rayoptics.elem.transform module

Useful transforms for processing sequential models

compute_global_coords(seq_model, glo=1, origin=None)[source]

Return global surface coordinates (rot, t) wrt surface glo.

  • seq_model – sequential model

  • glo – global reference surface index

  • origin – None | (r_origin, t_origin)

The tuple (r_origin, t_origin) is the transform from the desired global origin to the global surface glo.

compute_local_transforms(seq_model, seq, step)[source]

Return forward surface coordinates (r.T, t) for each interface.

forward_transform(s1, zdist, s2)[source]

generate transform rotation and translation from s1 coords to s2 coords

reverse_transform(s2, zdist, s1)[source]

generate transform rotation and translation from s2 coords to s1 coords, applying transforms in the reverse order

cascade_transform(r_prev, t_prev, r_seg, t_seg)[source]

take the seg transform and cascade it with the prev transform

transfer_coords(r_seg, t_seg, pt_s1, dir_s1)[source]

take p and d in s1 coords of seg and transfer them to s2 coords

transform_before_surface(interface, ray_seg)[source]

Transform ray_seg from interface to previous seg.

  • interface – the Interface for the path sequence

  • ray_seg – ray segment exiting from interface


(b4_pt, b4_dir)

  • b4_pt - ray intersection pt wrt following seg

  • b4_dir - ray direction cosine wrt following seg

transform_after_surface(interface, ray_seg)[source]

Transform ray_seg from interface to following seg.

  • interface – the Interface for the path sequence

  • ray_seg – ray segment exiting from interface


(b4_pt, b4_dir)

  • b4_pt - ray intersection pt wrt following seg

  • b4_dir - ray direction cosine wrt following seg