rayoptics.seq package

Package for sequential modeling of optical systems

The seq subpackage provides core classes and functions for sequential optical modeling. A sequential optical model is a sequence of surfaces and gaps.

The sequential model has this structure

IfcObj  Ifc1  Ifc2  Ifc3 ... Ifci-1   IfcImg
     \  /  \  /  \  /             \   /
     GObj   G1    G2              Gi-1


There are N interfaces and N-1 gaps. The initial configuration has an object and image Surface and an object gap.

The Interface API supports implementation of an optical action, such as refraction, reflection, scatter, diffraction, etc. The Interface may be realized as a physical profile separating the adjacent gaps or an idealized object, such as a thin lens or 2 point HOE.

The Gap class maintains a simple separation (z translation) and the medium filling the gap. More complex coordinate transformations are handled through the Interface API.

Modules comprising the sequential optical modeling capability include:
