Source code for rayoptics.zemax.zmx2ro

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2020 Michael J. Hayford
"""Post processing functions for Zemax import

.. Created on Mon Aug 10 18:17:55 2020

.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford
import numpy as np
from opticalglass import opticalmedium as om
import rayoptics.elem.profiles as profiles
import rayoptics.elem.surface as surface

[docs]def apply_fct_to_sm(opt_model, fct, start=None, stop=None, step=None): """Iterate in reverse over seq_model.ifcs. Override if needed.""" sm = opt_model.seq_model start = len(sm.ifcs)-1 if start is None else start stop = 0 if stop is None else stop step = -1 if step is None else step num_changes = 0 for cur in range(start, stop, step): if fct(opt_model, cur): num_changes += 1 return num_changes
[docs]def convert_to_bend(opt_model, cur): """Scan the zemax import for tilted mirrors and convert to BEND types.""" sm = opt_model.seq_model ifc = sm.ifcs[cur] if ifc.interact_mode == 'reflect': ifc_p = sm.ifcs[cur-1] ifc_f = sm.ifcs[cur+1] if (ifc_p.z_type == 'COORDBRK' and ifc_f.z_type == 'COORDBRK'): if np.array_equal(ifc_f.decenter.euler, ifc_p.decenter.euler): ifc.decenter = ifc_p.decenter ifc.decenter.dtype = 'bend' sm.remove(cur+1, prev=True) sm.remove(cur-1) return True return False
[docs]def convert_to_dar(opt_model, cur): """Scan the zemax import for tilted surfs and convert to DAR types.""" sm = opt_model.seq_model if cur < len(sm.ifcs)-1: ifc = sm.ifcs[cur] ifc_p = sm.ifcs[cur-1] ifc_f = sm.ifcs[cur+1] if (ifc_p.z_type == 'COORDBRK' and ifc_f.z_type == 'COORDBRK'): acum_dec = ifc_f.decenter.dec + ifc_p.decenter.dec acum_euler = ifc_f.decenter.euler + ifc_p.decenter.euler if np.all(acum_dec == 0) and np.all(acum_euler == 0): ifc.decenter = ifc_p.decenter ifc.decenter.dtype = 'dec and return' sm.remove(cur+1, prev=True) sm.remove(cur-1) return True return False
[docs]def collapse_coordbrk(opt_model, cur): """Attempt to apply the cur COORDBRK to an adjacent real interface.""" sm = opt_model.seq_model ifc_cb = sm.ifcs[cur] if ifc_cb.z_type == 'COORDBRK': if ifc_cb.decenter.dtype == 'reverse': ifc = sm.ifcs[cur-1] prev = True else: ifc = sm.ifcs[cur+1] prev = False if ifc.decenter is not None: return False else: ifc.decenter = ifc_cb.decenter sm.remove(cur, prev=prev) return True return False
[docs]def remove_null_sg(opt_model, cur): """Remove sg with planar profile and an adjacent zero thickness air gap.""" sm = opt_model.seq_model ifc = sm.ifcs[cur] if is_null_ifc(ifc): prev = None cur_gap = False if len(sm.gaps)-1 < cur else True prev_gap = True if 0 < cur else False if cur_gap and is_null_gap(sm.gaps[cur]): prev = False elif prev_gap and is_null_gap(sm.gaps[cur-1]): prev = True if prev is not None: sm.remove(cur, prev=prev) return True return False
[docs]def is_null_ifc(ifc): if isinstance(ifc, surface.Surface): if isinstance(ifc.profile, profiles.Spherical): if ( == 0 and ifc.decenter is None and ifc.interact_mode == 'transmit' ): return True return False
[docs]def is_null_gap(gap): if gap.thi == 0 and isinstance(gap.medium, om.Air): return True else: return False