rayoptics.raytr.raytrace module
Functions to support ray tracing a sequential optical model
- phase(ifc, inc_pt, d_in, normal, ifc_cntxt)[source]
apply phase shift to incoming direction, d_in, about normal
- trace(seq_model, pt0, dir0, wvl, **kwargs)[source]
fundamental raytrace function
- Parameters:
seq_model – the sequential model to be traced
pt0 – starting point in coords of first interface
dir0 – starting direction cosines in coords of first interface
wvl – wavelength in nm
- Returns:
(ray, op_delta, wvl)
ray is a list for each interface in path_pkg of these elements: [pt, after_dir, after_dst, normal]
pt: the intersection point of the ray
after_dir: the ray direction cosine following the interface
after_dst: after_dst: the geometric distance to the next interface
normal: the surface normal at the intersection point
op_delta - optical path wrt equally inclined chords to the optical axis
wvl - wavelength (in nm) that the ray was traced in
- trace_raw(path, pt0, dir0, wvl, eps=1e-12, check_apertures=False, intersect_obj=True, **kwargs)[source]
fundamental raytrace function
- Parameters:
path – an iterator containing interfaces and gaps to be traced. for each iteration, the sequence or generator should return a list containing: Intfc, Gap, Trfm, Index, Z_Dir
pt0 – starting point in coords of object interface
dir0 – starting direction cosines in coords of object interface
wvl – wavelength in nm
eps – accuracy tolerance for surface intersection calculation
check_apertures – if True, do point_inside() test on inc_pt
intersect_obj – if True, intersect the ray with the object, otherwise trace input ray coords directly.
pt_inside_fuzz – accuracy tolerance for aperture clipping check
- Returns:
(ray, op_delta, wvl)
ray is a list for each interface in path of these elements: [pt, after_dir, after_dst, normal]
pt: the intersection point of the ray
after_dir: the ray direction cosine following the interface
after_dst: the geometric distance to the next interface
normal: the surface normal at the intersection point
op_delta - optical path wrt equally inclined chords to the optical axis
wvl - wavelength (in nm) that the ray was traced in
- calc_optical_path(ray, path)[source]
computes equally inclined chords and path info for ray
- Parameters:
ray – ray data for traced ray
path – an iterator containing interfaces and gaps to be traced. for each iteration, the sequence or generator should return a list containing: Intfc, Gap, Trfm, Index, Z_Dir
- Returns:
ray_op - the optical path between the first and last optical surfaces