Source code for rayoptics.zemax.zmxread

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2020 Michael J. Hayford

.. Created on Fri Jul 31 15:40:21 2020

.. codeauthor: Michael J. Hayford
import logging
import math
import requests

from rayoptics.elem.surface import (DecenterData, Circular, Rectangular,
from rayoptics.elem import profiles
from rayoptics.seq.medium import GlassHandlerBase
from rayoptics.raytr.opticalspec import Field
from rayoptics.util.misc_math import isanumber
import rayoptics.zemax.zmx2ro as zmx2ro
from rayoptics.oprops import doe
import rayoptics.oprops.thinlens as thinlens

from opticalglass import glassfactory as gfact
from opticalglass import modelglass as mg
from opticalglass import opticalmedium as om
from opticalglass import glasserror
from opticalglass import util

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_fh = logging.FileHandler('zmx_read_lens.log', mode='w', delay=True)

_glass_handler = None
_cmd_not_handled = None
_track_contents = None

[docs] def read_lens_file(filename, **kwargs): """ given a Zemax .zmx filename, return an OpticalModel It appears that Zemax .zmx files are written in UTF-16 encoding. Test against what seem to be common encodings. If other encodings are used in 'files in the wild', please add them to the list. Args: filename (pathlib.Path): a Zemax .zmx file path kwargs (dict): keyword args passed to the reader functions Returns: an OpticalModel instance and a info tuple """ global _track_contents if 'encoding' in kwargs: encodings = kwargs['encoding'] if isinstance(encodings, str): encodings = encodings, else: # default list of encodings to try encodings = ['utf-16', 'utf-8', 'utf-8-sig', 'iso-8859-1'] for decode in encodings: try: with as file: inpt = except UnicodeError: pass else: break opt_model, info = read_lens(filename, inpt, **kwargs) _track_contents['encoding'] = decode return opt_model, info
[docs] def read_lens_url(url, **kwargs): ''' given a url to a Zemax file, return an OpticalModel ''' global _track_contents r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True) apparent_encoding = r.apparent_encoding r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding inpt = r.text opt_model, info = read_lens(None, inpt, **kwargs) _track_contents['encoding'] = apparent_encoding return opt_model, info
[docs] def read_lens(filename, inpt, **kwargs): ''' given inpt str of a Zemax .zmx file, return an OpticalModel ''' import rayoptics.optical.opticalmodel as opticalmodel global _glass_handler, _cmd_not_handled, _track_contents _cmd_not_handled = util.Counter() _track_contents = util.Counter() # create an empty optical model; all surfaces will come from .zmx file opt_model = opticalmodel.OpticalModel(do_init=False) input_lines = inpt.splitlines() _glass_handler = ZmxGlassHandler(filename) for i, line in enumerate(input_lines): process_line(opt_model, line, i+1) post_process_input(opt_model, filename, **kwargs) _glass_handler.save_replacements() _track_contents.update(_glass_handler.track_contents) opt_model.update_model() info = _track_contents, _glass_handler.glasses_not_found return opt_model, info
[docs] def process_line(opt_model, line, line_no): global _glass_handler, _cmd_not_handled, _track_contents sm = opt_model['seq_model'] osp = opt_model['optical_spec'] cur = sm.cur_surface if not line.strip(): return line = line.strip().split(" ", 1) cmd = line[0] inputs = len(line) == 2 and line[1] or "" if cmd == "UNIT": dim = inputs.split()[0] if dim == 'MM': dim = 'mm' elif dim == 'IN' or dim == 'INCH': dim = 'inches' opt_model['system_spec'].dimensions = dim elif cmd == "NAME": opt_model['system_spec'].title = inputs.strip("\"") elif cmd == "NOTE": opt_model.note = inputs.strip("\"") elif cmd == "VERS": _track_contents["VERS"] = inputs.strip("\"") elif cmd == "SURF": s, g = sm.insert_surface_and_gap() # set type to Standard, some files don't have a Type command s.z_type = 'STANDARD' elif cmd == "CURV": s = sm.ifcs[cur] if hasattr(s, 'profile'): = float(inputs.split()[0]) elif cmd == "DISZ": g = sm.gaps[cur] g.thi = float(inputs) elif _glass_handler(sm, cur, cmd, inputs): pass elif cmd == "STOP": sm.set_stop() elif cmd == "WAVM": # WAVM 1 0.55000000000000004 1 sr = osp.spectral_region inputs = inputs.split() new_wvl = float(inputs[1])*1e+3 if new_wvl not in sr.wavelengths: sr.wavelengths.append(new_wvl) sr.spectral_wts.append(float(inputs[2])) # needs check # WAVL 0.4861327 0.5875618 0.6562725 # WWGT 1 1 1 elif cmd == "WAVL": sr = osp.spectral_region sr.wavelengths = [float(i)*1e+3 for i in inputs.split() if i] elif cmd == "WWGT": sr = osp.spectral_region sr.spectral_wts = [float(i)*1e+3 for i in inputs.split() if i] elif pupil_data(opt_model, cmd, inputs): pass elif field_spec_data(opt_model, cmd, inputs): pass elif handle_types_and_params(opt_model, cur, cmd, inputs): pass elif handle_aperture_data(opt_model, cur, cmd, inputs): pass elif cmd in ("OPDX", # opd "RAIM", # ray aiming "CONF", # configurations "PUPD", # pupil "EFFL", # focal lengths "MODE", # mode "HIDE", # surface hide "MIRR", # surface is mirror "PARM", # aspheric parameters "SQAP", # square aperture? "XDAT", "YDAT", # xy toroidal data "OBNA", # object na "PKUP", # pickup "MAZH", "CLAP", "PPAR", "VPAR", "EDGE", "VCON", "UDAD", "USAP", "TOLE", "PFIL", "TCED", "FNUM", "TOL", "MNUM", "MOFF", "FTYP", "SDMA", "GFAC", "PUSH", "PICB", "ROPD", "PWAV", "POLS", "GLRS", "BLNK", "COFN", "NSCD", "GSTD", "DMFS", "ISNA", "VDSZ", "ENVD", "ZVDX", "ZVDY", "ZVCX", "ZVCY", "ZVAN", "WWGN", "WAVN", "MNCA", "MNEA", "MNCG", "MNEG", "MXCA", "MXCG", "RGLA", "TRAC", "TCMM", "FLOA", "PMAG", "TOTR", "SLAB", "POPS", "COMM", "PZUP", "LANG", "FIMP", "COAT", ):'Line %d: Command %s not supported', line_no, cmd) else: # don't recognize this cmd, record # of times encountered _cmd_not_handled[cmd] += 1
[docs] def post_process_input(opt_model, filename, **kwargs): global _track_contents sm = opt_model['seq_model'] sm.gaps.pop() sm.z_dir.pop() sm.rndx.pop() if opt_model['system_spec'].title == '' and filename is not None: fname_full = filename.resolve() cat, fname =[-2:] title = "{:s}: {:s}".format(cat, fname) opt_model['system_spec'].title = title conj_type = 'finite' if math.isinf(sm.gaps[0].thi): sm.gaps[0].thi = 1e10 conj_type = 'infinite' _track_contents['conj type'] = conj_type sm.ifcs[0].label = 'Obj' sm.ifcs[0].interact_mode = 'dummy' sm.ifcs[-1].label = 'Img' sm.ifcs[-1].interact_mode = 'dummy' _track_contents['# surfs'] = len(sm.ifcs) # if DIAM records, turn off sm aperture setting if _track_contents.get('# clear ap', 0) > 0: sm.do_apertures = False do_post_processing = kwargs.get('do_postprocess', False) if do_post_processing: # everything is on by default if kwargs.get('do_bend', True): zmx2ro.apply_fct_to_sm(opt_model, zmx2ro.convert_to_bend) if kwargs.get('do_dar', True): zmx2ro.apply_fct_to_sm(opt_model, zmx2ro.convert_to_dar) if kwargs.get('do_remove_null_sg', True): zmx2ro.apply_fct_to_sm(opt_model, zmx2ro.remove_null_sg) if kwargs.get('do_collapse_cb', True): zmx2ro.apply_fct_to_sm(opt_model, zmx2ro.collapse_coordbrk) osp = opt_model['optical_spec'] sr = osp['wvls'] if len(sr.wavelengths) > 1: if sr.wavelengths[-1] == 550.0: sr.wavelengths.pop() sr.spectral_wts.pop() sr.reference_wvl = len(sr.wavelengths)//2 _track_contents['# wvls'] = len(sr.wavelengths) fov = osp['fov'] _track_contents['fov'] = fov.key max_fld, max_fld_idx = fov.max_field() fov.value = max_fld fov.fields = [f for f in fov.fields[:max_fld_idx+1]] _track_contents['# fields'] = len(fov.fields) # switch vignetting definition to asymmetric vly, vuy style # need to verify this is how this works for f in fov.fields: # I think this is probably "has one has all", but we'll test all TBS if hasattr(f, 'vcx') and hasattr(f, 'vdx'): f.vlx = f.vcx + f.vdx f.vux = f.vcx - f.vdx if hasattr(f, 'vcy') and hasattr(f, 'vdy'): f.vly = f.vcy + f.vdy f.vuy = f.vcy - f.vdy fov.is_wide_angle = fov.check_is_wide_angle()
