rayoptics.raytr.waveabr module
Wavefront aberration calculations
Functions for setting up and calculating wavefront aberrations for (fld, wvl, foc), including focus and image shift.
- calculate_reference_sphere(opt_model, fld, wvl, foc, chief_ray_pkg, image_pt_2d=None, image_delta=None)[source]
Compute the reference sphere for a defocussed image point at fld.
The local transform from the final interface to the image interface is included to facilitate infinite refernce sphere calculations.
- Parameters:
opt_model –
instancefld –
point for wave aberration calculationwvl – wavelength of ray (nm)
foc – defocus amount
chief_ray_pkg – input tuple of chief_ray, cr_exp_seg
image_pt_2d – x, y image point in (defocussed) image plane, if None, use the chief ray coordinate.
image_delta – x, y displacements from image_pt_2d in (defocussed) image plane, if not None.
- Returns:
tuple of image_pt, ref_dir, ref_sphere_radius, lcl_tfrm_last
- Return type:
- transfer_to_exit_pupil(interface, ray_seg, exp_dst_parax)[source]
Given the exiting interface and chief ray data, return exit pupil ray coords.
- Parameters:
interface – the exiting :class:’~.Interface’ for the path sequence
ray_seg – ray segment exiting from interface
exp_dst_parax – z distance to the paraxial exit pupil
- Returns:
(exp_pt, exp_dir, exp_dst)
exp_pt - ray intersection with exit pupil plane
exp_dir - direction cosine of the ray in exit pupil space
exp_dst - distance from interface to exit pupil pt
- eic_distance(r, r0)[source]
calculate equally inclined chord distance between 2 rays
- Parameters:
r – (p, d), where p is a point on the ray r and d is the direction cosine of r
r0 – (p0, d0), where p0 is a point on the ray r0 and d0 is the direction cosine of r0
- Returns:
distance along r from equally inclined chord point to p
- Return type:
- ray_dist_to_perp_from_pt(r, pt)[source]
compute distance along ray to perpendicular to pt.
- Parameters:
p – a ray, defined by point p and unit direction d
d – a ray, defined by point p and unit direction d
pt – point to cast perpendicular to
- Returns:
distance from p to perpendicular to pt
- Return type:
- ray_dist_to_perp_from_origin(r)[source]
compute distance along ray to perpendicular to the origin.
- Parameters:
p – a ray, defined by point p and unit direction d
d – a ray, defined by point p and unit direction d
- Returns:
distance from p to perpendicular to the origin
- Return type:
- dist_to_shortest_join(r1, r2)[source]
compute distance to pts at the closest join between 2 rays.
- Parameters:
r1 – ray 1, defined by point p1 and unit direction d1
r2 – ray 2, defined by point p2 and unit direction d2
- Returns: (p1_min, t1), (p2_min, t2)
p1_min: point on ray 1 at the closest join t1: distance from p1 to p1_min p2_min: point on ray 2 at the closest join t2: distance from p2 to p2_min
- wave_abr_full_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, chief_ray_pkg, ref_sphere)[source]
Given a ray, a chief ray and an image pt, evaluate the OPD.
The main references for the calculations are in the H. H. Hopkins paper Calculation of the Aberrations and Image Assessment for a General Optical System
- Parameters:
fod –
for object and image space refractive indicesfld –
point for wave aberration calculationwvl – wavelength of ray (nm)
foc – defocus amount
ray_pkg – input tuple of ray, ray_op, wvl
chief_ray_pkg – input tuple of chief_ray, cr_exp_seg
ref_sphere – input tuple of image_pt, ref_dir, ref_sphere_radius
- Returns:
OPD of ray wrt chief ray at fld
- Return type:
- wave_abr_pre_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, chief_ray_pkg, ref_sphere)[source]
Pre-calculate the part of the OPD calc independent of focus.
- wave_abr_calc(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, chief_ray_pkg, pre_opd_pkg, ref_sphere)[source]
Given pre-calculated info and a ref. sphere, return the ray’s OPD.
- wave_abr_full_calc_finite_pup(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, chief_ray_pkg, ref_sphere)[source]
Given a ray, a chief ray and an image pt, evaluate the OPD.
The main references for the calculations are in the H. H. Hopkins paper Calculation of the Aberrations and Image Assessment for a General Optical System
- Parameters:
fod –
for object and image space refractive indicesfld –
point for wave aberration calculationwvl – wavelength of ray (nm)
foc – defocus amount
ray_pkg – input tuple of ray, ray_op, wvl
chief_ray_pkg – input tuple of chief_ray, cr_exp_seg
ref_sphere – input tuple of image_pt, ref_dir, ref_sphere_radius
- Returns:
OPD of ray wrt chief ray at fld
- Return type:
- wave_abr_pre_calc_finite_pup(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, chief_ray_pkg, ref_sphere)[source]
Pre-calculate the part of the OPD calc independent of focus.
- wave_abr_calc_finite_pup(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, chief_ray_pkg, pre_opd_pkg, ref_sphere)[source]
Given pre-calculated info and a ref. sphere, return the ray’s OPD.
- wave_abr_full_calc_inf_ref(fod, fld, wvl, foc, ray_pkg, chief_ray_pkg, ref_sphere)[source]
Given a ray, a chief ray and an image pt, evaluate the OPD.
This set of functions calculates the wavefront aberration using an infinite reference sphere. The main references for the calculations are in the paper Dependence of the wave-front aberration on the radius of the reference sphere by Antonı́n Mikš.
- Parameters:
fod –
for object and image space refractive indicesfld –
point for wave aberration calculationwvl – wavelength of ray (nm)
foc – defocus amount
ray_pkg – input tuple of ray, ray_op, wvl
chief_ray_pkg – input tuple of chief_ray, cr_exp_seg
ref_sphere – input tuple of image_pt, ref_dir, ref_sphere_radius, lcl_tfrm_last
- Returns:
OPD of ray wrt chief ray at fld
- Return type: