i, s in enumerate(self.ifcs): print(i, s)
[docs] def list_surface_and_gap(self, ifc, gp=None): """Returns cvr, thi, med, imode, sd for input ifc and gap.""" cvr = ifc.profile_cv if self.opt_model.radius_mode: if cvr != 0.0: cvr = 1.0/cvr sd = ifc.surface_od() imode = ifc.interact_mode if ifc.interact_mode == 'reflect' else "" if gp is not None: thi = gp.thi med = else: thi = 0. med = '' return [cvr, thi, med, imode, sd]
[docs] def list_decenters(self, full=False): """List decenter data and gap separations. Arguments: full: lists all values if True, else only y offset and alpha tilt """ fmt0a = (" thi medium/mode type x" " y alpha beta gamma") fmt0b = (" thi medium/mode type y" " alpha") fmt1a = ("{:6s} {:>10s} {:>14s} {:#10.5g} {:#10.5g}" " {:#10.5g} {:#10.5g} {:#10.5g}") fmt1b = ("{:6s} {:>10s} {:>14s} {:#10.5g}" " {:#10.5g}") fmt1c = "{:6s} {:>10s}" fmt2 = "{:6s} {:#12.6g} {:>9s}" # print header if full: print(fmt0a) else: print(fmt0b) for i, sg in enumerate(self.path()): ifc, gap, lcl_tfrm, rndx, z_dir = sg idx = f"{i:5n}:" imode = (ifc.interact_mode if ifc.interact_mode != 'transmit' else "") if ifc.decenter is not None: d = ifc.decenter if full: print(fmt1a.format(idx, imode, d.dtype, d.dec[0], d.dec[1], d.euler[0], d.euler[1], d.euler[2])) else: print(fmt1b.format(idx, imode, d.dtype, d.dec[1], d.euler[0])) idx = f"{'':5s} " elif gap is None: # final interface, just list interact_mode print(fmt1c.format(idx, imode)) if gap: print(fmt2.format(idx, gap.thi,
[docs] def list_sg(self): """List decenter data and gap separations. """ cvrd = 'r' if self.opt_model.radius_mode else 'c' fmt0a = (" {} mode type" " y alpha") fmt0b = (" t medium") fmt1 = ("{:>5s}: {:#12.6g} {:>10s} {:>14s} {:#10.5g}" " {:#10.5g}") fmt2 = ("{:>5s}: {:#12.6g} {:>10s}") fmt3 = (" {:#12.6g} {:>9s}") # print header print(fmt0a.format(cvrd)) print(fmt0b) labels = self.surface_label_list() for i, sg in enumerate(self.path()): ifc, gap, lcl_tfrm, rndx, z_dir = sg s = self.list_surface_and_gap(ifc, gap) s.append(z_dir) cvr, thi, med, imode, sd, z_dir = s if ifc.decenter is not None: d = ifc.decenter print(fmt1.format(labels[i], cvr, imode, d.dtype, d.dec[1], d.euler[0])) else: print(fmt2.format(labels[i], cvr, imode)) if gap: print(fmt3.format(gap.thi,
[docs] def list_elements(self): for i, gp in enumerate(self.gaps): if != 'air': print(self.ifcs[i].profile, self.ifcs[i+1].profile, gp)
[docs] def listobj_str(self): o_str = "" stop_idx = self.stop_surface for i, sg in enumerate(self.path()): ifc, gap, lcl_tfrm, rndx, z_dir = sg if stop_idx is not None and i == stop_idx: o_str += f'{i} (stop): ' + ifc.listobj_str() else: o_str += f'{i}: ' + ifc.listobj_str() if gap is not None: gap_str = gap.listobj_str() semicolon_indx = gap_str.find(';') o_str += (gap_str[:semicolon_indx] + f" ({int(z_dir):+})" + gap_str[semicolon_indx:] + '\n') o_str += f'\ndo apertures: {self.do_apertures}' return o_str
[docs] def trace_fan(self, fct, fi, xy, num_rays=21, **kwargs): """ xy determines whether x (=0) or y (=1) fan """ osp = self.opt_model.optical_spec fld = osp.field_of_view.fields[fi] wvl = self.central_wavelength() foc = osp.defocus.get_focus() rs_pkg, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(self.opt_model, fld, wvl, foc) fld.chief_ray = cr_pkg fld.ref_sphere = rs_pkg # Use the central wavelength reference image point for the wavefront error calculations ref_img_pt = rs_pkg[0] wvls = osp.spectral_region fans_x = [] fans_y = [] fan_start = np.array([0., 0.]) fan_stop = np.array([0., 0.]) fan_start[xy] = -1.0 fan_stop[xy] = 1.0 fan_def = [fan_start, fan_stop, num_rays] max_rho_val = 0.0 max_y_val = 0.0 rc = [] for wi, wvl in enumerate(wvls.wavelengths): rc.append(wvls.render_colors[wi]) rs_pkg, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(self.opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, image_pt=ref_img_pt) fld.chief_ray = cr_pkg fld.ref_sphere = rs_pkg fan = trace.trace_fan(self.opt_model, fan_def, fld, wvl, foc, img_filter=lambda p, ray_pkg: fct(p, xy, ray_pkg, fld, wvl, foc), **kwargs) f_x = [] f_y = [] for p, y_val in fan: f_x.append(p[xy]) f_y.append(y_val) if abs(p[xy]) > max_rho_val: max_rho_val = abs(p[xy]) if abs(y_val) > max_y_val: max_y_val = abs(y_val) fans_x.append(f_x) fans_y.append(f_y) fans_x = np.array(fans_x) fans_y = np.array(fans_y) return fans_x, fans_y, (max_rho_val, max_y_val), rc
[docs] def trace_grid(self, fct, fi, wl=None, num_rays=21, form='grid', append_if_none=True, **kwargs): """ fct is applied to the raw grid and returned as a grid """ osp = self.opt_model.optical_spec wvls = osp.spectral_region wvl = self.central_wavelength() wv_list = wvls.wavelengths if wl is None else [wvl] fld = osp.field_of_view.fields[fi] foc = osp.defocus.get_focus() rs_pkg, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(self.opt_model, fld, wvl, foc) fld.chief_ray = cr_pkg fld.ref_sphere = rs_pkg grids = [] grid_start = np.array([-1., -1.]) grid_stop = np.array([1., 1.]) grid_def = [grid_start, grid_stop, num_rays] for wi, wvl in enumerate(wv_list): grid = trace.trace_grid(self.opt_model, grid_def, fld, wvl, foc, form=form, append_if_none=append_if_none, img_filter=lambda p, ray_pkg: fct(p, wi, ray_pkg, fld, wvl, foc), **kwargs) grids.append(grid) rc = wvls.render_colors return grids, rc
[docs] def trace_wavefront(self, fld, wvl, foc, num_rays=32): def wave(p, ray_pkg, fld, wvl, foc): x = p[0] y = p[1] if ray_pkg is not None: fod = self.opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod opd = waveabr.wave_abr_full_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, fld.chief_ray, fld.ref_sphere) opd = opd/self.opt_model.nm_to_sys_units(wvl) else: opd = 0.0 return np.array([x, y, opd]) rs_pkg, cr_pkg = trace.setup_pupil_coords(self.opt_model, fld, wvl, foc) fld.chief_ray = cr_pkg fld.ref_sphere = rs_pkg grid_start = np.array([-1., -1.]) grid_stop = np.array([1., 1.]) grid_def = (grid_start, grid_stop, num_rays) grid = trace.trace_grid(self.opt_model, grid_def, fld, wvl, foc, img_filter=lambda p, ray_pkg: wave(p, ray_pkg, fld, wvl, foc), form='grid') return grid
# def set_clear_apertures(self): # def rd(v): # """ take 2d length of input vector v """ # return np.sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]) # if self.get_num_surfaces() > 2: # fields_df = trace.trace_all_fields(self.opt_model) # # a) Select the inc_pt data from the unstacked result and # # transpose so that intrfcs are the index # inc_pts = fields_df.unstack()['inc_pt'].T # # b) applymap() is used to apply the function rd() to each # # element in the dataframe # inc_pts_rd = inc_pts.applymap(rd) # # c) apply max() function to each row (i.e. across columns, # # axis=1) # semi_ap = inc_pts_rd.max(axis=1) # for s, max_ap in zip(self.ifcs[1:-1], semi_ap[1:-1]): # s.set_max_aperture(max_ap)
[docs] def set_clear_apertures_paraxial(self): ax_ray, pr_ray, _ = self.opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'] for i, ifc in enumerate(self.ifcs): sd = abs(ax_ray[i][0]) + abs(pr_ray[i][0]) ifc.set_max_aperture(sd)
[docs] def set_clear_apertures(self): rayset = trace.trace_boundary_rays(self.opt_model, use_named_tuples=True) for i, s in enumerate(self.ifcs): max_ap = -1.0e+10 update = True for f in rayset: for p in f: ray = p.ray if len(ray) > i: ap = sqrt(ray[i].p[0]**2 + ray[i].p[1]**2) if ap > max_ap: max_ap = ap else: # ray failed before this interface, don't update update = False if update: s.set_max_aperture(max_ap)
[docs] def trace(self, pt0, dir0, wvl, **kwargs): return rt.trace(self, pt0, dir0, wvl, **kwargs)
[docs] def compute_global_coords(self, glo=1): """ Return global surface coordinates (rot, t) wrt surface glo. """ tfrms = [] r, t = np.identity(3), np.array([0., 0., 0.]) prev = r, t tfrms.append(prev) if glo > 0: # iterate in reverse over the segments before the # global reference surface step = -1 seq = itertools.zip_longest(self.ifcs[glo::step], self.gaps[glo-1::step]) ifc, gap = after = next(seq) # loop of remaining surfaces in path while True: try: b4_ifc, b4_gap = before = next(seq) zdist = gap.thi r, t = trns.reverse_transform(ifc, zdist, b4_ifc) t = prev[0].dot(t) + prev[1] r = prev[0].dot(r) prev = r, t tfrms.append(prev) after, ifc, gap = before, b4_ifc, b4_gap except StopIteration: break tfrms.reverse() seq = itertools.zip_longest(self.ifcs[glo:], self.gaps[glo:]) b4_ifc, b4_gap = before = next(seq) prev = np.identity(3), np.array([0., 0., 0.]) # loop forward over the remaining surfaces in path while True: try: ifc, gap = after = next(seq) zdist = b4_gap.thi r, t = trns.forward_transform(b4_ifc, zdist, ifc) t = prev[0].dot(t) + prev[1] r = prev[0].dot(r) prev = r, t tfrms.append(prev) before, b4_ifc, b4_gap = after, ifc, gap except StopIteration: break return tfrms
[docs] def compute_local_transforms(self, seq=None, step=1): """ Return forward surface coordinates (r.T, t) for each interface. """ tfrms = [] if seq is None: seq = itertools.zip_longest(self.ifcs[::step], self.gaps[::step]) b4_ifc, b4_gap = before = next(seq) while before is not None: try: ifc, gap = after = next(seq) except StopIteration: tfrms.append((np.identity(3), np.array([0., 0., 0.]))) break else: zdist = step*b4_gap.thi r, t = trns.forward_transform(b4_ifc, zdist, ifc) rt = r.transpose() tfrms.append((rt, t)) before, b4_ifc, b4_gap = after, ifc, gap return tfrms
[docs] def find_matching_ifcs(self): rot_tols = dict(atol=1e-14, rtol=1e-8) tols = dict(atol=1e-14, rtol=1e-14) matches = [] for i, gi in enumerate(self.gbl_tfrms): i1 = i+1 for j, gj in enumerate(self.gbl_tfrms[i1:], start=i1): if ( np.allclose(gi[0], gj[0], **rot_tols) and np.allclose(gi[1], gj[1], **tols) ): print(f'coincident surfs: {i} - {j}') matches.append((i, j)) return matches
[docs]def gen_sequence(surf_data_list, **kwargs): """ create a sequence iterator from the surf_data_list Args: surf_data_list: a list of lists containing: [curvature, thickness, refractive_index, v-number] **kwargs: keyword arguments Returns: (**ifcs**, **gaps**, **rndx**, **lcl_tfrms**, **z_dir**) """ ifcs = [] gaps = [] rndx = [] lcl_tfrms = [] z_dir = [] for surf_data in surf_data_list: s, g, zdir, rn, tfrm = create_surface_and_gap(surf_data, **kwargs) ifcs.append(s) gaps.append(g) rndx.append(rn) lcl_tfrms.append(tfrm) z_dir.append(zdir) ifcs[-1].interact_mode = 'dummy' n_before = 1.0 z_dir_before = 1 for i, s in enumerate(ifcs): z_dir_after = copysign(1, z_dir_before) n_after = np.copysign(rndx[i], n_before) if s.interact_mode == 'reflect': n_after = -n_after z_dir_after = -z_dir_after n_before = n_after rndx[i] = n_after z_dir_before = z_dir_after z_dir[i] = z_dir_after seq = itertools.zip_longest(ifcs, gaps[:-2], lcl_tfrms, rndx, z_dir) return seq
[docs]def create_surface_and_gap(surf_data, radius_mode=False, prev_medium=None, wvl=550.0, **kwargs): """ create a surface and gap where `surf_data` is a list that contains: [curvature, thickness, refractive_index, v-number, semi-diameter] The `curvature` entry is interpreted as radius if `radius_mode` is **True** The `thickness` is the signed thickness The `refractive_index, v-number` entry can have several forms: - **refractive_index, v-number** (numeric) - **refractive_index** only -> constant index model - **glass_name, catalog_name** as 1 or 2 strings - an instance with a `rindex` attribute - **air**, str -> om.Air - blank -> defaults to om.Air - **'REFL'** -> set interact_mode to 'reflect' The `semi-diameter` entry is optional. It may also be entered using the `sd` keyword argument. """ s = surface.Surface() if radius_mode: if surf_data[0] != 0.0: = 1.0/surf_data[0] else: = 0.0 else: = surf_data[0] z_dir = 1 sd_indx = None num_inputs = len(surf_data) if num_inputs > 2: # look for medium data, possibly followed by sd last_k = 3 # assume medium with 1 input if num_inputs >= 5: # 2 input medium plus sd last_k = 4 sd_indx = 4 elif num_inputs == 4: # 2 inputs left if type(surf_data[2]) == type(surf_data[3]): # if same type, assume 2 medium inputs, no sd last_k = 4 else: # different types, assume 1 medium input and sd last_k = 3 sd_indx = 3 try: # Feed the right number of inputs into decode_medium if last_k == 3: mat = medium.decode_medium(surf_data[2]) else: mat = medium.decode_medium(surf_data[2], surf_data[3]) except ValueError: if isinstance(surf_data[2], str): # string args if surf_data[2].upper() == 'REFL': s.interact_mode = 'reflect' mat = prev_medium z_dir = -1 if sd_indx: s.set_max_aperture(surf_data[sd_indx]) else: # only curvature and thickness entered, set material to air mat = om.Air() if kwargs.get('sd', None) is not None: s.set_max_aperture(kwargs.get('sd')) thi = surf_data[1] g = gap.Gap(thi, mat) rndx = mat.rindex(wvl) tfrm = np.identity(3), np.array([0., 0., thi]) return s, g, z_dir, rndx, tfrm