[docs] def log_cmd(label, cmd, inputs): logger.debug("%s: %s %s", label, cmd, str(inputs))
[docs] def handle_types_and_params(optm, cur, cmd, inputs): global _track_contents if cmd == "TYPE": ifc = optm.seq_model.ifcs[cur] typ = inputs.split()[0] # useful to remember the Type of Zemax surface ifc.z_type = typ _track_contents[typ] += 1 if typ == 'EVENASPH': cur_profile = ifc.profile new_profile = profiles.mutate_profile(cur_profile, 'EvenPolynomial') ifc.profile = new_profile elif typ == 'TOROIDAL': cur_profile = ifc.profile new_profile = profiles.mutate_profile(cur_profile, 'YToroid') ifc.profile = new_profile elif typ == 'XOSPHERE': cur_profile = ifc.profile new_profile = profiles.mutate_profile(cur_profile, 'RadialPolynomial') ifc.profile = new_profile elif typ == 'COORDBRK': ifc.interact_mode = 'dummy' ifc.decenter = DecenterData('decenter') elif typ == 'PARAXIAL': ifc = thinlens.ThinLens() ifc.z_type = typ optm.seq_model.ifcs[cur] = ifc elif typ == 'DGRATING': ifc.phase_element = doe.DiffractionGrating() ifc.z_type = typ optm.seq_model.ifcs[cur] = ifc elif cmd == "CONI": _track_contents["CONI"] += 1 ifc = optm.seq_model.ifcs[cur] cur_profile = ifc.profile if not hasattr(cur_profile, 'cc'): ifc.profile = profiles.mutate_profile(cur_profile, 'Conic') = float(inputs.split()[0]) elif cmd == "PARM": ifc = optm.seq_model.ifcs[cur] i, param_val = inputs.split() i = int(i) param_val = float(param_val) if ifc.z_type == 'COORDBRK': if i == 1: ifc.decenter.dec[0] = param_val elif i == 2: ifc.decenter.dec[1] = param_val elif i == 3: ifc.decenter.euler[0] = param_val elif i == 4: ifc.decenter.euler[1] = param_val elif i == 5: ifc.decenter.euler[2] = param_val elif i == 6: if param_val != 0: ifc.decenter.dtype = 'reverse' ifc.decenter.update() elif ifc.z_type == 'DGRATING': if i == 1: ifc.phase_element.grating_freq_um = param_val elif i == 2: ifc.phase_element.order = param_val elif ifc.z_type == 'EVENASPH': ifc.profile.coefs[i-1] = param_val elif ifc.z_type == 'PARAXIAL': if i == 1: ifc.optical_power = 1/param_val elif ifc.z_type == 'TOROIDAL': if i == 1: ifc.profile.rR = param_val elif i > 1: ifc.profile.coefs.append(param_val) elif cmd == "XDAT": ifc = optm.seq_model.ifcs[cur] inputs = inputs.split() i = int(inputs[0]) param_val = float(inputs[1]) if ifc.z_type == 'XOSPHERE': if i == 1: num_terms = param_val ifc.profile.coefs = [] elif i == 2: normalizing_radius = param_val if normalizing_radius != 1.0:'Normalizing radius not supported on extended surfaces') elif i >= 3: ifc.profile.coefs.append(param_val) else: return False return True
[docs] def handle_aperture_data(optm, cur, cmd, inputs): # DIAM 7.5 1 0 0 1 "" # FLAP 0 7.5 0 # CLAP 0 25.399999999999999 0 # OBDC 0.000000000000E+00 1.906000000000E+02 global _track_contents sm = optm.seq_model items = inputs.split() if cmd == "DIAM": ifc = sm.ifcs[cur] ca_val = float(items[0]) if ca_val == 0.0: ca_val = 1.0"Surf {cur}: zero value on DIAM input.") ca_type = int(items[1]) if hasattr(ifc, 'clear_apertures'): ca_list = ifc.clear_apertures if len(ca_list) == 0: ca = None if ca_type == 0: ca = Circular() elif ca_type == 1: ca = Circular() elif ca_type == 4: ca = Rectangular() _track_contents['non_circular_ca_type'] += 1 elif ca_type == 6: ca = Elliptical() _track_contents['non_circular_ca_type'] += 1 else: _track_contents['ca_type_not_recognized'] += 1 # print('ca_type', cur, ca_type, items[1]) return True if ca: _track_contents['# clear ap'] += 1 ca_list.append(ca) else: ca = ca_list[-1] ca.radius = ca_val ifc.set_max_aperture(ca_val) elif cmd == "OBDC": # appears to be aperture offsets, x and y ifc = sm.ifcs[cur] ca = ifc.clear_apertures[0] ca.x_offset = float(items[0]) ca.y_offset = float(items[1]) elif cmd == "FLAP": # Don't really understand how this is used... pass else: return False return True
[docs] def pupil_data(optm, cmd, inputs): # FNUM 2.1 0 # OBNA 1.5E-1 0 # ENPD 20 global _track_contents pupil = optm.optical_spec.pupil if cmd == 'FNUM': pupil.key = 'image', 'f/#' elif cmd == 'OBNA': pupil.key = 'object', 'NA' elif cmd == 'ENPD': pupil.key = 'object', 'epd' else: return False _track_contents['pupil'] = pupil.key pupil.value = float(inputs.split()[0]) log_cmd("pupil_data", cmd, inputs) return True
[docs] def field_spec_data(optm, cmd, inputs): # XFLN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # YFLN 0 8.0 1.36E+1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # FWGN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 # VDXN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # VDYN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # VCXN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # VCYN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # VANN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # older files (perhaps?) # XFLD 0 0 0 # YFLD 0 35 50 # FWGT 1 1 1 global _track_contents fov = optm.optical_spec.field_of_view if cmd == 'XFLN' or cmd == 'YFLN' or cmd == 'XFLD' or cmd == 'YFLD': attr = cmd[0].lower() elif cmd == 'FTYP': ftyp = int(inputs.split()[0]) _track_contents["FTYP"] = inputs if ftyp == 0: fov.key = 'object', 'angle' elif ftyp == 1: fov.key = 'object', 'height' elif ftyp == 2: fov.key = 'image', 'height' elif ftyp == 3: fov.key = 'image', 'real height' return True elif cmd == 'VDXN' or cmd == 'VDYN': attr = 'vd' + cmd[2].lower() elif cmd == 'VCXN' or cmd == 'VCYN': attr = 'vc' + cmd[2].lower() elif cmd == 'VANN': attr = 'van' elif cmd == 'FWGN' or cmd == 'FWGT': attr = 'wt' else: return False inputs = inputs.split() if len(fov.fields) < len(inputs): fov.fields += [Field(fov=fov) for f in range(len(fov.fields), len(inputs))] for i, inpt in enumerate(inputs): setattr(fov.fields[i], attr, float(inpt)) log_cmd("field_spec_data", cmd, inputs) return True
[docs] class ZmxGlassHandler(GlassHandlerBase): """Handle glass restoration during Zemax zmx import. This class relies on GlassHandlerBase to provide most of the functionality needed to find the requested glass or a substitute. """ def __call__(self, sm, cur, cmd, inputs): """ process GLAS command for fictitious, catalog glass or mirror""" if cmd == "GCAT": inputs = inputs.split() # Check catalog names, only add those we recognize for gc in inputs: try: gfact.get_glass_catalog(gc) except glasserror.GlassCatalogNotFoundError: continue else: self.glass_catalogs.append(gc) # If no catalogs were recognized, use the default set if len(self.glass_catalogs) == 0: self.glass_catalogs = gfact._cat_names self.track_contents["GCAT"] = inputs return True elif cmd == "GLAS": g = sm.gaps[cur] inputs = inputs.split() name = inputs[0] medium = None if name == 'MIRROR': sm.ifcs[cur].interact_mode = 'reflect' g.medium = sm.gaps[cur-1].medium self.track_contents[name] += 1 return True elif name == '___BLANK': nd = float(inputs[3]) vd = float(inputs[4]) if vd == 0: # Zemax treats Vd=0 as constant index g.medium = om.ConstantIndex(nd, f"n:{nd:.3f}") else: g.medium = mg.ModelGlass(nd, vd, om.glass_encode(nd, vd)) self.track_contents[name] += 1 return True elif isanumber(name): # process as a 6 digit code, no decimal point m = self.find_6_digit_code(name) if m is not None: g.medium = m self.track_contents['6 digit code'] += 1 return True else: # must be a glass type medium = self.find_glass(name, '') g.medium = medium return True else: return False